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Script-fu Curve Bend

Mon Aug 19, 2019 4:43 pm


Apologies if this is the wrong area to post my question. I am looking for a tutorial to automate a workflow.
I am pretty much a Gimp Newbie. What I hope to achieve:

Begin with a single "base" image (It is a cross section of a tree trunk)

I want create X new images from the base image by passing random values to the Curve Bend filter

I want to create many (thousands) of variations of the base image by applying the Curve Bend filter, as well as maybe change rotation and image size.

Any advice would be appreciated

Re: Script-fu Curve Bend

Tue Aug 20, 2019 1:39 am

You don't need a tutorial to automate a workflow, you need to learn to code or find a a programmer to do it for you.

But I don't see the point of generating random images, this must a part of a bigger problem?

Re: Script-fu Curve Bend

Tue Aug 20, 2019 8:04 am

I am a developer. I am just very new to Gimp and I am trying to understand how Gimp can batch commands via .SCM files. I have a sample that I am working with and I have read the help documentation. I was just hoping someone had already created a similar workflow and was willing to share the code.

You are correct that this is part of a bigger problem. I need training data for a Semantic Segmentation (machine learning) use case. However, I do not have thousands or millions of images with which to train my algorithm. Fortunately for me, I can generate "synthetic" training data by taking the cross section of a log and modifying it several thousand times and then taking those generated images and stack them together into randomized "log piles". Since no two log piles are the same, this will be adequate for training a model.


Re: Script-fu Curve Bend

Wed Aug 21, 2019 3:47 am

Since you are in ML you are likely familiar with Python, and you can also write Python scripts for Gimp.

To call Gimp in batch mode:

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/444 ... 0#44435560

Some information:

https://www.gimp-forum.net/Thread-Debug ... in-Windows

Some samples (there are "GUI scripts", not batch scripts, but they show you how you can use the API:

http://sourceforge.net/projects/gimp-to ... s/scripts/

The Gimp Python doc:


For individual calls, Fileters>Python-fu>Console>Browse, and use the search bar.

Re: Script-fu Curve Bend

Wed Aug 21, 2019 9:26 am

Thank you!
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