Photograph restoration, enhancement and effects with Gimp
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Another problem photo

Thu Apr 18, 2019 3:41 pm

Here is a photo I've tried to improve with little success. I generally resort to curves to fix color problems, but this one I can't seem to get right; it's as if there's not enough color information in the picture.

Re: Another problem photo

Fri Apr 19, 2019 1:54 am

A bit difficult to edit, maybe it can be improved:
This time I used:
GIMP>Colors>Color Balance
G'MIC>Colors>Mixer [PCA]
G'MIC>Colors>Color Grading
G'MIC>Testing>Garagecoder>LMS Adjustment
G'MIC>Colors>Saturation EQ
G'MIC>Details>Equalize Local Histograms

Re: Another problem photo

Fri Apr 19, 2019 8:15 am

iarga wrote:A bit difficult to edit, maybe it can be improved:

Better than I've been able to do!

Re: Another problem photo

Fri Apr 19, 2019 5:17 pm

I used white balance then fill rotate to straighten out the picture. Did not have time to work with reflections red eyes or glare.

Re: Another problem photo

Sat Apr 20, 2019 9:03 pm

I took iarga's version and worked a little further. Forgot to keep track of my changes. Sorry. :oops:

Re: Another problem photo

Sat Apr 20, 2019 9:16 pm

A bit of wavelet denoise and some small healing tool work.

Re: Another problem photo

Sat Apr 20, 2019 9:50 pm

Last one, I promise. Hue and Saturation brought out more color in the skin. Not so washed out by the flash.

Re: Another problem photo

Sat Apr 20, 2019 10:49 pm

I couldn't be bothered straightening it up like others did beautifully.
Was a challenge just to get the colour right. I hope I did anyhow.
Tried it again straightening and cropping this time

Re: Another problem photo

Sun Apr 21, 2019 12:17 am

steven8 wrote:A bit of wavelet denoise and some small healing tool work.

I like this one. The most frustrating thing is getting the red right for the skin tones without making the kids look like they've just run a 5K. Yes, clearly the flash is a problem, and this is definitely derived from film (these people are all middle-aged now).

Re: Another problem photo

Mon Apr 22, 2019 4:29 am

Edit: Removed my outcome. Didn't like it myself :mrgreen:

Re: Another problem photo

Thu Apr 25, 2019 6:19 am

Is there any known technique for dealing with this kind of image improvement?
Some methodology that defines a better approximation, sequence of steps, etc.

I think if there was a more scientific approach to the treatment of these types of images the editing would be less labor intensive (I'm not talking about restoration, which aims to remove blemishes, ripped parts of the photos, etc).

Iarga exhibited a number of used G'MICs filters, even tried it, but I had no idea how to use them, it would take more time to learn to use those filters than to finish editing this image. :roll:

Without a methodology, just exploring possibilities for now was the best I could get.
Jane Margaret DavidTry02.jpg
Jane Margaret DavidTry02.jpg (168.93 KiB) Viewed 8840 times

Below, original image - Post #1

Re: Another problem photo

Thu Apr 25, 2019 4:04 pm

Krikor, you have done a beautiful job! The coloring of the kid's faces is the best and clothing colors also. If I may ask, what did you do to get such a fantastic result? I have several old photos with a heavy red cast that I cannot do a very good job fixing. Maybe your method would work. I am willing to try most anything.

Re: Another problem photo

Thu Sep 19, 2019 8:25 pm

CtrlAltDel wrote:The filters were from Fx-Foundry. In particular:

Auto contrast correction
Lasm's Lab Wow
Eg Separate Lights and Shadows
Diffusion Filter

I'm not seeing these in Fx-Foundry. Help?

Re: Another problem photo

Thu Sep 19, 2019 10:49 pm

Just to clarify: Do you have any FX-Foundry plugins available in your setup? If you do, there should be a separate menu item at the top of the work area [File, Edit, Select, View Image ... etc.] If you don't see the menu item, you may not have any FX-Foundry scripts at all.

They are still available on the web, but the FX-Foundry scripts collection was put together for earlier versions of GIMP. Many of those scripts will not work "out of the box" in contemporary versions. Many have been rewritten (some for python instead of scheme) under other names and are no longer under an FX-Foundry listing.

Paul Sherman maintains a number of updated versions of many older GIMP SCM scripts at
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