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NEW: G'MIC Discussions

Mon Dec 31, 2012 2:28 am

G'MIC now has it's own section at Gimp Chat,
Gimp Scripts and Plugins ยป Subforum: G'MIC Discussions :bigthup

Re: NEW: G'MIC Discussions

Mon Dec 31, 2012 2:57 am

I am very pleased that the GMIC - the most important addition to the GIMP - has its own forum.
Thank you, that it is done.

Re: NEW: G'MIC Discussions

Mon Dec 31, 2012 3:19 am

MareroQ wrote:I am very pleased that the GMIC - the most important addition to the GIMP - has its own forum.
Thank you, that it is done.
You helped get the ball rolling, Thank you MareroQ.

Re: NEW: G'MIC Discussions

Mon Dec 31, 2012 3:39 am

Thanks Odinbc, this is great ! I will put a link to the forum from the G'MIC webpage soon.

EDIT : Is there a RSS feed available only for this subforum ?

Re: NEW: G'MIC Discussions

Mon Dec 31, 2012 4:42 am

Here ya go, Ronounours.


Re: NEW: G'MIC Discussions

Mon Dec 31, 2012 5:46 am

Thanks a lot Gnutux !

EDIT : I've put the RSS feed as well as the link to the Gimpchat forum on the G'MIC website.

Re: NEW: G'MIC Discussions

Mon Dec 31, 2012 12:47 pm

This is a great idea!

Re: NEW: G'MIC Discussions

Mon Dec 31, 2012 5:18 pm

Ronounours wrote:EDIT : I've put the RSS feed as well as the link to the Gimpchat forum on the G'MIC website.

Excellent! :bigthup

Re: NEW: G'MIC Discussions

Mon Dec 31, 2012 5:55 pm

Cool Beans. G'MIC deserves it's own dedicated forum. G'MIC pretty much is like feeding GIMP with steroids and I pretty much use some G'MIC preset with every edit I do. Thanks for the heads up Odin and definitely appreciate that Tux. :)

Re: NEW: G'MIC Discussions

Mon Dec 31, 2012 8:34 pm

lylejk wrote:Cool Beans. G'MIC deserves it's own dedicated forum.

I wholeheartedly agree. :jumpclap

I have found myself using GMIC more and more as time goes by. GMIC really does bring to Gimp to a whole new level of capabilities.

Re: NEW: G'MIC Discussions

Tue Jan 01, 2013 8:10 am

Well done! :)

Re: NEW: G'MIC Discussions

Tue May 28, 2013 9:18 am

is this topic still alive? no posts after January...
and also: is it the correct one where to post questions on writing g'mic commands?
because, I just would like to begin understanding/writing g'mic lines of codes
should I enter here my questions or look at g'mic specific forum?

Re: NEW: G'MIC Discussions

Tue May 28, 2013 10:59 am

This was the post announcing the new "sub forum", you can see all the individual posts here: http://gimpchat.com/viewforum.php?f=28
And yes, G'MIC and this forum are still "alive" :yes

If you plan on writing gmic scripts, take a look on the sourceforge wiki for tutorials: gmic wiki
There is also a goldmine of old posts on the flickr forum (we tend to use it for mostly technical/scripting stuff to keep from cluttering up the gimpchat one), if you need any help just ask and we'll try our best :)

Re: NEW: G'MIC Discussions

Tue May 28, 2013 1:15 pm

Many thanks, GC!
I did already download the GMIC_Reference.pdf (related to the incoming new release) and copied/created the "beginner's commands" (my_first_filter_command, filter_tuto, better_filter), defined also "my_directory" and put everything in the gmic folder under AppData/Roaming.
But as soon as I wanted reproduce under gmic the function I wrote in a script-fu, I went lost.
My goal was enough simple:
- 1 : open an image
- 2 : fade a little bit (50 pixels, more or less) the right side
- 3 : flip the layer
- 4 : combine the two layers in such a way that the faded sectors override each other, so to have a "reflected image" of about the double width of the original image
This was a function I was using since many years in another software, which I liked (and like).
I found under gmic the "linear_gradient", the "compose", the "mirror", the "append_tiles", but I could not find a way to solve point 4.
Also, I was also frustrated not finding in the reference (or in the existing gmic scripts I looked into) some possibilities in the commands that I expected when I was experimenting them (e.g. expand_x: is it true or it's just my poor understanding that it operates always on both side, left and right? or fade_linear: does it operates only on the width of the base image).
In general, what I find difficult was to get answers to questions in my mind: how can I do such and such? Probably I miss a so called User Guide, because Reference Manual are always very language, not objective, oriented.
I now will use all the links you gave to me and will see...
Thanks again

