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Sympathy for Our "Down Under" Members

Sun Nov 10, 2019 5:50 pm

Hope none of the "Down Under"
gimp chat members are affected
by these conditions.



Re: Sympathy for Our "Down Under" Members

Sun Nov 10, 2019 10:13 pm

Mainah_Ayuh - thanks for your thoughts.

It is extremely difficult not to be affected, even if only in an indirect way. Currently we have the four most populous states suffering from the worst drought ever, there are hundreds of 'bush fires' causing havoc, again the worst ever, and for tomorrow a statewide state of emergency has been declared. The temperature here in greater Sydney is set to be close to 40C, there will be wild winds across the eastern half of Oz and the Fire Services have classified the situation as 'Catastophic', basically meaning there is nothing they can do to stop it.

It is not even summer yet, there is no rain on the horizon and I hesitate to say anything about climate change here.

Re: Sympathy for Our "Down Under" Members

Mon Nov 11, 2019 1:01 am

I agree totally with OMG. Most of Australia has been slowly drying out due to an 'Indian Ocean dipole' that they didn't know existed a couple of years ago.
I'm surrounded by bush but I have a cleared area around my house and I can actually see the firestation. Even so that may not be enough because if the power failed I could not use the pumps....so I'm buying a petrol generator.
We humans are survivors but I feel sorry for the native animals.....

Re: Sympathy for Our "Down Under" Members

Mon Nov 11, 2019 1:17 am

I guess I had my head buried in the sand since I only knew of the California fires here in the states. Heart's out to you folk down under; stay safe.

Re: Sympathy for Our "Down Under" Members

Mon Nov 11, 2019 1:52 am

As OMG said it is hard not to be affected. I live on the Mid North Coast near Port Macquarie. Our National Parks are being devastated. It is estimated we have lost around 300 Koalas to the fires. There are many other native animals lost. Last Saturday the small area I live in was evacuated from our homes to a near by Club for safety. These fires are virtually uncontrollable, and as OMG said earlier tomorrow is forecast for another catastrophic day. Many schools are closing for the day, to ensure children can stay with their parents and hopefully safe.
I too am saying nothing about climate change on this site, it is not the right place.
To all my Aussie friends, stay safe, follow instructions.

Re: Sympathy for Our "Down Under" Members

Mon Nov 11, 2019 2:30 am

Been watching it on the evening news, wish strength and good fortune for all the Australian Gimpers.

Re: Sympathy for Our "Down Under" Members

Mon Nov 11, 2019 4:09 am

Seems to be fire or flood - swinging to extremes.
Getting harder to ignore the warnings alright.
Best of luck down-unders.

Re: Sympathy for Our "Down Under" Members

Mon Nov 11, 2019 2:49 pm

Well today is the day we were hoping would not arrive. As some posters here have highlighted our wildlife is suffering badly.

However, some stoic people up at Taree on our mid north coast, where the fires are extremely bad, are treating/caring for the burnt, homeless koalas and currently have 24 in their home ...

https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-11-12/ ... e/11693936

Re: Sympathy for Our "Down Under" Members

Tue Nov 12, 2019 4:36 am

I don't know what to say - this is awful! Best wishes to all who live there.

Re: Sympathy for Our "Down Under" Members

Tue Nov 12, 2019 5:32 am

I agree with Erisian, words fail me. Stay safe, all Aussie GC members, our thoughts are with you. Seeing people take koalas into their homes gives a good image of what this really means. I hope the flora and fauna surprises us in a good way - central Sweden, including my home province, was hit by devastating wildfires last summer and some of the wildlife is gone for good but we've seen signs the nature is recovering better than expected. That's what we'll have to hopefor Australia too!

Re: Sympathy for Our "Down Under" Members

Tue Nov 12, 2019 6:52 pm

Erisian and Anmal - thank you and I'm sure I speak for all Aussie Gimpers when I say we appreciate your sentiments.

