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Divorce got me like

Thu Feb 29, 2024 9:24 pm

What's happening, GIMPChat? [highlight=]In my latest creation using GIMP, I crafted an image featuring Chris Griffin from the animated series "Family Guy," his face befalling an annoyed expression. The caption overlaid on the image reads "divorce/got me like," capturing the sentiment of feeling overwhelmed and bewildered by the complexities of divorce. Chris's exaggerated expression adds a touch of humor to the poignant message, making it a relatable and engaging visual commentary on the emotional rollercoaster of relationship dissolution. The juxtaposition of familiar characters and contemporary phrases creates a compelling blend of pop culture and social commentary, inviting viewers to reflect on the challenges of navigating life's ups and downs.[/highlight]

:ninja :ninja :ninja :ninja :ninja :ninja :ninja :ninja


Title T

Re: Divorce got me like

Fri Mar 01, 2024 1:06 am

Why don't you do what I do and play around with Gimp's filters and make new ones, it will get your mind off the divorce.

drpierce.png (287.35 KiB) Viewed 296 times
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