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WIP - Rose and Vine -MyPaint + Gimp (Update 2)

Thu Jun 20, 2013 10:39 pm

Okey so I was gonna wait until I finished but then I figured...eh why not post my process again?
So here it is, probably not the most exciting of my pictures but it's been fun to see that the "brushes" I use represent the tools I used in traditional media, like shading with one of the marker brushes then using the pencil brush like I would irl...It's interesting to see how much I'm like myself. xD

Okay so I sketched in MyPaint, somehow sketching with a brush that represent a pencil seems more natural to me, I don't know, it's just much easier that way.

I "inked" also in MyPaint, using the pen brush (the one that looks like an inking pen in the representation picture), but instead of black I'm going for a more color based look this time, so this will be like a combination of cartoonish and my less hardlined type styles to it.


I switched to Gimp, fixed a few missed "inked" spots and used the selection, bucket, and grow, tools to color the big areas, I also got the digbat font heart that I use for all my heart Lp's (like Crystal Love and Love can Shine in the Darkness) and stretched it out then alpha selected it and shrunk by 7 pixels and deleted the middle. I made each part (rose, leave, vine, etc..) on a seperate layer so I could shade in MyPaint using the lock alpha channel making it that I don't go outside the colors, it's kind of like having it selected with the selection tool in GIMP.

As of right now, this is what I'm up to; I started shading the rose and the leaves, using one of the marker brushes for the softer shadows then the pencil brush for the fine details and such.


Okey, here's some more progress!

I worked shading the vine using once again the marker and pencil brushes, I also tried to add some other colors to shade to make the surrounding colors appear to be casting a shadow...I'm not sure how well I pulled this off but I tried all the same. :lol
I also started on the flowers shading them and also making the rose shading a little deeper as well as trying to make the green of the leaves reflect off, I don't think I like that part, I might change it. There's still much to be done but it's coming along! (all the shading is in MyPaint so far)


Update 2:
I've switched to GIMP, I added texture to everything, lighting, and more shading/shadows, and started on the wooden heart. - I'm not sure if I like the texture on the heart yet or not! :hoh
I'm almost done!


Since these are process pictures they're .jpg, once I get to more detailed I might switch to .png since they look better, I'm pretty sure the final image will be a .png.
I hope you enjoy my thread!
Suggestions welcomed I'm always opened to hear, even if I don't use it here I'll keep in a mental files to possibly open later. ;D

~ God Bless ~

~ Moko

Re: WIP - Rose and Vine -MyPaint + Gimp

Fri Jun 21, 2013 5:26 am

Lovely work as usual Moko. I know the feeling of using a virtual pencil. I like the pencil preset in Gimp Paint Studio for loose sketching but I always use a plain round brush for a more precise drawing.

Re: WIP - Rose and Vine -MyPaint + Gimp

Fri Jun 21, 2013 6:27 am

mokonafan: i love it, moko! you get your vines and flowers so beautifully arranged, i'm not very good at that type of thing myself, so i'm a little jealous (not so much it really bothers me, though :) ) too. looking forward to seeing it finished and as usual it's fun reading how you do it.

Re: WIP - Rose and Vine -MyPaint + Gimp

Fri Jun 21, 2013 6:30 am

Another nicely done result Moko. Not sure if you are aware of the new inking ability of G'MIC and wonder how it would work for your drawing. See thread below. :)

http://www.flickr.com/groups/gmic/discu ... 088143230/

Re: WIP - Rose and Vine -MyPaint + Gimp

Fri Jun 21, 2013 6:40 am

I love your drawings Moko...you are very good at composition which means a lot in art. I am still trying to get used to the brushes in MyPaint.
Did you use colors to to your sketch? May I ask which brush you used to do that? Anyway, very lovely.

Re: WIP - Rose and Vine -MyPaint + Gimp

Fri Jun 21, 2013 7:03 am

Nice work Moko and I like the step by step progress.

