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Just to let friends know...

Sat Sep 03, 2022 10:41 pm

...I'm still alive.
Fall has come and climate is less hot, so good for me.
But I guess that the old dinasset is gone, no more interest in creating artistic effects in Gimp.
I will comment when I'll find something posted by other people in areas of interest for me.
So far I've seen a lot of activity on GEGL (which would have been of great interest in case I were still wanting to create filters) and on text effects, which are of no interest at all for me (since I started using Gimp).
A nice September to everybody.

Re: Just to let friends know...

Sun Sep 04, 2022 12:27 am

Dinasset, I am very sorry to hear that. When I first joined Gimp, you were among the ones that taught me things, and how to correct problems in photo images (especially perspective problems.) I love your filters! I have not participated for awhile due to my husband and I alternating having surgeries. It takes something out of you for awhile. I am trying to get going again!

Do whatever feels right for you. I sincerely hope to see you in the forum. I may need to call upon you for perspective help once in awhile!

Be well and keep safe!

Re: Just to let friends know...

Sun Sep 04, 2022 1:28 am

dinasset wrote:...I'm still alive.
Fall has come and climate is less hot, so good for me.
But I guess that the old dinasset is gone, no more interest in creating artistic effects in Gimp.
I will comment when I'll find something posted by other people in areas of interest for me.
So far I've seen a lot of activity on GEGL (which would have been of great interest in case I were still wanting to create filters) and on text effects, which are of no interest at all for me (since I started using Gimp).
A nice September to everybody.

Sorry to hear that Diego. Your contributions to the GNU community are at the very least going to be missed.
God bless you and everything you work to accomplish my friend. :bigthup

Re: Just to let friends know...

Sun Sep 04, 2022 1:43 am

Friend Dinasset,
It is really very hard for me to hear that you put yourself aside and not in front of this forum. Your experience and skill in so many fields of creativity and effects have helped many people (me among them). You have taught me to deal with the different aspects of graphic art, but also with the Gimp program.
But I want you to be happy and comfortable in this forum. Knowing that you will be there when we need your advice or want to intervene will be an extra gift.
Thank you my friend for so much that I have to thank you and also for your patience and your time dedicated to teaching.
I send you a warm hug my dear friend. :hugme

Re: Just to let friends know...

Sun Sep 04, 2022 2:17 am

Yes - take care and enjoy everything you do. It is good to know that you are well and I am sure that you will have many other interests to keep you busy - both Gimp and non-Gimp. Keep us on our toes when you can.

Re: Just to let friends know...

Sun Sep 04, 2022 2:55 am

Diego - just want to echo the sentiments of all the above posts; thanks for all your help, support and recommendations. Enjoy life and take care.

Re: Just to let friends know...

Sun Sep 04, 2022 6:29 am

I personally want to wish you the best. I will always cherish your knowledge in GIMP and all your work. As coder, I learned from you a lot and patiently you corrected some of my mistakes. Take care and enjoy what you like best!

Re: Just to let friends know...

Sun Sep 04, 2022 12:07 pm

I'm the person who is "rocking GEGL" Sorry you don't have interest in Gimp as of now but maybe you will feel like it one day again. Take care!

Re: Just to let friends know...

Sun Sep 04, 2022 12:19 pm

Diego, your filters/plugins are of great importance, and always will be. Nothing can detract from that, not even GEGL filters. Just to clarify, since GIMP is prioritizing the GEGL engine, many of us are curious as to how we can interact with it on an artistic level. As of now, it seems text effects are the baby steps some are taking with it, as usually it's the easiest. Not sure where that will lead many of us in the future, some are getting old and our love affairs with art are different. My love is for paths/nodes/vector. As of now, GEGL isn't open to vectors and is limited, or I haven't yet figured out how to make it work right in GIMP.

I understand your feelings on this as we all at times experience them in different fashions, and this usually indicates we need a break. Your contributions and conversations will be missed on many levels. I look forward to any input you give in the future. Like Isabella said, putting yourself aside and not in front of the forum is hard for us to understand. Your importance, patience, and teaching has helped many of us here at GIMP CHAT. These things you should be proud of. Let's just say you're taking a sabbatical and you enjoy that time. I hope to hear from you soon.

Re: Just to let friends know...

Sun Sep 04, 2022 10:34 pm

Saw this at work, earlier (pulled a 14 hour). Sorry to see you lost your spark, Diego; hope it soon comes back. I know how it is to lose it, but inspiration will come if you want it to. Just don't be a stranger. :)

Re: Just to let friends know...

Sun Sep 04, 2022 11:30 pm

Thank you all my friends for your nice words
:tyspin :tyspin :tyspin

Re: Just to let friends know...

Mon Sep 05, 2022 6:31 am

Hi Diego, I'm only now reading this post. Your absence from the forum was notable, after an intense period of activity related to filters. I was beginning to worry, fortunately your health is doing well. Like those who responded before, I too have learned a great deal from you. Especially in relation to perspective, shadow and exposure and your always well-founded comments. For that a big thank you :ffy
Maybe one day you will feel like working with Gimp again, maybe not. The future will tell. Meanwhile, enjoy everything you do, take care and hopefully see you later :wvy

Re: Just to let friends know...

Mon Sep 05, 2022 1:05 pm

Good to know you are well. Everyone has a real life outside of forums. I only post when something interests me, these days not so much.

Re: Just to let friends know...

Mon Sep 05, 2022 7:02 pm

Only just now saw this.
Glad you are well and hope to see you on the board occasionally. As someone else has said "Don't be a stranger ;)"

Re: Just to let friends know...

Mon Sep 05, 2022 11:36 pm

Thanks Ella, racer-x, Sallyanne; I appreciate your words.

Re: Just to let friends know...

Tue Sep 20, 2022 6:40 pm

Hi Dinasset - Sorry you are leaving. I have a theory. Artists are starting to realize that AI art has begun harvesting their work to make new AI art in collaboration with human artists. I think you may have seen this coming. It's just a theory.
Check this out?
The 'artist' Stephen Sink has inputted his own work into an AI program and generated this.
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