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We have a new forum!

Mon Feb 26, 2024 9:34 pm

Our new forum is called the 'Gimp Brushes' forum under Resources. You will notice in the future many brushes posts will be moved there. It is our hope to make it easier for members & guests to find the resources they need. Hopefully you will contribute to this forum with any types of custom made brushes you have made. Thank you Wallace for creating it.

Re: We have a new forum!

Mon Feb 26, 2024 10:54 pm

sallyanne wrote:Our new forum is called the 'Gimp Brushes' forum under Resources.
You will notice in the future many brushes posts will be moved there.
It is our hope to make it easier for members & guests to find the resources they need.
Hopefully you will contribute to this forum with any types of custom made brushes you have made.
Thank you Wallace for creating it.

I guess it's about time.

Thanks also goes out to you Sallyanne and PixLab as well.
For suggesting that we could and probably should create such a forum.
Being stuck in old ways can be hard to break away from,
but I think we did it well this time.



Re: We have a new forum!

Tue Feb 27, 2024 4:15 am

A good idea. Should have been 'We have a new sub-forum' and maybe it will be populated with brush tragics who only want to talk brushes :) Maybe I will be one of them?

OMG. I just discovered I made the 'government housing brush'. That was during the global thing that starts with a 'P'. Things seem so much brighter now :) It gave me an idea - the mortgage belt McMansions brush. The bus stop full of cell phone readers brush....HELP!

Re: We have a new forum!

Tue Feb 27, 2024 7:40 am

A fantastic idea.

Re: We have a new forum!

Tue Feb 27, 2024 11:56 am

Erisian wrote:A fantastic idea.


Re: We have a new forum!

Tue Feb 27, 2024 12:55 pm

right on

Re: We have a new forum!

Fri Mar 01, 2024 7:15 am

That's super cool :coolthup
:clap :clap :jumpclap
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