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experimenting on drawing effects: style G (now G2)

Sun Oct 25, 2020 2:52 am

I spent a lot of time in preparing/adjusting this style.
It started from an experiment conducted by Tin (with the help of Ofnuts) one year ago approx, but I don't remember exactly a link to it.
It creates a brush starting from a texture and applies it on the image following (rotation included) the borders of each selected colour area.
Unfortunately, during my tests I discovered that it's not well supported by the current version on Gimp: after some trials (5 to 10 usually), Gimp shuts down suddenly.
I tought it could be my environment, so I sent the experimental filter to my friend Issabella to have a double-check: she confermed the same bevaviour.
Then I tried also to install Partha version (I usually run Samj's version), but in that environment the performances are so bad (for this filter) that I could not procede with the tests.
Bottom line: I open this thread to follow my "special alphabet" philosophy of drawing filters, but it will remain "suspended" until I get a version of Gimp where no sudden shut-down occurs.

Re: experimenting on drawing effects: style G

Sun Oct 25, 2020 2:56 am

Just to see what we are talking about, I post here some outcomes.

2020-10-23 05-34-55 autumn_garden_by_callmenotwo_de7897b-pre on 13 areas, look of stroked paths, usingStone.jpg
2020-10-23 05-34-55 autumn_garden_by_callmenotwo_de7897b-pre on 13 areas, look of stroked paths, usingStone.jpg (404.66 KiB) Viewed 11216 times

2020-10-23 05-43-59 catch_me_at_the_seaside__8_by_beatablue_de78msz-fullview on 13 areas, look of stroked paths, usingGP_A_Textiler.png.jpg
2020-10-23 05-43-59 catch_me_at_the_seaside__8_by_beatablue_de78msz-fullview on 13 areas, look of stroked paths, usingGP_A_Textiler.png.jpg (396.4 KiB) Viewed 11216 times

Outcomes look different each other because of the source pattern used to create the brush.

Re: experimenting on drawing effects: style G

Sun Oct 25, 2020 5:31 am

Yes, you are right Diego. It's a pity that the new version of Gimp doesn't support the process of this nice drawing effect G.
Anyway, I post a few of my results in G effect.

Re: experimenting on drawing effects: style G

Sun Oct 25, 2020 5:32 am


Re: experimenting on drawing effects: style G

Sun Oct 25, 2020 6:03 am

Thanks a lot, Issabella, for the very nice outcomes.

Slowly, I still worked on the wip "suspended" filter.
A new outcome.
Source from Pixabay.

2020-10-25 11-43-05 girl-5368401_1920 on 10 areas, look of stroked paths, using pattern Stripes200.jpg
2020-10-25 11-43-05 girl-5368401_1920 on 10 areas, look of stroked paths, using pattern Stripes200.jpg (741.48 KiB) Viewed 11181 times

Re: experimenting on drawing effects: style G

Mon Oct 26, 2020 9:03 pm

It is a shame that there is an incompatibility. I like the lovely outcomes on most all of the images.

Re: experimenting on drawing effects: style G

Mon Oct 26, 2020 9:36 pm

Can you enlighten me on what you think is causing this to happen?

Re: experimenting on drawing effects: style G

Tue Oct 27, 2020 12:02 am

I guess it's on creating new temporary brushes, use them, then delete them, at each run.
And during tests you have a lot of runs...
I'm still working on that, hope to have a solution.

Re: experimenting on drawing effects: style G

Sat Oct 31, 2020 2:50 am

Only to recall this style.
Worked a lot on the procedure, reduced drastically the gimp "fatal errors" or simply "auto close", but still from time to time it happens.
Added also new strokes (new patterns which are transformed into brush strokes by the filter).

2020-10-31 08-47-20 ayo-ogunseinde-6W4F62sN_yI-unsplash on 15 areas, look of stroked paths, using pattern Stripes200px.jpeg
2020-10-31 08-47-20 ayo-ogunseinde-6W4F62sN_yI-unsplash on 15 areas, look of stroked paths, using pattern Stripes200px.jpeg (1.71 MiB) Viewed 11001 times

Re: experimenting on drawing effects: style G

Sat Oct 31, 2020 2:58 am

Same image, but stroking with a smaller generated brush.

