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Hipsters in history

Sun Nov 03, 2019 5:59 pm

(From the archives of HHA (Historical Hipsters Association):)
Portrait of Sir William Brodrick, 1614.
Sir William was fond of his beard pomade and scorned the more mainstream pearl earring to instead get earplugs with the skull and crossbones. He soon outgrew the motto of the Brodrick family ("My beer is greater than your beer"). and chose to ironically add three more (in turn: "Dowland is a sell-out" - after lutist and composer John Dowland was endorsed by the court; "Go kale or go home!" and finally "Stop gentrifying the New World"). It is to be understood that the mottos were not in themselves necessarily ironical, he just adopted them ironically.
He may have invented the macchiato before coffee was even a thing.

Re: Hipsters in history

Sun Nov 03, 2019 7:07 pm

One of my personal heroes! Well, not before I read this. But now: One of my personal heroes! Doing a virtual DNA cross match at this very moment. What he said about Dowland: Let those tears flow, baby! And the ring was passed on down the centuries to Keith Richard(s).

Re: Hipsters in history

Mon Nov 04, 2019 3:27 am

This historical hipster is quite cool - he could even be a 'hysterical hipster'. He seemed to stick with frilly collars long after they went out of style. I bet he liked shoe buckles?

Re: Hipsters in history

Mon Nov 04, 2019 3:46 am

Hello everyone
AnMal, with you, I increase my graphic and historical knowledge, and humor as a gift :)

Re: Hipsters in history

Mon Nov 04, 2019 4:19 am

AnMal wrote:(From the archives of HHA (Historical Hipsters Association):)
Portrait of Sir William Brodrick, 1614.
Sir William was fond of his beard pomade and scorned the more mainstream pearl earring to instead get earplugs with the skull and crossbones. He soon outgrew the motto of the Brodrick family ("My beer is greater than your beer"). and chose to ironically add three more (in turn: "Dowland is a sell-out" - after lutist and composer John Dowland was endorsed by the court; "Go kale or go home!" and finally "Stop gentrifying the New World"). It is to be understood that the mottos were not in themselves necessarily ironical, he just adopted them ironically.
He may have invented the macchiato before coffee was even a thing.

Piffle! He was a time traveller from the 20th century!!! :hoh

Re: Hipsters in history

Tue Nov 05, 2019 4:25 am

neurolurker: :hehe That's the spirit! Glad you appreciated this insight into hipster history.
Tas_Mania: :hehe Of course! He's surprised you knew that.
level_0: I'm the least trustworthy history teacher I know - but at least my illustrations are nice. :hehe
Erisian: :hoh Codswallop! It's an open secret that you are a time traveller from the 20th
century - man from 1932, hopelessly stuck here in our 21st century, without the skills to handle modern life... (okay, not -32 but -65. Same difference, you're still older than me!)

Re: Hipsters in history

Wed Nov 06, 2019 3:55 pm

:coolthup med me :hehe a bit.

Re: Hipsters in history

Thu Nov 07, 2019 8:57 am

lt03: Thank you :hehe
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