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An Experimental 'Human Being' Fractal

Sat Oct 17, 2020 2:55 am


A 3d fractal made from images of human faces. The fractal is a boolean mode that allows different materials to be used per slot. Images with human faces made in Gimp and transformed into materials in Mandelbulber.
Could be the first 3d fractal made with images of human beings.

Re: An Experimental 'Human Being' Fractal

Sat Oct 17, 2020 4:44 am

It's really very interesting. :bigthup

Re: An Experimental 'Human Being' Fractal

Sat Oct 17, 2020 5:46 am

Bear with me a moment. In the dust where the mathematics leaves me, turning the image into words I realized I might be looking at a potential cover for an imaginary book. I believe my faulty translation of the English version of the title represents something like "The Incomplete Edition of the Complete Works of Jorge Luis Borges."

Always glad to see your works. Hope you are well.

Re: An Experimental 'Human Being' Fractal

Sat Oct 17, 2020 8:02 am

Good one Tas :clap

Re: An Experimental 'Human Being' Fractal

Sat Oct 17, 2020 9:19 am

Cool stuff, Tas. :)

Re: An Experimental 'Human Being' Fractal

Sun Oct 18, 2020 12:15 am

Hi there Issabella.

Hi to you Sallyanne in SA.

Thanks for the 'like' lylejk.

Hi neuro, I've not read anything by Jorge Luis Borges. Probably from an era when novelists had to go into a lot of detail. Now we just film everything :)
I realise I don't have to make fractals just out of people. I may include one face and have Inca stone walls next time.
I could keyframe into this fractal and make an animation. Maybe.

Re: An Experimental 'Human Being' Fractal

Sun Oct 18, 2020 6:23 pm

Very interesting concept. I have to think that the animation would take much longer to render than usual because of the more detail involved. Very cool just the same. :bigthup

Re: An Experimental 'Human Being' Fractal

Mon Oct 19, 2020 3:25 am

Good to see your comment racer-x :mcof

I had an interesting idea today. I found some high-res photos of Polish-born French and American mathematician Benoit Mandelbrot. I'm going to make them into 3d fractals.
That should stir-up the fractal purists :lol

Re: An Experimental 'Human Being' Fractal

Mon Oct 19, 2020 11:24 pm


Fascinating concept that you have presented.

Reminds me of the ship that "The Borg" used
to travel through space assimilating cultures
on the TV show Star Trek-The Next Generation.

Thank You for taking the time to create this.



Re: An Experimental 'Human Being' Fractal

Tue Oct 20, 2020 7:26 am

Thanks for bearing so graciously with my left-handed comments on your animations and images.

To share a bit of synchronicity, a few minutes after commenting on your Human Being Fractal, I began re-reading Borges' "Pierre Menard, Author of the Quixote" and found listed in the possibly spurious catalog of an imaginary author's works the following entry: "h) The rough draft of a monograph on the symbolic logic of George Boole."

Re: An Experimental 'Human Being' Fractal

Tue Oct 20, 2020 8:26 am

Mainah_Ayuh wrote:Tas_mania,

Fascinating concept that you have presented.

Reminds me of the ship that "The Borg" used
to travel through space assimilating cultures
on the TV show Star Trek-The Next Generation.

Thank You for taking the time to create this.



Same. The Borg cube.

Re: An Experimental 'Human Being' Fractal

Tue Oct 20, 2020 6:24 pm

It looks like the concept can work. I wouldn't mind trying it out.

Re: An Experimental 'Human Being' Fractal

Tue Oct 20, 2020 8:03 pm


This is my 'Tribute to Benoit Mandelbrot'.
Had a couple of goes at it. Over-fractalized it first off so had to simplify it.

There are great comments here. Some fractal structures do look like that Borg thing from Star Trek.

Apparently one of the mathematical breakthroughs with fractals were the 'imaginary numbers'. They are mixed with 'real' numbers to produce fractals. I'm pretty stupid cause I don't understand what a real number is. Isn't it just a symbolic representation of an idea?
Agree with neurolurker, synchronicity is great but it doesn't always work your own way :)
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