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Proposed Finial One

Sat Jul 17, 2021 2:33 am


Re: Proposed Finial One

Sat Jul 17, 2021 8:57 am

That's a beauty! :bigthup

Mandelbulb 3D or Mandelbulber? I'm not sure this tired old computer can handle the rendering these days but one day I'll get back to it myself. :)

Re: Proposed Finial One

Sat Jul 17, 2021 5:33 pm


Thanks Erisian.
I did a screengrab of this image at Fractal Forums.org.
They have a high-res image gallery and unfortunately it shows the age of Gimp Chat. Clicking an image on FF goes to 2 higher levels of resolution.

I use Mandelbulber which is under active development, mostly from a guy in Poland and a guy in New Zealand.
This is a boolean fractal which is built from 5 other fractals so each can have it's own 'material'. I make materials with Gimp and use Gimp for final processing. Some of the 'fractals' here are actually 3d objects. This fractal is fully 3d and keyframable.

Something I'm aware of is that fractals are 'imaginary' and use imaginary numbers. The 'real' world is not imaginary at all. It's quite brutal and favors the strong over the weak at a biological level. 'Heaven and Earth are ruthless and treat the myriad creatures like straw dogs' - a great line from the Tao Te Ching. Pity most of the Tao is contradictory?

A new computer for you? If you have a project or two underway why not use something like Patreon and get some donors?
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