Comic Image Tutorial using G'mic Engrave Filter (PDF)
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Author:  Eureka [ Tue Jan 28, 2020 11:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Comic Image Tutorial using G'mic Engrave Filter (PDF)

teapot wrote:
Lovely creative work from everyone :paint

Three excellent variations Nidhogg!

I also especially like Issabella's architectural outcomes plus the girl in post #98 and dinasset's #87 Complex.

I'm remembering why I don't use G'mic much, it's very slow here but then this computer is quite old. This makes it hard to assess what changing a setting does. I'm wondering if the standalone G'mic would run faster than invoking it from gimp. Meanwhile I'm cropping the image to a small sample to play with the settings before running with them on the whole image.


Author:  Nidhogg [ Tue Jan 28, 2020 12:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Comic Image Tutorial using G'mic Engrave Filter (PDF)

Nicely done Eureka :coolthup
I have the same exact problem, with over 10 year-old computer(s) some of the G'mic filters can take a while to process.

Author:  teapot [ Tue Jan 28, 2020 2:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Comic Image Tutorial using G'mic Engrave Filter (PDF)

I think something has gone wrong with Eureka's post, it's quoting me but missing Eureka's comment so I don't think that image is meant to be there.

Author:  Wallace [ Tue Jan 28, 2020 2:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Comic Image Tutorial using G'mic Engrave Filter (PDF)

teapot wrote:
I think something has gone wrong with Eureka's post, it's quoting me but missing Eureka's comment.

Yes I agree teapot.
Something is not quite right.
Perhaps Eureka's posting options have inadvertently changed.
Often times,
the BBCode is disabled,
which can cause these issues when posting.

Author:  Nidhogg [ Tue Jan 28, 2020 2:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Comic Image Tutorial using G'mic Engrave Filter (PDF)

That explains the Déjà-vu I had seeing the image.

Author:  Eureka [ Fri Jan 31, 2020 7:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Comic Image Tutorial using G'mic Engrave Filter (PDF)

[quote="teapot"]I think something has gone wrong with Eureka's post, it's quoting me but missing Eureka's comment so I don't think that image is meant to be there.[/quote]
I had requested the step by step by tutorial with the paramaters etc for creating the effect on the picture of the little girl .
I copied a picture of a model and tried my hand as per the tutorial. I could get effect but it just so so.

Author:  teapot [ Sat Feb 01, 2020 12:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Comic Image Tutorial using G'mic Engrave Filter (PDF)

Eureka wrote:
teapot wrote:
I think something has gone wrong with Eureka's post, it's quoting me but missing Eureka's comment so I don't think that image is meant to be there.
I had requested the step by step by tutorial with the paramaters etc for creating the effect on the picture of the little girl .
I copied a picture of a model and tried my hand as per the tutorial. I could get effect but it just so so.

As you originally quoted me I'm not sure if you mean the girl in your post #121. Unlikely as she's not little so more likely you mean one of the kids on the previous page?

However I've saved my steps for the older girl who is in #121 and am happy to post them if that was the image you wanted.

As quoting isn't working for you then giving the post number from the top right corner would point out the image you mean.

Author:  Eureka [ Wed Feb 05, 2020 12:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Comic Image Tutorial using G'mic Engrave Filter (PDF)

[quote="Nidhogg"]Here's the comic image tut I promised for level_0, the aim is to creare somewhat similar styled image than the example(s) below, or some of the few first ones in my topic. You can, and I urge you to create new unique styles for yourself with the Engrave filter. It is extremely versatile, fun filter to play with and during the tutorial creation I saved myself even more presets.
Dear Niddhogg, Thanks for the step by step tutorial. I have one question: In Step four, the dialogue box for B and W Engrave shows it as" Caroon Engrave.
" Is Cartton Engrave" different from " Engrave"? Because I am not getting " Cartoon Engrave" in my PC Windows 10. e. I am having Samj's 2.10.

Author:  Nidhogg [ Wed Feb 05, 2020 12:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Comic Image Tutorial using G'mic Engrave Filter (PDF)

@Eureka, it is same filter. I only named the custom saved preset "Cartoon Engrave".

Author:  Eureka [ Thu Feb 06, 2020 1:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Comic Image Tutorial using G'mic Engrave Filter (PDF)

[quote="Nidhogg"]@Eureka, it is same filter. I only named the custom saved preset "Cartoon Engrave".[/quote]
Thank you.
Thank you very much for your tutorial.

Author:  Eureka [ Fri Feb 07, 2020 12:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Comic Image Tutorial using G'mic Engrave Filter (PDF)

Dear Niddhogg, Thanks for the step by step tutorial. I have one question: In Step four, the dialogue box for B and W Engrave shows it as" Caroon Engrave.
" Is Cartton Engrave" different from " Engrave"? Because I am not getting " Cartoon Engrave" in my PC Windows 10. e. I am having Samj's 2.10.
Dear Niddhogg, I am attaching a Engrave picture. I would like to have your comments, not praise but only comments on the defects.

model-2-7feb.jpg [ 203.71 KiB | Viewed 5877 times ]

Author:  Nidhogg [ Fri Feb 07, 2020 12:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Comic Image Tutorial using G'mic Engrave Filter (PDF)

I would use bigger image, you get more engraving lines that way.
It's lot about the engrave settings, after writing the tutorial I have created many custom presets that look much better.
If you have high coherence it will look more like a real old engrave effect but I prefer to keep it low. And because it was cartoon/comics workflow.

