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Re: GIMP Themes - Getting Started

Fri Jul 06, 2018 4:25 pm

Did not work in gimp 2.8.22.

Re: GIMP Themes - Getting Started

Fri Jul 06, 2018 4:28 pm

Can you attach your gtkrc file

Note that I am not able to check 2.8.22 as I only have 2.6.7 and 2.10.2

Re: GIMP Themes - Getting Started

Fri Jul 06, 2018 4:36 pm

Here they are, also, they work fine in 2.4 but not 2.6 nor 2.8

Re: GIMP Themes - Getting Started

Mon Jul 09, 2018 3:40 am

I took the cinzazul-oxygen theme, edited the gtkrc to match my previous instructions and got this:
Untitled.png (25.44 KiB) Viewed 9935 times

You need to make the style assignment line look exactly line this:
widget "*tooltip*"              style:highest "tooltips"

Re: GIMP Themes - Getting Started

Sun Aug 25, 2019 11:55 pm

Hi Kevin.

In post # 46

You showed how to highlight a group of plugins.
I would like to recognize by color whether it is script (* .scm), plugin (* .py) or program (* .exe).
Have you tested the possibility of this edition of gtkrc for Gimp 2.10 ?
Any tips on whether and how you can get it badly needed.

Re: GIMP Themes - Getting Started

Tue Aug 27, 2019 5:41 am

Hi MareroQ

I've not done much with the GIMP 2.10 themes, other than creating a basic mid-Grey theme that suits me better than those supplied.

This seems to work:
style "python"
  fg[NORMAL]        = "#00ffff"
  fg[PRELIGHT]      = "#ff00ff"
  fg[SELECTED]      = "#ff00ff"
  fg[ACTIVE]        = "#ff00ff"
  fg[INSENSITIVE]   = "#808080"
widget "*python-fu*" style:highest "python"

style "script-fu"
  fg[NORMAL]        = "#ff80ff"
  fg[PRELIGHT]      = "#ff00ff"
  fg[SELECTED]      = "#ff00ff"
  fg[ACTIVE]        = "#ff00ff"
  fg[INSENSITIVE]   = "#808080"
widget "*script-fu*" style:highest "script-fu"

style "plug-in"
  fg[NORMAL]        = "#ff8080"
  fg[PRELIGHT]      = "#ff00ff"
  fg[SELECTED]      = "#ff00ff"
  fg[ACTIVE]        = "#ff00ff"
  fg[INSENSITIVE]   = "#808080"
widget "*plug-in*" style:highest "plug-in"

Untitled.png (60.08 KiB) Viewed 8459 times


Re: GIMP Themes - Getting Started

Tue Aug 27, 2019 7:03 am

Thank you very much for your quick reply.

I have no experience in this.
I have pasted your code into the Dark theme (Gimp 2.10.12 setup3 from gimp.org).
It works according to my request in 95%.
I don't know why in some cases it doesn't work or breaks the type.
I will continue to experiment slowly because you showed me that it is possible and a way to solve it.
Does your own topic work 100% and if so - can you share it here?

Once again, thank you very much on my own behalf and for the visually impaired (with whom I will probably conduct a few classes about Gimp - and on the basis of different colors it will be easier for me to explain the differences).

Re: GIMP Themes - Getting Started

Tue Aug 27, 2019 8:01 am

The code I posted is all the code I tried.

I don't have any extra script-fu/python-fu/plug-ins other than the things I've written.

I thought I'd try to find the first, Spyrogimp, and download it, BUT the first hit on Google points me to the Script-Fu version, so I think you need to check that you haven't got the old script-fu version as well as the newer python-fu version.

If you can point me to a place to download some of the others, I'll try and find out why they don't work.

Re: GIMP Themes - Getting Started

Tue Aug 27, 2019 9:14 am

Spyrogimp in Gimp 2.10.12 is installed originally
(c:\Program Files\GIMP 2\lib\gimp\2.0\plug-ins\spyro_plus\spyro_plus.py)

QWERTY 256(textes_002_gimp-2.10.scm in zip)
Filters/Render/QWERTY 256

Plugin Pfeil zeichnen"HN-Pfeil-zeichnen.py


Re: GIMP Themes - Getting Started

Tue Aug 27, 2019 10:55 am

GIMP 2.10.12 appears to ship with both versions of Spyrogimp, so I'm guess there's a conflict with the menu registration (although the script-fu version doesn't register itself in the menus)

Plugin Pfeil zeichnen"HN-Pfeil-zeichnen.py doesn't use the standard registration method, so it doesn't get a widget name that includes "python-fu", so it doesn't get picked-up by the
widget "*python-fu*" style:highest "python" line

Similarly, 210_effects_CarTOONize.scm doesn't register with "script-fu" in it's name, so doesn't get picked-up by
widget "*script-fu*" style:highest "script-fu"
(It's normal for script-fu scripts to prefix the name with script-fu i.e. script-fu-add-bevel)

And who knows what Lua and JavaScript scripts will do:
https://mobile.twitter.com/zemarmot/sta ... 445952?p=v

Re: GIMP Themes - Getting Started

Tue Aug 27, 2019 11:58 am

Thank you very much for the detailed explanation.
Now works at 102%.

Re: GIMP Themes - Getting Started

Mon Sep 16, 2019 1:47 pm

I have another question here:
(GIMP 2.10.12) I like to have the selection editor in my docks and I like to have the dark theme. Problem is as long as there is no picture open it displays quite bright. Is there a way to change that striped background.
I've found the icon displayed in the middle, it's gimp-selection.svg. That's not the problem. I would like to change the background behind it.

GNU Image Manipulation Program_selection-editor.png


Re: GIMP Themes - Getting Started

Tue Sep 17, 2019 4:54 am


It seems to be gimp-texture.png in the icons folder, which only goes to show that the idea of separating the icon-theme and colour-theme is faulty thinking, they are too interconnected.
Untitled.png (7.54 KiB) Viewed 9667 times


Re: GIMP Themes - Getting Started

Tue Sep 17, 2019 8:48 am

Thank you Kevin,
didn't find it myself though I was looking through all those icons.
I'll try to change that one to my liking.

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