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Regenerative Art by RecursiveIdentity on tiktok

Sun Aug 21, 2022 6:17 pm

Salvador Dali recursion.

I saw them posted to another forum.

It reminds me of the old Zoomquilt series of infinite recursions.
BTW - I understand TikTok is controlled by a foreign government to harvest bright ideas.

Re: Regenerative Art by RecursiveIdentity on tiktok

Sun Aug 21, 2022 11:00 pm

Thanks for the links. I've never actually visited tiktok before that I recall. Would it make sense to say that overwhelming someone with complex visuals appears to be fairly easy to do Gosh! WOW! DIDUSEETHAT?! but [somehow, perhaps only intuitively] creating a genuine point of view to guide and if need be carry a viewer over under around and thru all that visual complexity ohgodlookout! is perhaps more important than the inherent pleasures of scrolling complexity?

Well, it may not make sense to say that to many people, but I mean well by it. I also mean it as a genuine compliment to an animator who more than once has created that kind of work and shared it here.

Re: Regenerative Art by RecursiveIdentity on tiktok

Mon Aug 22, 2022 2:32 am

Hi neuro, I'm glad you survived 2020 - 2022.

This AI art is being generated by words entered into a trained data 'model' that produces art. No skill required mostly. I have some theories - they obviously entered 'Salvador Dali' as a 'style' parameter along with other terms and the model has referenced every Dali painting online. So they have climbed onto Dali's skill and reputation and in doing so have made subsequent 'Dali' keyword users into second place runners.

I suspect some posters here have more art hosted online than the great surrealists and Dutch masters. Some people are posting one or more a day. Say you entered a Gimp Chat posters name? I suspect the AI will generate art that is based on their work. Unless you use a nickname that means something else like I do. 'Tas_mania' art generated will be maps of Tasmania and marsupial furry animals :)

I recon this is art meets SEO ('Search Engine Optimization'). Already the models are showing how limited they are by refusing well known political identities as keywords. I incorporated a Kenworth diesel truck and the AI took a dislike to it's fuel tank. It thinks all vehicles are electric because that's how its coded. :)

Re: Regenerative Art by RecursiveIdentity on tiktok

Tue Aug 23, 2022 3:15 pm

Crazy wonderful madness, Tas. Enjoyed the short trip. lol

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