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Re: Personal new plays (4-Aquilina108 with GMIC Contours)

Thu Jun 15, 2023 10:23 am

2023-06-15 16-32-13dcwmfgi-f3191a6a-c378-4ece-8131-576f38bc4707_portrait with a framed line art effect, styleEdges (coloured).jpg
2023-06-15 16-32-13dcwmfgi-f3191a6a-c378-4ece-8131-576f38bc4707_portrait with a framed line art effect, styleEdges (coloured).jpg (4.5 MiB) Viewed 509 times

2023-06-15 16-33-08dcwmfg7-d1d3a9a4-7968-4f77-8dad-0264ca036fad_portrait with a framed line art effect, styleGradient Norm JR (coloured).jpg
2023-06-15 16-33-08dcwmfg7-d1d3a9a4-7968-4f77-8dad-0264ca036fad_portrait with a framed line art effect, styleGradient Norm JR (coloured).jpg (3.53 MiB) Viewed 509 times

These two are really too light!

Re: Personal new plays (4-Aquilina108 with GMIC Contours)

Thu Jun 15, 2023 10:25 am

2023-06-15 16-48-06dcve7nn-aad2beee-7ded-4c4f-9782-50c8f255dbce_portrait with a framed line art effect, styleConvolve Laplacian (coloured).jpg
2023-06-15 16-48-06dcve7nn-aad2beee-7ded-4c4f-9782-50c8f255dbce_portrait with a framed line art effect, styleConvolve Laplacian (coloured).jpg (4.71 MiB) Viewed 509 times

2023-06-15 16-49-45dcve7m1-835533bb-7ac0-4563-a4b0-3e94790a67f6_portrait with a framed line art effect, styleConvolve Prewitt X+Y (coloured).jpg
2023-06-15 16-49-45dcve7m1-835533bb-7ac0-4563-a4b0-3e94790a67f6_portrait with a framed line art effect, styleConvolve Prewitt X+Y (coloured).jpg (3.25 MiB) Viewed 509 times

Re: Personal new plays (4-Aquilina108 with GMIC Contours)

Thu Jun 15, 2023 10:26 am

2023-06-15 16-50-40dcuss2p-7413cca9-cea1-46a7-a69b-92592d0a4f10_portrait with a framed line art effect, styleConvolve Sobel X+Y (coloured).jpg
2023-06-15 16-50-40dcuss2p-7413cca9-cea1-46a7-a69b-92592d0a4f10_portrait with a framed line art effect, styleConvolve Sobel X+Y (coloured).jpg (4.1 MiB) Viewed 509 times

2023-06-15 16-51-26dcusr9n-8bf1185d-c68d-43c4-96c1-c1b0dfaf3feb_portrait with a framed line art effect, styleConvolve Potinv X+Y (coloured).jpg
2023-06-15 16-51-26dcusr9n-8bf1185d-c68d-43c4-96c1-c1b0dfaf3feb_portrait with a framed line art effect, styleConvolve Potinv X+Y (coloured).jpg (3.7 MiB) Viewed 509 times

Re: Personal new plays (4-Aquilina108 with GMIC Contours)

Thu Jun 15, 2023 10:28 am

2023-06-15 16-52-18dcumz95-e8f388a1-7541-4427-8836-fa3e0993c122_portrait with a framed line art effect, styleConvolve Cross 1+2 (coloured).jpg
2023-06-15 16-52-18dcumz95-e8f388a1-7541-4427-8836-fa3e0993c122_portrait with a framed line art effect, styleConvolve Cross 1+2 (coloured).jpg (3.87 MiB) Viewed 509 times

2023-06-15 17-13-37dcumz9z-9abdbffc-0ae8-475b-b3ca-3f94b0c93115_portrait with a framed line art effect, styleThin_Edges (coloured).jpg
2023-06-15 17-13-37dcumz9z-9abdbffc-0ae8-475b-b3ca-3f94b0c93115_portrait with a framed line art effect, styleThin_Edges (coloured).jpg (3.5 MiB) Viewed 509 times

Re: Personal new plays (4-Aquilina108 with GMIC Contours)

Thu Jun 15, 2023 10:29 am

That's all, for now.
Likely I will modify something.

