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Lucia crowning and celebration

Sun Dec 15, 2019 2:27 pm

Our Lucia for 2019- Wallace


It's time for the grand lucia ceremony. It will be very atmospheric.

First, picture that GimpChat is swept in a soft darkness. Then, stepping out of the darkness, picture a cat dressed in a long, white gown and a white cone-shaped hat and carrying a sort of wand with a big star on it. After that, a dollheaded figure in a white gown, wearing a wreath of lingonberry leaves and carrying a lit candle. Lastly, picture a small figure dressed in a santa hat and sporting a white moustache and beard. The first of the figures will be Nidhogg, who competed for the lucia-crown and came second. He is our starboy. The second figure is me, I came along because I love lucia processions. The third is Erisian, who will be a tomte (a tomte is either -or both- the Swedish version of Santa Claus and a gnome). He now takes center stage, lit by the lucia-maid's candle.

Erisian: "Lucia, we greet Thee, Thou guest from afar. Thy crown now will light us, like Bethlehem's star."
(That's a rough translation of a verse from the luciapageant from my old school. Needs to be read at high speed with a nervous pitch and a slight stutter. Not to mention an awkward local accent. in Erisian'scase that will be a WIltshire accent.)

A purple, eggshaped and bearded figure with glasses, dressed in white and with a blood read belt around its ... ehm equator, steps forth. He bows down in front of Erisian and gets the crown on his head.

Wallace: "Well may December be dark and cold, but now I will light it with blessings untold"
(Again, from the luciapageant at my old school. Wallace may be excused from the awkward accent, since he is the lucia, but I'm sure he will read with a slight, emotional stutter. This is a big moment!)

Now the dollheaded lucia-maid (yours truly) steps forward, and with her own candle lights the candles in the lucia crown.
(Dang, I didn't get a verse this time either! Not even when I arranged the whole thing myself. And my local accent is the awkwardest of all. Not fair!)

Our lucia is crowned! Now the music starts. here's the soundtrack:
The SanktaLucia-song on youtube


And here we stand, the Gimp Chat lucia - Wallace - and the attendants - Nidhogg the starboy (who is represented by his cat), AnMal the lucia-maid and Erisian the tomte. We may not be the weirdest lucia procession ever, but we can't be far off! We'll sing for you til you get tired of us, then Wallace will offer you some saffron buns and ginger bread from his big tray. We can all have some glögg (a lot like mulled wine or glühwein) and sing some Christmas songs together, and then we'll toddle off home and wish it was lucia again tomorrow.

Edit: Video link isn't working. I must figure out why and come back!
Edit 2: Link is working, even if I can't embed.

Re: Lucia crowning and celebration

Sun Dec 15, 2019 3:55 pm

AnMal, I love your renditions of stories and traditions! Your image of the ceremony is precious, and brings a smile as soon as viewed! The video is very nice and I kept looking to see what was going to keep the wax from dripping on the head! Oh, well. No one seemed to worry about it!

Re: Lucia crowning and celebration

Sun Dec 15, 2019 4:40 pm

I'm Honored.

Here's my solution to dripping wax.

Re: Lucia crowning and celebration

Sun Dec 15, 2019 5:06 pm

What happened? When you peeled off the dried wax, did your hair go with it?

Re: Lucia crowning and celebration

Sun Dec 15, 2019 5:17 pm

Pat625 wrote:What happened? When you peeled off the dried wax, did your hair go with it?


I only wish that were the case.
I'm as bald as a billiard ball,
well at least my GC avatar is.
I actually have a few good hairs left on my head.


Re: Lucia crowning and celebration

Mon Dec 16, 2019 5:46 pm

:hi5 :jumpclap :clap

Re: Lucia crowning and celebration

Mon Dec 16, 2019 7:50 pm

:hi5 :jumpclap :clap

Thank you Erisian.
It was enjoyable fun.


Re: Lucia crowning and celebration

Tue Dec 17, 2019 3:21 am

Goofy stuff, thanks for laughs :rofl

Re: Lucia crowning and celebration

Tue Dec 17, 2019 3:08 pm

Good for Wallace! :yes :bigthup

Re: Lucia crowning and celebration

Tue Dec 17, 2019 3:57 pm

Issabella wrote:Good for Wallace! :yes :bigthup

:jumpclap :jumpclap :jumpclap

Re: Lucia crowning and celebration

Wed Dec 18, 2019 3:36 pm

I love this thread! :)
AnMal, your humor is invigorating.

Re: Lucia crowning and celebration

Thu Dec 19, 2019 2:44 am

I think like Level. AnMal, you are so creative and ingenious with your creations but your nice ideas for this forum, too. Thanks :hi5

Re: Lucia crowning and celebration

Thu Dec 19, 2019 5:08 am

Congrats Wallace for the crowning :congrat and AnMal for the humor :lol

Re: Lucia crowning and celebration

Thu Dec 19, 2019 12:02 pm

Ella Louise wrote:Congrats Wallace for the crowning :congrat and AnMal for the humor :lol

Thank you Ella Louise,
it was good fun!


Re: Lucia crowning and celebration

Fri Dec 20, 2019 3:24 am

I've had more fun with the lucia thing than I deserve! :mrgreen: Thanks so much, Wallace and Nidhoog, for playing, and thanks to anyone who commented :).

Pat625: Thank you :). I'm glad you enjoyed it! About dripping wax: there are horror stories, like Nidhogg's about the poor lucia who stood in the rain with candle wax all over her face, or the lucia who had one string of wax dripping straight down her nose forming a small stalactite at the tip of the nose. And if you have lots of wax in your hair it's no fun getting it all out! But most of the time it's not really a problem. After my first time picing wax out of my hair we bought a special type of candles, with four channels in them, that was a good way of avoiding wax drips. And if you're in a room without much air movement in it and you just stand still it tends not to be much of a problem.

Wallace: I love the seasonal additions to your avatar. And no hair is an excellent solution, if you don't mind hot candle wax on your bare scalp...

Nidhogg: You're welcome :). Your cat made a nice starboy too, maybe you should make it a tradition, I'm sure Frida will love that... ;)

level_0: Hehe, thank you :)! I'm so glad you enjoyed it!

Issabella: Thank you! That's so sweet of you. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

EllaLouise: Thank you :)! I think Wallace makes a great lucia. Glad you enjoyed it!
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