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More dollfacing

Sat Oct 26, 2019 7:06 am

I'm still dollfacing things - I know most other people would have got tired of it by now, but I'm just having more fun the more I learn. Here's the latest one, "Stuck in the middle with you".


Re: More dollfacing

Sat Oct 26, 2019 8:49 am

AnMal :wvy
It's beautiful! And everything is beautiful: the folds of clothing and reflections on it, the earrings, jewelry in the hair, fingers, and I do not see everything because your file is too small, even at 15cm from my screen I do not see well, it's too bad! :(
AnMal wrote:[align=center]I'm still dollfacing things - I know most other people would have got tired of it by now, but I'm just having more fun the more I learn.

where are the other dolls?

Re: More dollfacing

Sat Oct 26, 2019 11:04 am

AnMal, you have really done superb work and this one is excellent! Level-0 has really said it! I think the only thing I can add is the clarity you have accomplished with all the details, even with the smaller doll!

I am so glad to see you and Erisian posting again, I missed you.

Re: More dollfacing

Sat Oct 26, 2019 12:00 pm

level_0 wrote:AnMal :wvy
It's beautiful! And everything is beautiful: the folds of clothing and reflections on it, the earrings, jewelry in the hair, fingers, and I do not see everything because your file is too small, even at 15cm from my screen I do not see well, it's too bad! :(
AnMal wrote:[align=center]I'm still dollfacing things - I know most other people would have got tired of it by now, but I'm just having more fun the more I learn.

where are the other dolls?

You can right click/view image to see the larger size and you will see that AnMal didn't paint it but manipulated it from several images she found online. If you search in Gimp Art for her threads you should find her earlier work. :)

Re: More dollfacing

Sat Oct 26, 2019 2:04 pm

Anmal - like Pat, I'm so glad to see you posting again especially with the past influence you had on my work. Somehow I had a feeling inside me and a couple of days ago this appeared on my canvas ...

Re: More dollfacing

Sat Oct 26, 2019 3:51 pm

Pat 625: I'm glad to be posting again :). I have exhaustion syndrome and find any social activities, including online forums and social media, very tiring. I hope I can be a bit more active here again now. But I have to make it clear once and for all that I haven't painted this! I take photos of old paintings, make the faces into dollfaces like in my old tutorial here on GC, and then put them together to new images.

Level_0: Thank you for your comment! I hope you read Erisian's comment? I feel so ashamed that people should think I'm this good at painting that I couldn't even reply at first.

OMG: Wow! I want her hair!!! Nice job on that one - but have you been hanging out with Wallace a lot, by any chance? :hehe

Edit: So sorry! This is NOT Erisian writing, this is AnMal. My usually so clever and flawless husband had a moment of stupid and didn't log out (he was doing Gimp Chat from MY laptop, mind you) and I thought I was still logged in. Hope I haven't tricked anyone into thinking Erisian is me, he would never express himself with such clarity, grammatical correctness and rich and varied vocabulary. Not to mention sharp logic and wit!

Re: More dollfacing

Sun Oct 27, 2019 1:54 am

AnMal, :wvy you do not have to be ashamed Image
The manipulation of the image is super well done :clap
I will see your tutorials

(and I like your humor) :)

Re: More dollfacing

Sun Oct 27, 2019 3:27 pm

level_0: Thank you! :ffy Lucky for me, Erisian likes my humour too :).

Re: More dollfacing

Tue Oct 29, 2019 6:18 pm

AnMal wrote:My usually so clever and flawless husband had a moment of stupid and didn't log out (he was doing Gimp Chat from MY laptop, mind you) and I thought I was still logged in. Hope I haven't tricked anyone into thinking Erisian is me, he would never express himself with such clarity, grammatical correctness and rich and varied vocabulary. Not to mention sharp logic and wit!


Re: More dollfacing

Tue Oct 29, 2019 9:49 pm

Erisian wrote:
AnMal wrote:My usually so clever and flawless husband had a moment of stupid and didn't log out (he was doing Gimp Chat from MY laptop, mind you) and I thought I was still logged in. Hope I haven't tricked anyone into thinking Erisian is me, he would never express himself with such clarity, grammatical correctness and rich and varied vocabulary. Not to mention sharp logic and wit!


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