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Stroke: how to remove space between test & stroke

Tue Oct 26, 2021 8:17 am

Hi there and thanks for your help.

I am a 48 hour newby to GIMP and have just installed G'Mic. I am doing some tutorials. I want to apply a stroke to a text layer. But, when I apply the stroke, there is a space between the test and stroke of about 1px. How do I remove it? Or, if someone can point me to a tutorial on how to use the stroke plugin.


Re: Stroke: how to remove space between test & stroke

Tue Oct 26, 2021 9:02 am

There are few different ways to create a stroke. The easier way is to have install the Layerfx plugin:
1. Go to the Layer menu and select: Layer Effect> Stroke

2. On the dialog Stroke, select the Size, Position and the Color and click Stroke.

The other way if you don't have the Layerfx plugin is:

1. Go to the Layers dialog, right click the Text layer and select, Alpha to selection.

2. Go to menu: Select and choose, "To path" to create a path (Paths are smoother)

3. Get rid of the selection, go to: Select> None

4. Set the color you want on the Foreground/Background palette

5. Go to: Edit> Stroke path and another dialog will open. Here, by default the top option is selected is "Stroke Line".

Re: Stroke: how to remove space between test & stroke

Tue Oct 26, 2021 10:08 am

,,, I want to apply a stroke to a text layer. But, when I apply the stroke, there is a space between the test and stroke of about 1px. How do I remove it?

The way to avoid that is Text-to-Path then stroke the path on a layer under the text layer.
I did this for someone as an example on another forum, only one minute . https://i.imgur.com/dpWOg1X.mp4

You can also use the GEGL drop shadow flter with settings like this https://www.gimp-forum.net/attachment.php?aid=6461

Re: Stroke: how to remove space between test & stroke

Tue Oct 26, 2021 11:07 am

Thank you very much to the both of you. Really appreciate your time in replying to my question.

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