Just related to this morning's status for my state, New South Wales, there are some sobering facts -

. The Fire Commissioner advised “They’re consuming an area of more than a million hectares” - that is 10,000 square kilometres or 3861 square miles.
. One blaze west of Coffs Harbour has a perimeter of 1000 kilometres
. 83 fires are still burning with 50 not contained
. 50 homes + many farm sheds, cars and farm equipment all burnt

And then of course there is the state of Queensland with similar problems.

And would you believe, south of Sydney, a 9 year old boy was caught starting a fire with a blow torch. Another fire in the middle of metropolitan Sydney was also believed to be the work of an arsonist. Strange world.

Re: Sympathy for Our "Down Under" Members

Tue Nov 12, 2019 11:05 pm

So sad that all these fires in Oz and California are so devasting.

Re: Sympathy for Our "Down Under" Members

Wed Nov 13, 2019 4:20 am

Feel for everyone in the affected areas. :( :(
Even in the Port Lincoln area in South Australia there was a fire for a couple days. Hoping no fire starts up in the Adelaide hills. (I have a daughter living there now) It has been really bad in the Adelaide hills before. And people will live in amongst the thick scrubland. Our temps are expected to rise later this week only to dry out the grass and trees - ready to burn

So far the only way I am affected is knowing I have a cousin who is one of the brilliant fire-fighters. He does the water drops from the air.

Re: Sympathy for Our "Down Under" Members

Wed Nov 13, 2019 10:59 pm

Definitely my last post on this topic as I'm starting to get angry ... a teenager has now been charged over a fire west of Yeppoon in Queensland, that he started at around 1.30pm on Saturday and which burnt through almost 12,000 hectares and also destroyed 14 homes and 28 sheds.

Re: Sympathy for Our "Down Under" Members

Thu Nov 14, 2019 3:00 am

There doesn't seem to be anywhere in our world that has been disaster free over the past year. Too many fires, droughts, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, and volcanoes. Did we really not have as much of the disasters so close together previously, or with today's technology, the entire world is informed immediately? My hopes and prayers go to all.

Re: Sympathy for Our "Down Under" Members

Fri Nov 15, 2019 4:00 am


Re: Sympathy for Our "Down Under" Members

Sat Nov 16, 2019 4:49 am

oldmangrumpy wrote:Definitely my last post on this topic as I'm starting to get angry ... a teenager has now been charged over a fire west of Yeppoon in Queensland, that he started at around 1.30pm on Saturday and which burnt through almost 12,000 hectares and also destroyed 14 homes and 28 sheds.

I don't have words for this ... :cry:

Re: Sympathy for Our "Down Under" Members

Sun Nov 17, 2019 4:58 am

Yes, I said in an above post it would definitely be my last ... but there are some very sobering, but sad if not devastating, facts available right now from the authorities, that further demonstrate the impact of these still burning bush fires.

In the state of New South Wales alone, some 476 homes have been lost and more than 1.65 million hectares have been burnt. Many of these fires are still classified as 'out of control'.

Re: Sympathy for Our "Down Under" Members

Wed Nov 20, 2019 1:43 am

I live in Hervey Bay QLD and relatively safe from fires but, it is never a guarantee.....If the Woodgate fire had jumped the banks of the Burrum River, many of us could have been in trouble. We had clear sky yesterday, the first for a while without smoke haze. Today, the sun has been clouded by what appears to be smoke haze yet again. We may have won a certain battle but the war against bush fires and arsonists is not over yet and we need to stay on guard. Woodgate is abut 50 KM's as the crow flies but t is a round about way to get there taking abut maybe an hour to get there from here by road. Fire doenst care about roads.

Re: Sympathy for Our "Down Under" Members

Sun Dec 01, 2019 5:26 pm

It just keeps going ... on and on and on. In this state of New South Wales alone over 2 million hectares burnt out, over 650 dwellings burnt down and in Queensland, Victoria and South Australia similar situations exist.

A 'go fund me' page for the Koala Hospital in Port Macquarie has raised over A$2 million for fauna care.

Today our south coast is taking a hit and the statistics are staggering as shown below in the fire authority Facebook page today
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