Here's a pic of 2 settings I have created later. Just play around, it's the only way to get the result you like.


Author:  Eureka [ Sat Feb 08, 2020 12:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Comic Image Tutorial using G'mic Engrave Filter (PDF)

Nidhogg wrote:
I would use bigger image, you get more engraving lines that way.
It's lot about the engrave settings, after writing the tutorial I have created many custom presets that look much better.

Dear friend, Thank you for your comments. The picture was 600 x ?
I would like to know what coherence means and what it does
So also Edge
I wanted to ahve as far as possible longer lines and not short or broken lines.
I added color by creating new layer , keeping the picture layer also visible, I painted portions of the picture in New layer and changed its Mode: Overlay. I merged this down. Now I created new layer and painted some portions of the picture with another color and after changing the mode to 'Overlay ' ann adjusting the Opacity and I merged it down. I know this is not a very good method. But with limited knowledge and no expertise I have done this.
Thank you for sparing your time to post your comments.
- Eureka

Author:  dinasset [ Fri Feb 21, 2020 4:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Comic Image Tutorial using G'mic Engrave Filter (PDF)

3 variants:
ddqm8p9-c3c6aa67-ad60-4378-8fd7-52a81173f4d7 as a Gimp Comic effect, using style A (Nidhogg).jpg
ddqm8p9-c3c6aa67-ad60-4378-8fd7-52a81173f4d7 as a Gimp Comic effect, using style A (Nidhogg).jpg [ 244.54 KiB | Viewed 5583 times ]

ddqm8p9-c3c6aa67-ad60-4378-8fd7-52a81173f4d7 as a Gimp Comic effect, using style B (Nidhogg).jpg
ddqm8p9-c3c6aa67-ad60-4378-8fd7-52a81173f4d7 as a Gimp Comic effect, using style B (Nidhogg).jpg [ 198.88 KiB | Viewed 5583 times ]

ddqm8p9-c3c6aa67-ad60-4378-8fd7-52a81173f4d7 as a Gimp Comic effect, using style C (Nidhogg).jpg
ddqm8p9-c3c6aa67-ad60-4378-8fd7-52a81173f4d7 as a Gimp Comic effect, using style C (Nidhogg).jpg [ 196.16 KiB | Viewed 5583 times ]

Author:  dinasset [ Fri Feb 21, 2020 5:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Comic Image Tutorial using G'mic Engrave Filter (PDF)

A fourth one.
ddqm8p9-c3c6aa67-ad60-4378-8fd7-52a81173f4d7 as a Gimp Comic effect, using style D (Nidhogg).jpg
ddqm8p9-c3c6aa67-ad60-4378-8fd7-52a81173f4d7 as a Gimp Comic effect, using style D (Nidhogg).jpg [ 251.02 KiB | Viewed 5579 times ]

Author:  dinasset [ Fri Feb 21, 2020 5:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Comic Image Tutorial using G'mic Engrave Filter (PDF)

Why not me?
buck_the_irish_terrier_puppy_16_by_captain_art_hero_ddqvrhh-fullview as a Gimp Comic effect, using style D (Nidhogg).jpg
buck_the_irish_terrier_puppy_16_by_captain_art_hero_ddqvrhh-fullview as a Gimp Comic effect, using style D (Nidhogg).jpg [ 597.35 KiB | Viewed 5578 times ]

Author:  dinasset [ Fri Feb 21, 2020 7:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Comic Image Tutorial using G'mic Engrave Filter (PDF)

19950_en_1 as a Gimp Comic effect, using style D (Nidhogg).jpg
19950_en_1 as a Gimp Comic effect, using style D (Nidhogg).jpg [ 1.19 MiB | Viewed 5571 times ]

Author:  Nidhogg [ Fri Feb 21, 2020 7:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Comic Image Tutorial using G'mic Engrave Filter (PDF)

Nice results dinasset, the dogs especially. Haven't forgot the comic engrave, oh no.
Some time ago I created a bit different workflow, it has so far worked on all...babe images I've tried without having to preprocess the original image. One other thing I also noticed is that the AA setting (1.5, 2x or 3x) can have a quite big impact on the result.
Had to raise the G'mic preview timeout on my old machine to +60 when using 3x AA.
Here is a test run on same puppy image by Art Hero from DA.


Another play.


Author:  dinasset [ Fri Feb 21, 2020 9:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Comic Image Tutorial using G'mic Engrave Filter (PDF)

Thanks for the info, never changed so far the AA setting, I will do some tests (at first glance it seems to have the same effect as reducing the threshold)

Author:  dinasset [ Fri Feb 21, 2020 9:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Comic Image Tutorial using G'mic Engrave Filter (PDF)

OK, made my test on the wolf image.
Ourcome with standard AA setting
AAstd.jpg [ 1.19 MiB | Viewed 5564 times ]

Outcome with AA set to 3
AAset-to-3.jpg [ 1.25 MiB | Viewed 5564 times ]

It looks somehow "refined" but the process becomes very slow.

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