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Drivers Seat Video

Sat May 01, 2021 7:05 am

www.youtube.com Video from : www.youtube.com

Made with a bunch of OSS tools:
Gimp, Mandelbulber, G'MIC, MathMap, python scripts by offnuts and rich2005, ffmpeg.
Video done with Davinci Resolve 17 free version.
Started in January 2021 inspired by the Gimp animators.

Re: Drivers Seat Video

Sat May 01, 2021 8:37 am

:bigthup very good Tas

Re: Drivers Seat Video

Sat May 01, 2021 4:18 pm

Tas_mania wrote:
www.youtube.com Video from : www.youtube.com

Made with a bunch of OSS tools:
Gimp, Mandelbulber, G'MIC, MathMap, python scripts by offnuts and rich2005, ffmpeg.
Video done with Davinci Resolve 17 free version.
Started in January 2001 inspired by the Gimp animators.

I'll have whatever this man is having :)

Re: Drivers Seat Video

Sat May 01, 2021 5:43 pm

Excellent work Tas, especially the Mandelbulber stuff. Very cool.

Re: Drivers Seat Video

Sun May 02, 2021 2:37 am

:clap for this work Tas_mania :bigthup . I'm impressed.

Re: Drivers Seat Video

Sun May 02, 2021 3:46 am

Thanks lula, racer, ofnuts and sallyanne I'm glad you liked it :bowdown
racer-x that video is all ass and no class :usflag

Re: Drivers Seat Video

Sun May 02, 2021 4:35 am

Nice one Tas :yes

Re: Drivers Seat Video

Sun May 02, 2021 6:42 am

Tas_mania, :wvy
the world before and the world after? :clap

Re: Drivers Seat Video

Mon May 03, 2021 5:21 am

Hey thanks OMG appreciate your comment.

the world before and the world after?

I think you are right level_0
In the future (after I have long gone) people will have an almost empty landscape to themselves.

Re: Drivers Seat Video

Wed May 05, 2021 10:26 pm

Wow, Tas_mania that's extraordinary :wow

Fascinating to see your G'MIC effects so well combined with awesome 3D effects that I assume are the Mandelbulber :clap

Re: Drivers Seat Video

Wed May 05, 2021 11:24 pm

Cool video Tas_mania, your car has gone through many paint jobs and traversed across many beautiful landscapes.

Re: Drivers Seat Video

Thu May 06, 2021 11:13 am

Really cool, Tas. You must be a 5th dimensional creature living in a 3D world, that is for sure. lol


Re: Drivers Seat Video

Thu May 06, 2021 5:43 pm

your car has gone through many paint jobs and traversed across many beautiful landscapes.

Thanks Nidhogg. If I do another car video I'm thing more GTA3 using different filters on cars and backgrounds.

You must be a 5th dimensional creature living in a 3D world

Thanks for the compliment lyle, you got the 'creature' part right :rofl

Re: Drivers Seat Video

Sat May 15, 2021 12:45 am

Fascinating to see your G'MIC effects so well combined with awesome 3D effects that I assume are the Mandelbulber

Sorry I didn't notice your comment. One of the side effects of being an aging hippy is you miss a lot of stuff.
Nowadays when I'm doing maintenance jobs I spend half the time looking for my tools :(
Waiting for that GTA 3 madness mandelbrot movie from you Tas :hehe
Vice City was my favorite.

I've started on it. I looked at a game engine called Godot that looked promising but it's export options are limited to a game :(
Now I'm making a sports utility in Blender. I always put off learning it cause it's so damned intimidating. I can see it has animation abilities and interestingly you can import a fractal into it for 3d printing.
MadMax was an Australian movie and it would go really well with GTA Vice City, but they are getting closer to reality now.

I've used some GTA sequences before but they drive on the RHS of the road so I horizontally flipped the clip :)
I'm using an appimage of Blender 2.92 that works perfectly

Re: Drivers Seat Video

Sat May 15, 2021 8:25 am

That's cool. Yeah, Mad Max movies are in the top tier of my greatest movies list for sure. Crossed my mind when you begun the desert drive series. Some of the vehicles in Mad Max have very high madness level :hehe
If you flip the clip make sure you don't run into road signs.

Just learned how to make a depth map in Blender, but I don't want to memorize too much new information at a time,
or I will forget how to do the real work.

See you around, have a nice weekend.

Re: Drivers Seat Video

Sat May 15, 2021 11:16 am

Congratulations, Tas- you have known how to combine so many different techniques and you handle them really well. Imagination and creativity are not lacking. I really like the result you have achieved and the car/train thread to unite the different sequences. The colors are very attractive and the animation is very nice to see.
Thanks for sharing your video. I liked it a lot. :yes :clap

Re: Drivers Seat Video

Sun May 16, 2021 1:17 am

Tas- you have known how to combine so many different techniques

Thanks Issabella I'm still learning I hope.

When I was young I hitchhiked a lot in Australia. In central Queensland I got a lift with some pot smokers. The accelerator cable broke on their car so I sat on the roof holding the broken cable with pliers. I realised if the driver hit the brakes I would be thrown forwards onto the road so I kept the speed very slow. The pot smokers didn't realise how slow they were going :)
We got to a wrecking yard and they found a replacement cable. I also rode a freight train at night on that trip which I wanted to do after reading Jack Kerouac On The Road.
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