2020-10-31 08-54-53 ayo-ogunseinde-6W4F62sN_yI-unsplash on 15 areas, look of stroked paths, using pattern Stripes200px.jpeg
2020-10-31 08-54-53 ayo-ogunseinde-6W4F62sN_yI-unsplash on 15 areas, look of stroked paths, using pattern Stripes200px.jpeg (1.69 MiB) Viewed 10997 times

Re: experimenting on drawing effects: style G

Sat Oct 31, 2020 3:48 am

so not available for 2.10 yet?

Re: experimenting on drawing effects: style G

Sat Oct 31, 2020 3:55 am

I prefer to wait for a release that does not cause Gimp to abort.
It would be a "poisonous" gift to the user.
In any case I will continue testing (and improving) it.
As I made today, I will tell when some significant step forward will be reached.

Re: experimenting on drawing effects: style G

Sun Nov 01, 2020 1:24 am

I like vegan Humans a lot.

2020-11-01 07-17-28 banteng-2330138 on 11 areas, look of stroked paths, using pattern GP_N_BlobsB.png (brushsize medium-large).jpeg
2020-11-01 07-17-28 banteng-2330138 on 11 areas, look of stroked paths, using pattern GP_N_BlobsB.png (brushsize medium-large).jpeg (1.74 MiB) Viewed 4365 times

Re: experimenting on drawing effects: style G

Sun Nov 01, 2020 1:55 am

What are you talking about?

2020-11-01 07-47-07 adler-4784740_1920 on 11 areas, look of stroked paths, using pattern GP_N_BlobsP.png (brushsize medium).jpeg
2020-11-01 07-47-07 adler-4784740_1920 on 11 areas, look of stroked paths, using pattern GP_N_BlobsP.png (brushsize medium).jpeg (1.31 MiB) Viewed 4362 times

Re: experimenting on drawing effects: style G

Sun Nov 01, 2020 2:02 am

Who is there?

2020-11-01 07-57-24 cat-2083492_1920 on 11 areas, look of stroked paths, using pattern GP_A_RoughLeather.png (brushsize medium).jpeg
2020-11-01 07-57-24 cat-2083492_1920 on 11 areas, look of stroked paths, using pattern GP_A_RoughLeather.png (brushsize medium).jpeg (1.63 MiB) Viewed 4361 times

Re: experimenting on drawing effects: style G

Sun Nov 01, 2020 2:21 am


2020-11-01 08-11-06 woman-837156_1920 on 11 areas, look of stroked paths, using pattern GP_B_EndGrain.png (brushsize small).jpeg
2020-11-01 08-11-06 woman-837156_1920 on 11 areas, look of stroked paths, using pattern GP_B_EndGrain.png (brushsize small).jpeg (1.65 MiB) Viewed 4359 times

Re: experimenting on drawing effects: style G

Sun Nov 01, 2020 9:46 am

What do you think, Sir?

2020-11-01 15-39-02 alpaca-5564306_960_720 on 9 areas, look of stroked paths, using pattern GP_B_FFsmPaveStone1b.png (brushsize medium-small).jpeg
2020-11-01 15-39-02 alpaca-5564306_960_720 on 9 areas, look of stroked paths, using pattern GP_B_FFsmPaveStone1b.png (brushsize medium-small).jpeg (1.39 MiB) Viewed 4315 times

Re: experimenting on drawing effects: style G

Mon Nov 02, 2020 10:46 am

Dinasset, I find your outcomes to be very nice. :yes
I have continued my tests with this style. :paint
Some images are more suitable than others, so they admit this style better. IMO
Also, I must say that there are still auto-close events by Gimp, but more rarely.
I post some of my results. Some of them I have applied to the black mask a selection with a gradient and played with layer modes, after that. :)

Re: experimenting on drawing effects: style G

Mon Nov 02, 2020 10:48 am


Re: experimenting on drawing effects: style G

Mon Nov 02, 2020 10:49 am

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