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Can MacOS use G'MIC with GIMP 2.10.22?

Thu Mar 18, 2021 7:44 pm

Nice to meet you.

I tried to install G'MIC by referring to the post on the page below.


But G'MIC is not added to the filter.

I would appreciate your feedback.

[Environmental information]
Mac OS X: High Sierra
OS version: 10.13.6
Model Identifier: iMac12,1
Processor Name: Intel Core i5 Processor Speed: 2.5 GHz
Memory: 4 GB
Version: 2.10.22

Re: Can MacOS use G'MIC with GIMP 2.10.22?

Fri Mar 19, 2021 5:24 pm

Actually the recipe you referred to is not very recent. The maintainer of the plugin is busy elsewhere. Possibly the number of Mac users is too limited. I am using from MacPorts the gmic plugin, still this needs some effort to be installed first time (MacPorts + Xcode + "port install gmic-gimp"), later it is quite easy to update (port selfupdate ; port outdated ; sudo port -cup upgrade outdated).

For a quick trial, I can only recommend you to download Gimp from Partha.com containing a fairly recent gmic plugin.

Re: Can MacOS use G'MIC with GIMP 2.10.22?

Sat Mar 20, 2021 7:58 pm

Thank you for your advice.

I visited Partha.
But I couldn't find the download link for the G'MIC plugin
I'm not good at English, so I may have overlooked it.

Is it possible to use the G'MIC plug-in with GIMP-2.10.22 using MacPort?
I'm curious because I'm new to working with Terminal.app.
If it doesn't bother you, I would be very grateful if you could teach me how to do it.

Re: Can MacOS use G'MIC with GIMP 2.10.22?

Sat Mar 20, 2021 11:13 pm

From Parthia you just need to download his McGimp to have G’Mic already programmed into gimp.

Re: Can MacOS use G'MIC with GIMP 2.10.22?

Sun Mar 21, 2021 8:22 pm

I was able to install it safely.
Thank you for both of you.

Initially there was a conflict between McGimp and Gimp, which caused Gmic to crash, but now it works after disabling the Gmic plugin for Gimp.

Other than that, it took some time to install fonts and input Japanese, but I would like to try it for a while.

Thank you for your valuable information.

Re: Can MacOS use G'MIC with GIMP 2.10.22?

Mon Mar 22, 2021 10:01 am


Is it possible to use the G'MIC plug-in with GIMP-2.10.22 using MacPort?
I'm curious because I'm new to working with Terminal.app.

Being new to Terminal usage, you might have some stronger need to use this package manager MacPorts. It allows you to install most of the linux free and open software to install on Mac. Besides, gimp and gmic-gimp as well as gimp.app are so called ports to install via MacPorts without native or Partha version. Have a glance into https://www.macports.org . If you are still interested don't hesitate to ask.

Re: Can MacOS use G'MIC with GIMP 2.10.22?

Mon Mar 22, 2021 9:31 pm

karo03de, thank you for the details.

If I install it using MacPorts, can I run Gimp and Gmic without any problems with my environmental information mentioned above?

For example, is it possible to input Japanese with a text tool?
It seems that McGimp does not support Japanese input.

I looked at the page below about installing using MacPorts, but I couldn't understand it due to lack of knowledge.

Install gmic-gimp on macOS | MacPorts
KaRo's gmic builds for Mac --bplaced

Re: Can MacOS use G'MIC with GIMP 2.10.22?

Tue Mar 23, 2021 3:08 pm

I am not quite sure, still the management of locale is in all Gimp builds the same. The gmic-gimp builds from KaRo (me, bplaced) are not recent. I have stopped the (MacPorts related) building after incorporation of gmic as port into MacPorts.

However, there is no or only a little difference between (Mc)Gimp with gmic-gimp plugin either from MacPorts or from Partha, except possibly some delay in update. If McGimp (with gmic-gimp plugin) from Partha.com is doing what you would like to do, there is no need to try the cumbersome path via MacPorts. I am using Gimp and gmic with MacPorts since I like to build the most recent terminal version of gmic, the plugin is an addition.

I cannot try to switch to Japanese to try text input, since I run into problems to come back to a (for me) readable program!
Did you try with Gimp or McGimp to draw some text into an image? What do you mean with "a text tool"? There are only little methods in Gimp to input text into images besides typing or pasting. And if your Mac is Japanese, every input is Japanese too, at least the characters or signs!

Re: Can MacOS use G'MIC with GIMP 2.10.22?

Tue Mar 23, 2021 7:23 pm

I've acknowledged.
If it's almost the same as using MacPorts, I'll use McGimp for a while.

Sorry for the poor explanation.
The text tool is the function explained in this page. 
It is a function to input text, and the shortcut is the T key.

Re: Can MacOS use G'MIC with GIMP 2.10.22?

Thu Jun 03, 2021 3:08 am

I tried to install G'MIC on GIMP 2.10.14 (Mac Catalina) following the indications given (download page on gmic.eu)
(first : get the GMIC-Gimp-2.10-osx.tgz file)
I did not succeed because Catalina controls a lot of things!
I created a plug-ins folder in / Library / Application Support / GIMP / 2.10 / and then I dropped the extracted files from GMIC-Gimp-2.10-osx.tgz
Two warning messages from Catalina that I got around by just opening the 2 files indicated in an editor.
But no G'MIC filters in GIMP ....

Here is a solution to install G'MIC with GIMP -> find the page how-to-install-the-gmic-qt-plugin-for-gimp-on-a-mac
You must install the files extracted from GMIC-Gimp-2.10-osx.tgz directly into the content of GIMP (use Show Package Contents ).
Not very clean but it works ;-)


Re: Can MacOS use G'MIC with GIMP 2.10.22?

Fri Jun 04, 2021 11:46 am

Reniou wrote:Hi!
I tried to install G'MIC on GIMP 2.10.14 (Mac Catalina) following the indications given (download page on gmic.eu)
(first : get the GMIC-Gimp-2.10-osx.tgz file)
I did not succeed because Catalina controls a lot of things!
I created a plug-ins folder in / Library / Application Support / GIMP / 2.10 / and then I dropped the extracted files from GMIC-Gimp-2.10-osx.tgz
Two warning messages from Catalina that I got around by just opening the 2 files indicated in an editor.
But no G'MIC filters in GIMP ....

Here is a solution to install G'MIC with GIMP -> find the page how-to-install-the-gmic-qt-plugin-for-gimp-on-a-mac
You must install the files extracted from GMIC-Gimp-2.10-osx.tgz directly into the content of GIMP (use Show Package Contents ).
Not very clean but it works ;-)


A bit dangerous solution! Besides, the used gmic-qt package is not just recent! That's always the problem with quickly extended and improved software packages.
Actually I still consider as most recent, most simple and best solution for Mac users to load the McGimp package from partha.com, avoiding the cumbersome path via gmic install with MacPorts. Still I hope that the maintainer of the GMIC-Gimp-2.10-osx.tgz package finds time for a renewal after appearance of a gmic major release, perhaps in near future.
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