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Re: Forum Layout

Mon May 14, 2012 8:43 am

If the blocks of boards were flipped, with the general index on top and the recents on the bottom, perhaps that would be friendlier to those new to the site and to Gimp? On my computer screen, only the recent posts show unless I scroll down.

Re: Forum Layout

Mon May 14, 2012 9:39 am

The newest posts need to be at the top 2-ton. I have been involved with other forums that were not set up that way and the spammers always had a hay day burying their spams deep down in the stack and harder to find. This way works out best for that.
I am still not happy with some of the stuff but that is just me, I am only one person so I just speak for myself.
I would like to go back a year when there were so many members joining in and sharing their tutorials and projects they were working on and it was great. When I joined GC, it was to do just that, I am not a programmer, or a compiler or will I ever be so. I just want to learn all about the great software called GIMP, I don't want to learn about building it. I also enjoy being a Global Moderator.
So, for now, I guess we will be staying put and it up to the people that want to just learn Gimp to do so by speaking out and asking what they don't know.
My two cents.

Re: Forum Layout

Mon May 14, 2012 10:45 am

I like it just the way it is
Thanks Tux

Re: Forum Layout

Mon May 14, 2012 1:09 pm

One idea may be to cap the number of recent posts from any particular sub forum, thus ensuring a more even spread of topics.

Re: Forum Layout

Mon May 14, 2012 10:39 pm

when I joined here, there were not that members yet, and not so many posts! It was easy to find old tuts and posts. Now it's gotten quite large and so much information is flowing through the boards! It's awesome how this site has maintained it's 'family' feeling even as it's grown so big. The tech stuff is a bit over my head, but it's still interesting and I hope I have been able to glean a tidbit of info from reading the posts, and it's always good to know that if I have some strange question, someone is bound to know the answer! I only wish I had time to try out all the tutorials and scripts.
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