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Coins Art Tutorial

Mon Jul 01, 2024 1:40 pm

I don't know what this is called or if it's a thing but I was playing around and I think it looks cool (enough to share).

1. Take an image of a coin, make a copy of it.
2. Scale the copy by some huge number so that the pixels are huge and visible, (using interpolation None).
3. Put the scaled copy underneath original.
4. Set original opacity to be about 60%.
5. Merge Down, then play with brightness and contrast and or hue/saturation.


Re: Coins Art Tutorial

Tue Jul 02, 2024 12:04 am

trandoductin wrote:I don't know what this is called or if it's a thing

Because numismatist and numismatics are genitive of numisma, I would call it Numisma art or Numism art?

Re: Coins Art Tutorial

Wed Jul 03, 2024 9:22 am

wow, what a weird word to remember I'll probably forget to use it but if someone mentions it it might click.

Re: Coins Art Tutorial

Wed Jul 03, 2024 10:07 am

What is specific to coins? You can do this with any image?

Re: Coins Art Tutorial

Wed Jul 03, 2024 11:03 am

I guess yeah, it's just when I played with it I was using coin image.

Re: Coins Art Tutorial

Wed Jul 03, 2024 11:24 pm

trandoductin wrote:wow, what a weird word to remember I'll probably forget to use it but if someone mentions it it might click.

just pretend that numisma is from latin numerus (number) because they have the same prefix (which is wrong but can help to remember... :mrgreen: )

Now the real definition from > https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/numismatic
I quote:
The noun numismatics and the adjective numismatic came to English (via French numismatique) from Latin and Greek nomisma, meaning "coin." Nomisma in turn derives from the Greek verb nomizein ("to use") and ultimately from the noun nomos ("custom" or "law").
:hehe :hehe :mrgreen:
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