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Using 'my' paint with guidelab (orignal Arkane, changed)

Thu Nov 10, 2016 3:31 am

The plugin with .. in the zip file (explanation in German in paint_with_guides.txt)
From 11.11 11:11
(780.19 KiB) Downloaded 171 times

here the UI for my adjusted guidelab:
gui_paint_guidelab.jpg (120.32 KiB) Viewed 3736 times

and here an example of use to build a GIF

gimpforum_paint_with_guidelab.gif (206.25 KiB) Viewed 3736 times

Re: Using 'my' paint with guidelab (orignal Arkane, changed)

Thu Nov 10, 2016 7:11 am

PKHG wrote:Hi,
here the UI for my adjusted guidelab:

and here an example of use to build a GIF


Pretty cool! :)

Re: Using 'my' paint with guidelab (orignal Arkane, changed)

Thu Nov 10, 2016 7:21 am


Thanks ;)

Now an example WITH the use of the Simple path plugin used:

guidlabpaintSimplepath.jpg (44.45 KiB) Viewed 3692 times

or this :yes

guidlabpaintSimplepath_02.jpg (79.45 KiB) Viewed 3692 times

Re: Using 'my' paint with guidelab (orignal Arkane, changed)

Fri Nov 11, 2016 6:07 am

zip file with plugin see first post of this thread ;)

Re: Using 'my' paint with guidelab (orignal Arkane, changed)

Fri Nov 11, 2016 6:35 am

PKHG wrote:zip file with plugin see first post of this thread ;)

Are the PDB calls still the same with MareroQ's newest version 1.1?

Re: Using 'my' paint with guidelab (orignal Arkane, changed)

Fri Nov 11, 2016 9:03 am

Rod wrote:
PKHG wrote:zip file with plugin see first post of this thread ;)

Are the PDB calls still the same with MareroQ's newest version 1.1?

no not yet ... will work on it soon ...

Re: Using 'my' paint with guidelab (orignal Arkane, changed)

Fri Nov 11, 2016 12:50 pm

Hi Peter.
I really like Your idea.
Unfortunately for me it's still not working properly (maybe my mistake?).
Creates a selected path at the intersection of the guides - other options in section "Simple Path" does not work (and probably are not needed - possibly beyond the pattern fill).
Do you need to use it „Clipboard” (gimp-context-set-pattern) ? - because it's the translation problem.
Yours in anticipation of the next version...

Re: Using 'my' paint with guidelab (orignal Arkane, changed)

Sat Nov 12, 2016 2:09 am

Yes the Clipboard is used at this moment for filling. I will change it soon and upload it here.
Suggestion: could you give different names, which will be used in other scripts (I mean, what will be visible asking the pdb) to your uploaded new versions of "Simple ... "?

Others: How to check in a nice easy way if a plugin is available IN a plugin?

PyGtkers: how to use a Frame in gtk, I can make it visible with a title, but adding other widgets do not show up.

Sorry, for different types of answer/questions ... but readers of this are probably of different 'type' (so to say :) ).


Works now:
simple_path_ex01.jpg (90.23 KiB) Viewed 3608 times

At this moment the switch to select random patterns is on the Add/Edit tab, should probably got to the 4th tab too (or a message there)

Here the file:
(11.96 KiB) Downloaded 151 times

Re: Using 'my' paint with guidelab (orignal Arkane, changed)

Sat Nov 12, 2016 4:22 pm

Can someone tell me where to find this plugin in the Gimp menu. I put it in the plugin folder checked its permissions and can't see it anywhere. I don't read german. :gaah

I found it. :yes For some reason I didn't think to look under Image/Guides. :roll:

Re: Using 'my' paint with guidelab (orignal Arkane, changed)

Sun Nov 13, 2016 5:34 am

Kimba wrote:Can someone tell me where to find this plugin in the Gimp menu. I put it in the plugin folder checked its permissions and can't see it anywhere. I don't read german. :gaah

I found it. :yes For some reason I didn't think to look under Image/Guides. :roll:

Sorry, next version will include an English installation and info text-file . Soon,
because the Plugin has becom better with respect to the Simple path shapes ...

Re: Using 'my' paint with guidelab (orignal Arkane, changed)

Mon Nov 14, 2016 3:25 am

Finally found what I need, at least working in the Python Console of Gimp
import gobject
import gtk
# initialize the ListStore.  Fom more complicated lists, see pygtk src example
# pygtk-demo/demos/list_store.py
#ORiGinal mydata = ['John', 'Miriam', 'Rahel', 'Ava', 'Baerbel']
num_patterns, mydata = pdb.gimp_patterns_get_list('')

model = gtk.ListStore(gobject.TYPE_STRING)
for item in mydata:
    iter = model.append()   
    model.set(iter, COLUMN_TEXT, item)
# set up the treeview to do multiple selection
#PKHG>INFO neline needed for Gimp Python Console

treeview = gtk.TreeView(model)
column = gtk.TreeViewColumn('Name', gtk.CellRendererText(),
# when you click ok, call this function for each selected item
def foreach(model, path, iter, selected):
    selected.append(model.get_value(iter, COLUMN_TEXT))

def ok_clicked(event):
    selected = []
    treeview.get_selection().selected_foreach(foreach, selected)
    print 'And the winners are...', selected

def endme_clicked(event):

# the rest is just window boilerplate
win = gtk.Window()
win.connect('destroy', lambda win: gtk.main_quit())
win.set_title('GtkListStore demo')
vbox = gtk.VBox(gtk.FALSE, 8)

label = gtk.Label('Select your firends and family')
vbox.pack_start(label, gtk.FALSE, gtk.FALSE)

sw = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
win.set_default_size(280, 250)

endme = gtk.Button("END")
vbox.pack_end(endme)  #PKHG>????

button = gtk.Button('OK')
button.connect("clicked", ok_clicked )

Now I will try to put it into my plugin, working for selecting patterns to be used ;-)
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