Re: WIP - Rose and Vine -MyPaint + Gimp

Fri Jun 21, 2013 9:49 am

Mokonafan, Lovely detail so far, looking forward to your final result!

Re: WIP - Rose and Vine -MyPaint + Gimp

Fri Jun 21, 2013 11:39 am

Update in first post!!!

Erisian wrote:Lovely work as usual Moko. I know the feeling of using a virtual pencil. I like the pencil preset in Gimp Paint Studio for loose sketching but I always use a plain round brush for a more precise drawing.

Yay thank you! :D

I normally sketch with the pencil tool if I'm using MyPaint then "ink" with the "inking pen" brush, or I'll get a darker color on a new layer with the pencil tool like I would using a mechanical pencil over a normal pencil for final pencil lines before I ink/and-or color.

lylejk wrote:Another nicely done result Moko. Not sure if you are aware of the new inking ability of G'MIC and wonder how it would work for your drawing. See thread below. :)

http://www.flickr.com/groups/gmic/discu ... 088143230/

Welllllll I'm not done yettt! I'm glad you like it though. :P

I've never used G'MIC so no never heard of that option. xD
I'll take a look at the thread, though! ^_^

molly wrote:I love your drawings Moko...you are very good at composition which means a lot in art. I am still trying to get used to the brushes in MyPaint.
Did you use colors to to your sketch? May I ask which brush you used to do that? Anyway, very lovely.

Oooo thank you! :clap
I'm happy you think I'm good at composition. :D

I didn't quiet understand the colors question so I'll just say what I did. xD
I used blue to do the rose, then I made a new layer for the vine I used blue for the "stem" then for the flowers I used red, I used the blue to make a circle guideline for the flower petals.

I used the darker pencil tool - there are to pictures in the brush menu in the Set #2 section for brushes of a pencil and an eye the darker of the two is what I used.

AnMal wrote:mokonafan: i love it, moko! you get your vines and flowers so beautifully arranged, i'm not very good at that type of thing myself, so i'm a little jealous (not so much it really bothers me, though :) ) too. looking forward to seeing it finished and as usual it's fun reading how you do it.

Thank you! xD :P :D
I hope you like it when it's done!

he4rty wrote:Nice work Moko and I like the step by step progress.

Odinbc wrote:Mokonafan, Lovely detail so far, looking forward to your final result!

Thank you both! :D

Re: WIP - Rose and Vine -MyPaint + Gimp (Update 1)

Fri Jun 21, 2013 12:03 pm

Thank you Moko. I wish I knew more what the brushes do. I have tried so many of them and there are still tons I haven't tried.
I will see how that one works for me. Kudo's

Re: WIP - Rose and Vine -MyPaint + Gimp (Update 1)

Fri Jun 21, 2013 12:51 pm

You're welcome! :D

I haven't used most of them myself, I've kinda adopted the ones I liked. :lol
Which oddly are the same as things I use in traditional drawings. LOL
Creature of habit? :P

Re: WIP - Rose and Vine -MyPaint + Gimp (Update 1)

Fri Jun 21, 2013 12:55 pm

Great job and great drawing

Very good shading

Thanks for sharing the steps to create it

Re: WIP - Rose and Vine -MyPaint + Gimp (Update 1)

Fri Jun 21, 2013 12:56 pm

Very nice.

Re: WIP - Rose and Vine -MyPaint + Gimp (Update 1)

Fri Jun 21, 2013 1:15 pm

This is lovely. It reminds me of vintage tattoo's.

Re: WIP - Rose and Vine -MyPaint + Gimp (Update 2)

Fri Jun 21, 2013 1:18 pm

Thank you for the Kind comments I'm glad it's getting such positive feedback! :D

The Last update until finish is up, the next "update" will be the finished drawing in a new clean thread!

Re: WIP - Rose and Vine -MyPaint + Gimp (Update 2)

Fri Jun 21, 2013 5:19 pm

It's finished!
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