background and foreground: discussion of a little GIMPWork with b/w
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Author:  apollo [ Sun Jan 12, 2020 6:19 am ]
Post subject:  background and foreground: discussion of a little GIMPWork with b/w

hello dear all good day,

working on a little campaign i need to have a kind of a school- or classroom that functions as a kind of foil in the background where in the foreground i set a claim...

version a. Wir suchen die digitalsteschule Deutschlands.
es geht um unser Land

translated: were looking for the most digital school in Germany
its about our country.

classroom_version__a__wide_view_low_res.jpg [ 11.39 KiB | Viewed 1768 times ]

classroom_version_b_wide_view_low_res.jpg [ 19.79 KiB | Viewed 1768 times ]

version b. Wo ist die digitalste Schule Deutschlands
es geht um unser Land

translated: where is the most digital school in Germany
its about our country.

question: i want to know which image looks more convincing and nice. Which is better.
I have created several views on the version a. - small and narrow look and view and a more widescaled view

i have created one version of b:

i for one - like the version a. and especially the one with the narrow look - wehre we cannot see the full classroom.

what do you say - which one do you like most!?

love to hear from you
btw- have a great day

credits: photo taken with the consent of the author Clemens Vogelsang ... otostream/
photo published under the creative commons 2 see

File comment: version a
wir_suchen_die_digitalste_schule_deutschlands__full_size.jpg [ 4.5 MiB | Viewed 1768 times ]

Author:  apollo [ Sun Jan 12, 2020 6:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: background and foreground: discussion of a little GIMPWork with b

hi there

was not able to add the third image - the version a - narrow-view: - which i like most.

now i add this image here.

classroom_version_a_narrow_view_low_res.jpg [ 110.48 KiB | Viewed 1765 times ]

i look forward to hear from you


Author:  Nidhogg [ Sun Jan 12, 2020 8:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: background and foreground: discussion of a little GIMPWork with b

The classroom looks really dark, first I would make it brighter.
Never been a fan of placing text inside blocks, using Gimp's text tool I would type the quote on the bottom.
Centered, using some common font in same size and color for all the text.
Add a stroke and subtle shadow to make sure it doesn't blend with the image.

Author:  apollo [ Sun Jan 12, 2020 3:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: background and foreground: discussion of a little GIMPWork with b

hello dear Nidhogg,

first of all - many many thanks for the quick reply and for all idea-sharing. I am very glad to hear from you.

- youre right. the classroom is pretty dark. I guess that i have to make it a bit brighter.
- regarding the text block that i have placed in the center of the picture. You prefer placing the text to toe bottom - centered.

good idea.

what do you mean by
Nidhogg wrote:
adding a stroke and subtle shadow to make sure it doesn't blend with the image.

i will digg deeper and try out to go ahead - many many thanks for all you did.

have a great day.


Author:  Nidhogg [ Mon Jan 13, 2020 4:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: background and foreground: discussion of a little GIMPWork with b

Stroke is the line around text. It's a usual, simple technique to make text stand out or separate it from the background.

There is the layerfx plug-in, but I recommend Ofnuts'
It's almost on top, here:

Extract the zip archive and put the .py file in the Gimp user plug-ins folder.
You didn't mention your OS, in Windows (Gimp 2.10 series) that is:
In Linux:

Menu entry for the plug-in is Layer/Outline Layer Contents.
This is pretty simple plug-in, play with the settings and you'll soon find a pleasing result.
Note that it uses the active background color to stroke the path.

Just a quick example using Titillium font.


Author:  Mainah_Ayuh [ Mon Jan 13, 2020 8:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: background and foreground: discussion of a little GIMPWork with b


1) Brighten classroom using Colors/curves

2) Place text on front of classroom using text tool
with corbel bold font color white (ffff)

3) Add long shadow to text filters\light & shadow\
long shadow color blue (2747c7). Shadow length 3-4.5,
Angle 85 to 95 all other settings as is.

4) Position text using Unified Transform Tool.


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