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graphics on the nets

Sat May 15, 2010 8:03 pm

Does anyone know the html tags to use for.....
posting two images (or more) side by side
posting an image left, right, or center
posting an image and the text wraps around it no matter if it is left, right, or center??? The only graphic tag I know is the 'img src' tag, and there is not much control with that

Re: graphics on the nets

Sat May 15, 2010 9:58 pm

You can use the "img" tag with the additional "align=" attribute. For example...
<img src="image.png" alt="test image" align="right" />

You can position the image right, left, middle and several other positions.

Check this site for details.

Use the align attribute to wrap text around the image as well. Placing the image in a table is a nice way to deal with text wrapping. ;)

Placing images side by side is just a matter of placing the "img" tags next to one another with no line breaks </br>.

Most browsers aren't that strict and versions of HTML vary so you may see slight differences in syntax when you look at code.

The align attribute is actually depreciated. It's still supported due to lots of legacy HTML out there and it probably isn't going away soon. However, most people now use CSS to align text and graphics. You can use the "style=" attribute to place your CSS code in-line with your HTML.

Check out this CSS tutorial if you get a chance.

Re: graphics on the nets

Sat May 15, 2010 10:15 pm

wow, great info...thanks for that! I hope I can assimilate all the info without too many little notes to get lost on my desk! I never knew you could use css inline with html!!!
I like how that site has places where you can try stuff out and see what it looks like! I did figure out some stuff, but CSS is still complicated to me. I need a private tutor at my shoulder for a few weeks, then maybe I can get the basics, lol.
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