Re: NEW: G'MIC Discussions

Tue May 28, 2013 4:13 pm

Let me just add that g'mic is not easy to get used to! It's intended to be very quick to use once you know it, but that means it's quite nasty to learn. One thing that still catches me out is a lot of commands are used in unexpected ways. Anyway, what you might need to use for that are:

-crop : if you use values outside image coordinates it will also expand (for example -crop[-1] -50,0,{w-1},{h-1} will add 50 pixels to the left), expand_x etc. are mostly used for creating an even border.
-image : you can use it with an opacity mask (for example -image[-1] [-2],0,0,0,0,1,[-3] which means draw image [-2] on top of image [-1] using image [-3] as an opacity mask)

If you can show me an example picture I could probably tell you one way of doing it, but another thing with gmic is there are usually lots of ways of doing the same thing - some may be faster/neater than others!

PS it might be best to start a new forum post for specific script questions since this is still the announcement post, or you could send a private forum message to me :)

Re: NEW: G'MIC Discussions

Wed May 29, 2013 9:56 am

I agree with garagecoder (of course! ;)).
There is a quite complete reference guide, but this is basically a quick overview of each available G'MIC command. It doesn't tell so much about how to use them to perform a particular task.
You are right, a 'user guide' could be a good thing to have. There are some wiki pages that are only waiting to be filled with interesting stuffs, so do not hesitate to do so if you feel you can bring your own vision of the software.

Re: NEW: G'MIC Discussions

Tue Feb 23, 2016 3:49 pm

Alright, I am a bit frustrated and I am sure I may be in the wrong thread for this silly Problem. Just recently I found out about this awesome Plug in G'MIC, However I run and like my Gimp version 2.6.11 on my Windows 7 laptop. I don't care for Gimp 2.8 so I was very disappointed when every download suggestion I followed made me end up with G'MIC for gimp 2.8 gaaaaah. So after a long and argues search I finally found the correct download and yes I got G'MIC. So here is the new Problem, I can not get it to update. The Recommended Manuel Update is not working either since something May have been changed I know this may be a long shot, But is there any link that anyone can provide that gives me the Updates for G"MIC. Sadly I got version That is the only one I was able to find anywhere. Even one of the Forum discussions that show how to Install it for Gimp 2.6.11 provides links that have long since been updated and redirect to the official G'MIC download site. What I love about gimp is that if I don't like a version I can go to the file archive and download which version I prefer. G'MIC does not seem to have that option. So long story short, Does anyone have any Idea how I can manually update my Filters for Gimp 2.6.11? or am I am forced to upgrade to have the ability to update my G'Mic Filters. I don't need every available filter but more than the basic what 25 would be nice.

Thank you for your help in advance.

Re: NEW: G'MIC Discussions

Tue Feb 23, 2016 4:10 pm

G'MIC updates really only support the latest versions of G'MIC, Nini. Not sure you can get any more updates for the older versions of G'MIC that actually still support GIMP 2.6x. :)

Re: NEW: G'MIC Discussions

Tue Feb 23, 2016 4:29 pm

:( Sad panda, not want I wanted to hear, but I figured that would be the answer. I was hoping there was still a way for a Manuel filter update. thanks though :bigthup for the fast reply.

Re: NEW: G'MIC Discussions

Tue Feb 23, 2016 4:38 pm

Just curious; have you tried to add the zipped file (don't use the installer) to GIMP 2.6x to see if that version works with GIMP 2.6x? More than likely it may not, but G'MIC for GIMP is quite self contained (presets are excecuted by the plugin itself) and uses GIMP for previews and to pass results back into GIMP. Try unzipping (assuming you are using 32-bit GIMP 2.6x) the file below (create a separate directly and link the plugin by adding in via the settings dialog withing GIMP). :)

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