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DeviantArt News Article About Fractals

Thu Aug 11, 2011 4:44 pm

Well it's kind of a controversial subject it turns out and well this article has probably around 1k comments about this.
So I would love to here what you guys think

Re: DeviantArt News Article About Fractals

Thu Aug 11, 2011 4:58 pm

Fractals is the math of nature itself. Indeed, there are those who believe there is only one single dimension (not the 3D that we observe or the 11 that Scientist predict) and that dimension is a fractal that we perceive as 3D space. Actually got inspired a few weeks ago based on an episode of Though the Wormhole that was about the topic of dimensions. Created this fake Hilbert Curve texture and used it to create the Sculpture Generator result below (click on the image for it's Flickr and links to larger result). :)


Re: DeviantArt News Article About Fractals

Thu Aug 11, 2011 5:51 pm

looks awesome lyle

Highlight of some of my comments on the news article

Re: DeviantArt News Article About Fractals

Thu Aug 11, 2011 9:23 pm

anything that evokes emotion and transforms one's thinking is art

Re: DeviantArt News Article About Fractals

Thu Aug 11, 2011 9:58 pm

I've seen and been through this type of discussion in other fields of 'art'.

It really boils down to what your definition of 'art' is.

Some people have a rather restrictive definition.

The definition that I like only requires skill and creativity.
You'd be surprised at the range of activities that meet those requirements.

Re: DeviantArt News Article About Fractals

Thu Aug 11, 2011 9:59 pm

cecilia wrote:anything that evokes emotion and transforms one's thinking is art


Re: DeviantArt News Article About Fractals

Fri Aug 12, 2011 10:29 am

This has been such an interesting discussion! Songwind made a good point

songwind wrote:I think it comes down to intent and control. Are your fractals randomly generated? In that case I'd be inclined to say no, even though the eye and sensibility of the creator are involved in selecting the pieces to present and cropping the final version.

On the other hand, are you starting w/ a generated piece of math and then tweaking, fiddling and otherwise making it yours? Or are you in control of the parameters from the beginning? In that case, I say it's definitely art. It may even be good art. :) The fact that the creation of the image is being done by the computer isn't that germane.

I think a good fractal, full of meaning and intent, is more artistic than Jackson Pollack splashing around randomly. But that's just my opinion.

Songwind on DA

Re: DeviantArt News Article About Fractals

Fri Aug 12, 2011 11:13 am

The way i look at it everything you look at is really some type of creation so it is art in it's own way.

Re: DeviantArt News Article About Fractals

Fri Aug 12, 2011 11:49 am

Willy wrote:This has been such an interesting discussion! Songwind made a good point
songwind wrote:I think it comes down to intent and control...

That's a good distinction. And it applies to everything, not just fractals.

Re: DeviantArt News Article About Fractals

Sat Aug 13, 2011 9:07 am

I'm not usually one to speak out, and hope this doesn't get this thread going down the wrong path.

But I would almost call, using filters on someone else's image to be like the computer does MOST of the work for you, You can still play with sliders yourself. But atleast to my understanding isn't that mostly all you can do with filters? Or does a lot more work go into making some of these images I see here? I know some people code there own filters and then run them on images and I totally approve of that, I'm just wondering how much work goes into running filters on images?

Re: DeviantArt News Article About Fractals

Sat Aug 13, 2011 9:39 am

I see filters as tools.
It really boils down to the intent, control and creativity.
Some people like Lyle use them very creatively.

Re: DeviantArt News Article About Fractals

Sat Aug 13, 2011 10:04 am

You've made some very interesting points Willy. As bkh1914 has stated, I, too, see filters as tools. If I want to use a font to make text, I'm using a kind of filter that someone else made that filters where paint goes to make those letters. To start from scratch making letters would be like re-inventing the wheel every time I wanted to make a sign.

GIMP stands for GNU Image Manipulation Program. That is the purpose of GIMP, to manipulate images. Do you mean that I should create an image, one pixel at a time, without any help from GIMP except to supply the canvas for an image? GIMP consists of filters that do many things to save time in the creation of an image.

Every time I need a brush, I do not need to make one, GIMP has brushes for me. A brush is a kind of filter.

Where do you draw the line between filters? For myself, I'm happy to have those tools that make creating an image easier and more artistic than I could do on my own. I'm not the kind of artist that can paint a picture from scratch and am very grateful for the filters others make to help me to put on canvas what I have conceived in my mind.

Re: DeviantArt News Article About Fractals

Sat Aug 13, 2011 12:24 pm

I see what you mean by using it as a tool and I totally I agree I guess I just never thought of it in that way.

Re: DeviantArt News Article About Fractals

Sat Aug 13, 2011 6:07 pm

Everything from your brush, to a filter; even the eraser tool is just a means to the end of conveying your desires Willy. Some folk think it's not; that it's computer generated, but I argue that a computer only does the bidding of the person behind the mouse/keyboard/pad or whatever input device you end up using and that includes filters. Think of using all theses tools as being the maestro of an orchestra. The music itself is art, but, without the conductor, you may not enjoy it so much. Just my thoughts, but I will admit that I'm a filter guy. :)

Re: DeviantArt News Article About Fractals

Sat Aug 13, 2011 7:17 pm

very well said lyle (Maestro).

Re: DeviantArt News Article About Fractals

Sat Aug 13, 2011 11:16 pm


Re: DeviantArt News Article About Fractals

Sat Aug 13, 2011 11:30 pm

Excellent rendition O; can almost hear the beautiful music that comes forth. :)

Re: DeviantArt News Article About Fractals

Sun Aug 14, 2011 6:27 am

Lol O that made me smile :D

Re: DeviantArt News Article About Fractals

Sun Aug 14, 2011 11:20 am

so cute, looks just like ya lyle.
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