Re: Personal new plays (4-Aquilina108 with GMIC Contours)

Thu Jun 15, 2023 3:19 pm

Many of them are really good. Bright colours, too. :clap

Re: Personal new plays (4-Aquilina108 with GMIC Contours)

Sat Jun 17, 2023 4:49 am

Made some modifications to the procedures.
So I post examples of the outcomes of the current status.
2023-06-17 11-23-50dblcxv6-fc17a432-b92e-4abe-8395-1f18c211bc76_portrait with a framed line art effect (T), styleGradient Normalize (coloured).jpg
2023-06-17 11-23-50dblcxv6-fc17a432-b92e-4abe-8395-1f18c211bc76_portrait with a framed line art effect (T), styleGradient Normalize (coloured).jpg (2.44 MiB) Viewed 495 times

2023-06-17 11-25-25dblcx9q-df641b94-7f6a-4c17-9e48-c0601ed92ace_portrait with a framed line art effect (T), styleAfre Edge (coloured).jpg
2023-06-17 11-25-25dblcx9q-df641b94-7f6a-4c17-9e48-c0601ed92ace_portrait with a framed line art effect (T), styleAfre Edge (coloured).jpg (2.46 MiB) Viewed 495 times

2023-06-17 11-26-46dblcdfd-1165f0af-0c2f-4aea-b0a9-255e01b7884e_portrait with a framed line art effect (T), styleEdges (coloured).jpg
2023-06-17 11-26-46dblcdfd-1165f0af-0c2f-4aea-b0a9-255e01b7884e_portrait with a framed line art effect (T), styleEdges (coloured).jpg (5.06 MiB) Viewed 495 times

Re: Personal new plays (4-Aquilina108 with GMIC Contours)

Sat Jun 17, 2023 4:50 am

2023-06-17 11-27-49dbla424-8f23ea81-fb39-4231-a2a2-8d37347b595c_portrait with a framed line art effect (T), styleGradient Norm JR (coloured).jpg
2023-06-17 11-27-49dbla424-8f23ea81-fb39-4231-a2a2-8d37347b595c_portrait with a framed line art effect (T), styleGradient Norm JR (coloured).jpg (4.92 MiB) Viewed 495 times

2023-06-17 11-28-56dbl28pc-37e21d06-7bb3-442f-a4d3-0ed95f18be88_portrait with a framed line art effect (T), styleThin_Edges (coloured).jpg
2023-06-17 11-28-56dbl28pc-37e21d06-7bb3-442f-a4d3-0ed95f18be88_portrait with a framed line art effect (T), styleThin_Edges (coloured).jpg (1.88 MiB) Viewed 495 times

2023-06-17 11-37-07dbl28n4-7a86c964-d88b-4319-9505-45fc82c16a6e_portrait with a framed line art effect (T), styleConvolve Prewitt X (coloured).jpg
2023-06-17 11-37-07dbl28n4-7a86c964-d88b-4319-9505-45fc82c16a6e_portrait with a framed line art effect (T), styleConvolve Prewitt X (coloured).jpg (2.57 MiB) Viewed 495 times

Re: Personal new plays (4-Aquilina108 with GMIC Contours)

Sat Jun 17, 2023 4:52 am

2023-06-17 11-38-13dbl1jeh-2131f690-1f80-4867-96e7-4bd00c2994df_portrait with a framed line art effect (T), styleConvolve Sobel X (coloured).jpg
2023-06-17 11-38-13dbl1jeh-2131f690-1f80-4867-96e7-4bd00c2994df_portrait with a framed line art effect (T), styleConvolve Sobel X (coloured).jpg (3.08 MiB) Viewed 495 times

2023-06-17 11-39-26dbl2rrt-fbb4e19f-0484-4a55-9fdf-f9f3f21c73f2_portrait with a framed line art effect (T), styleConvolve Potinv X (coloured).jpg
2023-06-17 11-39-26dbl2rrt-fbb4e19f-0484-4a55-9fdf-f9f3f21c73f2_portrait with a framed line art effect (T), styleConvolve Potinv X (coloured).jpg (3.73 MiB) Viewed 495 times

2023-06-17 11-42-34dcb2hd2-7538d0c7-cc1f-43e1-a59f-c4827e3b6812_portrait with a framed line art effect (T), styleConvolve Laplacian (coloured).jpg
2023-06-17 11-42-34dcb2hd2-7538d0c7-cc1f-43e1-a59f-c4827e3b6812_portrait with a framed line art effect (T), styleConvolve Laplacian (coloured).jpg (4.5 MiB) Viewed 495 times

Re: Personal new plays (4-Aquilina108 with GMIC Contours)

Sat Jun 17, 2023 4:54 am

Last one.
2023-06-17 11-44-23dbv7we9-fcfa1831-de70-4634-bea2-b6660049c2f5_portrait with a framed line art effect (T), styleConvolve Prewitt X+Y (coloured).jpg
2023-06-17 11-44-23dbv7we9-fcfa1831-de70-4634-bea2-b6660049c2f5_portrait with a framed line art effect (T), styleConvolve Prewitt X+Y (coloured).jpg (3.41 MiB) Viewed 495 times

Re: Personal new plays (4-Aquilina108 with GMIC Contours)

Sat Jun 17, 2023 8:35 am

I like them. :clap
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