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Seeking Marbles.

Sun Jan 26, 2020 2:15 am

Just seeking marbles (12,000 to be exact, but who's counting) before I hit the sack. lol


ref: http://www.fontplay.com/freephotos/seve ... 406-05.jpg

https://www.flickr.com/photos/163034485 ... 23/sizes/o


Re: Seeking Marbles.

Sun Jan 26, 2020 3:15 am

Lyle, I like your creation with Marbles a lot. :clap

Re: Seeking Marbles.

Sun Jan 26, 2020 10:42 am

It's my goal in life now to find all of my missing marbles, Issabella. Alas, the more I find the more I lose. lolololol


Re: Seeking Marbles.

Sun Jan 26, 2020 11:40 am

lylejk wrote:It's my goal in life now to find all of my missing marbles, Issabella. Alas, the more I find the more I lose. lolololol


It comes with age Lyle! ;) Which filter(s) did you use? I really like the effect.

Re: Seeking Marbles.

Sun Jan 26, 2020 11:12 pm

Appreciate the words, Erisian and sorry for the belated reply; I do work full time on weekends so just got home a few minutes ago. Anyway, I did used Voronoi Stipper (too lazy to find that thread, but we've had many here at GIMPChat already) to create the 12000 dots. To turn those dots into marbles is the "secret sauce" that is to varied to really explain, but does start with G'MIC's Local Orientation preset (set to .05 smoothness) and then blurred and that result set to Grain Merge over the dots. That's most of the dimensional effect. As for the gloss, I used so many things (and PS filters) which again I do at the seat of my pants so to speak, but there's many ways to add gloss and reflections. Once I make the marbles glossing, I create a convolution layer (original photo I duplicate, run Bilateral smoothing and set that result to Grain Extract, I merge down and set the result to Grain Merge; that resulting layer is the convolution layer) to make the image look more like the original photo; only do this step on the dots. I then add reflections/drop shadows on the Onyx/granite background. I know; a bit vague; also I've used many other tricks in the past so it's all about how lazy I am as to what I end up doing. :)

Re: Seeking Marbles.

Sun Jan 26, 2020 11:20 pm

Good to know that you still have it, Lyle!

Re: Seeking Marbles.

Mon Jan 27, 2020 12:59 am

Thanks Pat; just wish I wasn't so wired after I get home; sometimes it's past 2am (my time) before I ever hit the sack. lol

Yeah; I'm trying to push out some stuff, but work does put a damper on that (for me anyway). Regardless, I've been on sort of a spree of late. Hopefully I can keep it up. :)

Re: Seeking Marbles.

Mon Jan 27, 2020 2:31 am

:coolthup marbles lylejk.
I'm not familiar with the Weighted Voronoi Stippler program, but I've been playing with StippleGen2 by Evil Mad Scientist.
The GUI is bit awkward and gets stuck often but it's not that huge problem.
I have an idea in mind for the coloring part, using the svg output but it's probably very slow.
Thanks for revealing some of the secret sauce anyway.

Re: Seeking Marbles.

Mon Jan 27, 2020 2:39 am

Once you get your dot mask, you can use G'MIC's Blend Shape Average (under my name in test; David kept this preset for me and forgot why he took it out of G'MIC Prime but I use this setting a lot for colorizing). Hope that extra bit of secret sauce further helps, Nidhogg. What I do is keep a copy of the mask, run Color>Threshold lowering the slider (brightens the mask) before feeding it into the preset. I then create a layer mask and copy the original mask into it to get rid of the aliasing (for smooth clean circles). :)
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