Oregonian's Spiky Spiral Gradient Tutorial
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Author:  crus339 [ Sun Jul 11, 2021 6:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Oregonian's Spiky Spiral Gradient Tutorial

I'm trying to follow this old tut:


But I cannot get the displacement filter to do anything. The filter options changed in 2.10 and I'm wondering if this is one of the tuts that doesn't work now and got lost in the transition from 2.8.

Any help would be appreciated including just pointing me to a different tut.

Author:  teapot [ Sun Jul 11, 2021 8:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Oregonian's Spiky Spiral Gradient Tutorial

You can still do the tutorial but, as you say, Displace has changed. The old and new dialogs are pictured below with the equivalent items numbered.

To select the horizontal displacement map click on the Aux Input question mark button and double click on the layer you want. For the vertical displacement use the Aux2 Input.

displace.jpg [ 149.69 KiB | Viewed 5756 times ]

Author:  crus339 [ Sun Jul 11, 2021 10:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Oregonian's Spiky Spiral Gradient Tutorial

Thanks for the reply. I had figured out what you show above but perhaps I am doing an intermediate step wrong.

I made a swirl pattern layer (would add but don't seem to have permissions for attachments). Then I made the spikes layer. Then per the tut:

Filters > Distort > Polar Coordinates. Uncheck To Polar.

But when I do that I get a result of diagonal gradient. And when I do the next step as you showed nothing happens.

Author:  teapot [ Sun Jul 11, 2021 11:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Oregonian's Spiky Spiral Gradient Tutorial

Step 6. Filters > Distort > Polar Coordinates. Uncheck To Polar results in a diagonal gradient if the spiral made in step 5. was centred in the image. So I suggest you check your spiral was off centre.

That doesn't explain why your next step 7. Filters > Map > Displace did nothing. It should work if the spiral layer is the active one when you run displace and you put the first spikes layer (not the spiral one) in the Aux2 Input so I suggest you post an image of you doing that step.

You will be able to post images when you have made five posts, so keep posting :)

Author:  crus339 [ Mon Jul 12, 2021 11:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Oregonian's Spiky Spiral Gradient Tutorial

Thanks again. I did this from scratch again starting with the spikes layer which I had done first before. And using a 600x600 image when I was using a big one as in 5000x5000.


The filter path seems different in 2.10 now. Also I didn't see a Plasma 2 option.

I made the spikes via that method and scaled it back to height of 600px. Looked better than what I did before.

Then made new layer for the swirl and same as I had done before added guides to get the center for the blend/gradient tool start point.

When I did the next step with polar coordinates I got the same result as before, i.e. a pattern of diagonal stripes. However the next displace step with spikes layer as both aux inputs did work.

Then I went back and skipped the polar coordinates step and went directly to the displace step and it turned out well.

So thanks again for your help on this as I got the end result but just differently.

It would be nice if the gradient tool offered other geometric patterns easily as it does with swirls.

Author:  teapot [ Mon Jul 12, 2021 11:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Oregonian's Spiky Spiral Gradient Tutorial

Good to hear it worked out :jumpclap

Just to clarify a couple of points in case anyone else is wanting to do it:

crus339 wrote:
The filter path seems different in 2.10 now. Also I didn't see a Plasma 2 option.

Yes, as far as I know Plasma 2 is a separate plugin that you'd need to download, I haven't got it either. The tutorial gives a link to discussion about it that I've quoted below, but it's on old link so perhaps someone who has it can post a current one?

Oregonian wrote:
For discussion and links to Plasma2 sources click here

crus339 wrote:
Then made new layer for the swirl and same as I had done before added guides to get the center for the blend/gradient tool start point.
When I did the next step with polar coordinates I got the same result as before, i.e. a pattern of diagonal stripes.

You get diagonal stripes if the spiral made in step 5. was centred in the image. So the tutorial says to make the spiral off centre. Step 5. says:

Oregonian wrote:
Near but not exactly on the center of the image, drag down a short distance.

Author:  crus339 [ Mon Jul 12, 2021 12:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Oregonian's Spiky Spiral Gradient Tutorial

Hey thanks again. Yeah I thought I was supposed to center the spiral start point. Missed that it was necessary to be a bit off vs Oregonian just saying what he did.

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