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Re: at last: the "make a paisley" thread!

Mon Aug 03, 2015 7:09 am

Very nice Issabella :) Lots of lovely colours.

Re: at last: the "make a paisley" thread!

Mon Aug 03, 2015 11:28 am

oldmangrumpy: :hi5 great outcome! i agree about ofnut's path tools. i've got rid of some old software on this hard drive, hopefully i'll now be able to install some scripts and plug-ins and if so i'll definitely have some of ofnut's path plug-ins. the big problem would be to choose between them! oh, and i love my new avatar too - erisian let me have one of his faces :).

issabella: a beauty. again, you got a lot of depth in your composition.

Re: at last: the "make a paisley" thread!

Mon Aug 03, 2015 2:56 pm

Thanks Sallyanne and AnMal. :)

Re: at last: the "make a paisley" thread!

Mon Aug 03, 2015 3:48 pm

Issabella - excellent composition and as for 'my design in paisleys', I think that as regular contributors, we all feed of each other. The imagination in any one image can easily become shared inspiration for all.

In fact your paisleys have just given me another idea! Lets face it I will never get away from this thread :hehe

Re: at last: the "make a paisley" thread!

Tue Aug 04, 2015 1:35 am

So I worked on that idea ...


Re: at last: the "make a paisley" thread!

Tue Aug 04, 2015 4:25 am

There's some awesome stuff going on here but I just had to comment on your latest, OMG. That is stunning!

Re: at last: the "make a paisley" thread!

Tue Aug 04, 2015 2:11 pm

OMG: All of your designs are truly magnificent!!! Each one of them should be a tutorial!

Re: at last: the "make a paisley" thread!

Tue Aug 04, 2015 3:34 pm

Erisian & Pat625 - many thanks, but as I have said previously it is GIMP and its script contributors that provide such brilliant tools - especially for those of us who cannot draw even a straight line! I just find exploring the options can deliver the results.

Maybe I have been looking at too many open cut mines but here is a 'blue mood paisley' - again featuring one of those wonderful paisley patterns from Anmal ...


Re: at last: the "make a paisley" thread!

Tue Aug 04, 2015 3:37 pm

oldmangrumpy wrote:So I worked on that idea ...

[ Image ]

This one is gorgeous OMG

Re: at last: the "make a paisley" thread!

Wed Aug 05, 2015 6:13 pm

Molly - thank you very much; :gimp

Pat625 - re 'depth in paisleys' and my quick tut. For Pat625 and anybody else who is interested, I want to "give equal time" to a couple of other scripts I use for similar effect.

Yes, the quick tut was based on Ofnuts path tools - I love them ...

There is another script from GnuTux (3D Extrude) which allows some different options such as extrude using a pattern ...


... and of course you can then pattern fill other bits!

And one from Graechan (Extrude from path) which includes brush options ...

...takes bit of experimenting to get brush option to work the way you want, but it is worth it. Top paisley uses a texture brush and in the bottom one Anmal should recognise one of her paisley brushes.

Pat625 - you will find both scripts in the registry if you wish to try them out.

Re: at last: the "make a paisley" thread!

Wed Aug 05, 2015 7:20 pm

OMG: Thank you very much. I located them and have them installed already! I have a lot of toys to play with now!

Re: at last: the "make a paisley" thread!

Wed Aug 05, 2015 11:37 pm

oldmangrumpy: so beautiful, all of them! the cold blue one and the one using 3d extrusion with pattern are perhaps my favourites, but i like them all. fun to see my old patterns and brushes used too :).
i've tried to get the path-inbetweener installed, as well as some other python plug-ins, but i suspect my grumpy old laptop is the problem here, because i simply can't get them to work. the extrusion scripts won't give quite the same effect i was after either, even if they are nice tools to have. ah well, that's life!
i comforted myself with some polished paisleys and used my old paisley cloud pattern as a background!


Re: at last: the "make a paisley" thread!

Thu Aug 06, 2015 1:02 am

AnMal: I was swimming today and as I floated on my back looking up at the sky, I could not believe the patterns of the clouds. I thought of you immediately! Since I had no camera with me, I tried to reproduce what I saw. This is no great work of art but I really am not one to see images in the clouds. If anyone heard me laughing to myself, they would think I am ready for the asylum!!
Paisley Clouds.jpg
Paisley Clouds.jpg (241.59 KiB) Viewed 1155 times

Re: at last: the "make a paisley" thread!

Thu Aug 06, 2015 2:42 am

That is a beauty AnMal. I love the polish!
I love the clouds Pat.

Re: at last: the "make a paisley" thread!

Thu Aug 06, 2015 12:02 pm

pat25: :mrgreen: this is so funny! i think it's selective perception - once you start thinking of paisleys you see them everywhere. i saw a wet spot on the dry road today and it was shaped exactly like a paisley. erisian has a soap bar that's almost used up - and of course it's shaped itself into a paisley. nice job on those clouds!

erisian: thank you! :smooch

Re: at last: the "make a paisley" thread!

Thu Aug 06, 2015 9:54 pm

I wanted to check out Graechan's script a bit more as I was having a couple of problems with brush settings. But once you get the hang of it you can get some 'cool' results ...


Some rope brushes ...

... and some pattern brushes (yes Anmal another one of yours!) ...

The more I explore, the more I find there is to explore. :)

Re: at last: the "make a paisley" thread!

Fri Aug 07, 2015 7:53 am

oldmangrumpy: :yes fun, fun, fun! i like the rope brushes a lot, they give a really nice texture to the extrusion. what would happen if you changed spacing on the paisley brush?

Re: at last: the "make a paisley" thread!

Fri Aug 07, 2015 3:50 pm

Anmal - as I am a 'brush neophyte', that is where I was having my original problems.

I initially spent some 35 minutes just getting GiMP error messages from the script. Eventually I managed to start to understand the relationship between brush size and spacing, even went over Greachan's original thread again, but as for angles of the brush ... that is something I have yet to understand and include. But yours does seem to move around a bit so I presume that is part of it's 'animated' properties ... I am still a 'neophyte' at present though! :)

I have done a few more paisley shaped images using some of Molly's fish brushes, with the spacing significantly extended and they look OK with gaps between the fish. As I said in the post above, I am apparently on a long journey - I keep learning but there is always so much more to learn.

Today though I will pursue the spacing/angles bits and also try out some similar ideas on Ofnuts paths scripts. I may post a few more examples, if that is OK, as I seem to be overwhlming your thread (again). :oops:

Re: at last: the "make a paisley" thread!

Sat Aug 08, 2015 4:54 am

oldmangrumpy: oh just post! it's great if people post their paisleys spontaneously in this thread, that means other people will feel they can do the same, and we have a good place for all the gimp paisley fun :).
i tried out some angles yesterday, but graechan's script has its own brush settings and doesn't work with brush dynamics. i got those error messages too, by the way, and had to think why it happened. i have made some really nice stuff with the script, but so far nothing i want to post - i'm waiting for the right paisley to come on its white horse :hehe

Re: at last: the "make a paisley" thread!

Sat Aug 08, 2015 5:53 am

OMG, your outcomes are always a resource of inspiration, at least for me. Please, drop your tests.
Which Graechan's script do you refer to?
I continue playing with paisleys, too but not always good outcomes. :)
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