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GIMP's Default Patterns put to use

Sat Jun 22, 2024 10:36 am

I just let this plug-in randomly insert layers, fill it with random pattern from GIMP's patterns, randomly shear it and then move it to a location that is also randomly shifted, try to layer it like as if they were feathers.
Do you like it?
Would you wear this hoodie?
I totally would if it didn't cost so much.

Give me the power to do this with plug-in and sample file

Re: GIMP's Default Patterns put to use

Sat Jun 22, 2024 1:26 pm

Well it doesn't cost that much, If I could sell more gigs I can afford it. just no one is buying my gig right now :( maybe because I am overcharging I don't think I am since automation saves clients so much time.

Re: GIMP's Default Patterns put to use

Sat Jun 22, 2024 1:45 pm

TinT: I've spent some years now collecting and creating patterns and I feel I'm really ready for this plugin to come into my life. But, umm, where could I find it?

Re: GIMP's Default Patterns put to use

Sat Jun 22, 2024 2:17 pm

It's on my computer right now but it's not all that friendly, and there's a specific path that I do currently.
I'll add some stuff and then release it in this thread and will explain what I do.

1. You can play with the code to make it do stuff specifically look for "customset" variable.
But here's what I have, I have a file opened that has bottom layer as my background, it has shadows dropped because I wanted shadows you don't have to
The image is (1024+100) square 100px is room for the shadow that's already dropped.
Then on top of that background layer I have layers I use for threads like sewn look, that's just specific to my case.
But plug-in will basically copy the layer that you run it on (so have the bottom most layer active when run plug-in). It'll then fill each copy with a random pattern which are controlled by customset variable which is an array/list of indexes pointing to the patterns you want.
Then it'll pick a random layer from your image (ignoring the bottommost layer since that's the background layer that we're filling with).
The below image is included in the zip along with the plug-in .py file.

2. Pick the background layer (bottommost), run plug-in on that (I know it says Sheared Brushes instead of Patterns but because before this version I was playing with brushes (which code is present but commented out in the plugin).

3. Changing settings as needed. You should change the first 2 settings to your desired size (should be larger than your original image that you're working from since we're tiling them into a larger piece). The other settings can be played with but are okay for the dimensions of example files I am running. Like min and max sheared are in pixels which can be changed if you want to scale down your original to have a smaller pattern. If it was me I would just run it as is then when it's done, you can scale down the finished pattern.

Here's a teaser using reds and white patterns:

Re: GIMP's Default Patterns put to use

Sat Jun 22, 2024 2:45 pm


Re: GIMP's Default Patterns put to use

Sat Jun 22, 2024 3:02 pm

neurolurker wrote:Thanks!

Glad to share.
Just updated the previous post and linked post #1 to it.
Let me know if it works for you.
I don't expect you have questions about setting your own patterns as I tried to explain but if you do, don't hesitate to ask.
What I do is I shrink or grow the front end windows so that it's showing 10 patterns per row so I can easily count which patterns I want
and then just subtract 1 to get the index.
So If I wanted 2nd and 5th patterns only
I would set
customset = [1,4]
and comment out the override part that sets all customset to be all patterns.

Re: GIMP's Default Patterns put to use

Mon Jun 24, 2024 10:52 pm

Just wanted to share this customizable based on 2 pattern combinations (right now possible 32 because I didn't do red torso part..yet).
https://yourquietfriend.blogspot.com/20 ... icker.html

Re: GIMP's Default Patterns put to use

Tue Jun 25, 2024 5:31 am

Great to see your creative juices flowing again Tim. Like a torrent of originality!
:paint :coolthup

Re: GIMP's Default Patterns put to use

Tue Jun 25, 2024 8:20 am

Thanks skinnyhouse!

Re: GIMP's Default Patterns put to use

Tue Jun 25, 2024 9:58 am

TinT, I'm probably not using your plugin as you intended. I saw it as a way of randomly combining patterns into abstract images. I had no practical goal in mind except working with GIMP itself. In GIMP, it seems to me, every decision leads to another decision. Every action leads to another action. I literally start with a blank screen and rarely have any idea what might be on the screen in the next few minutes.

In a way this disorganizing plug-in is the opposite of the first plug-in you adapted for me some years ago that organizes a palette from a grid of specified locations in an existing image. Many of the patterns I now use in GIMP were created, were made possible, with that plug-in you made.

Thanks always for your help.

Re: GIMP's Default Patterns put to use

Tue Jun 25, 2024 10:03 am

One decision leads to another.png
One decision leads to another.png (957.72 KiB) Viewed 202 times

Re: GIMP's Default Patterns put to use

Tue Jun 25, 2024 10:46 am

While it seems disorganized, it has rules it follows so that it's random within a range for shears.
As far as placement, it tries to place where it would be but random shift by say a whole amount x and y so that you don't see rows or columns but it' still evenly distributed. That was my goal to simulate how bird feathers are placed.
I am glad other plug-ins (which I don't remember at all) works for you :D
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