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ZeMarmot, animation film drawn with GIMP: end of 2016 report

Fri Dec 30, 2016 11:19 pm

Hey all!

I'm one of the GIMP devs, you hear sometimes of me around (I just saw you had this thread not long ago about one of my blog posts: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=14375) and I wanted to share some stuff we do with GIMP, animation related.
We just released an end-of-year status report. Here are some videos, contained in the report which explain part of the process, the work of animating a character, etc.

www.youtube.com Video from : www.youtube.com

www.youtube.com Video from : www.youtube.com

If you want to know more, the full report is available at: https://girinstud.io/news/2016/12/zemar ... ar-report/
It explains a little more in details some of the things you can see in the video.

Just so that you get an idea of the finale quality we are aiming for, here is the original teaser we created when we initially pitched the project (note: since then, the design of our main character changed):
]https: Video from : ]https:

Everything you saw in these videos and the blog post is drawn with GIMP.
I hope you like this project. And if so, as we say in the report, we are perpetually calling for financial help and have monthly funding pages set up:
USD funding: https://patreon.com/zemarmot
EUR funding: https://www.tipeee.com/zemarmot

That's the end of year, just a day from 2017, a good time to call out for good will! Hopefully I'll find some on this forum? :-)
Have a very fun 2017 everyone!
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