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Wed Nov 25, 2020 12:09 am

Where are you, OMG?
One week silence...
Hope just visiting some fascinating country.

Re: oldmangrumpy?

Wed Nov 25, 2020 1:25 am

Diego - hopefully absence makes the heart grow fonder and thank you for caring. My wife had an operation last Wednesday and has been in recovery at the hospital for the last week. She was transferred to the rehab hospital today and will remain there for 2 more weeks. So my normal schedule has been disrupted, my 'spare' (i.e. Gimping time) is currently limited, but my cooking and cleaning are improving :hehe

Re: oldmangrumpy?

Wed Nov 25, 2020 1:36 am

A big hug to you and best wishes for your wife's health.

Re: oldmangrumpy?

Wed Nov 25, 2020 1:54 am

Sorry that your wife needed an operation. I hope she is recovering well. Prayers for your wife and family. (Add another hug to you and wife).

Re: oldmangrumpy?

Wed Nov 25, 2020 3:34 am

Hi OMG. I was listening to some Loreena McKennitt today in the ute and remembered you like Gimping to her music.

Re: oldmangrumpy?

Wed Nov 25, 2020 3:49 am

OMG; sorry to hear that news. Hopefully everything seems to go in the right direction to come back home soon.
My best wishes, OMG

Re: oldmangrumpy?

Wed Nov 25, 2020 8:07 am

Heart's out to you and your wife and am glad she's now recovering and hopefully well, OMG.

Re: oldmangrumpy?

Wed Nov 25, 2020 3:41 pm

Thank you all for your kind thoughts; back soon :)

Re: oldmangrumpy?

Wed Nov 25, 2020 8:49 pm

OMG wondered where you were and yes you have a good reason not to be around. Hope your wife rcovers soon and is recovering well too.

Re: oldmangrumpy?

Wed Nov 25, 2020 9:45 pm

My prayers and best wishes for your wife and you my friend. I know how you feel, my wife had breast cancer and went for surgery before the pandemic hit us. Thank God she has recuperated, I was very supported in the time of her recuperation and it was so hard for her mentally. Thank God for my wife, because she always been there for the Good and bad, and I always be for her.

So oldmangrumpy, be that husband in this moment that she really need you, to be there for her. Let her feeling talk and lend that ear to listen to anything she says. God bless you! :)
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