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GIMP Filters Cheat Sheet

Mon Jan 20, 2020 3:45 pm

I wasn't sure where to place this. It's not a tutorial but I'm not sure if it's a resource, so it's here. Feel free to move it if there's a better place for it.

I stumbled upon this site of a GIMP filters cheat sheet. It's in 2 parts:
Link 1: https://alvinalexander.com/design/gimp- ... heat-sheet
Link 2: https://alvinalexander.com/design/gimp- ... mples-zeus

Re: GIMP Filters Cheat Sheet

Tue Jan 21, 2020 2:33 am

Thank you, very nice of you to share. It is helpful. When I was a noob I really would have appreciated this!!
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