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What is the point of making Gimp look and act like photoshop?

Sat May 11, 2019 2:11 am

I'm curious to know what is the point of making Gimp look and act like photoshop? I've seen videos on how to do it but I just really want to know why users do it?

Re: What is the point of making Gimp look and act like photoshop?

Sat May 11, 2019 2:47 am

Well, my guess would be it is for people how are very familiar with PS and want to try GIMP without a huge learning curve. I for one learned to edit in PS first, so I can relate to it.

Re: What is the point of making Gimp look and act like photoshop?

Sat May 11, 2019 5:06 am

I like the layout of PS better and that's why I did it. You'll notice that on all my screen caps. It's been years since I've used photoshop, but a similar layout is also used in other image editors as well. Fortunately Gimp is very customizable and it's relatively easy to do such things.

Re: What is the point of making Gimp look and act like photoshop?

Mon May 13, 2019 9:00 am

mackenzieh wrote:I'm curious to know what is the point of making Gimp look and act like photoshop? I've seen videos on how to do it but I just really want to know why users do it?

Most people (change) the GIMP key shortcuts to react like Photo Shop. Nice that GIMP is very customizable when it comes to its entire interface as well. There are many people that have used Adobe products and when you are used to a certain way to get things done quickly with your keyboard and interface. Well i think you can see now why users would want to do this. :bigthup :hehe

Re: What is the point of making Gimp look and act like photoshop?

Mon May 13, 2019 10:18 am

Most people? Really? Where did you get the numbers?

Re: What is the point of making Gimp look and act like photoshop?

Mon May 13, 2019 10:24 am

ofnuts wrote:Most people? Really? Where did you get the numbers?

My apologizes ofnuts i simply meant those who have used adobe products before switching to GIMP. Those users usually try and keep the photoshop look and feel.

Re: What is the point of making Gimp look and act like photoshop?

Mon May 13, 2019 11:28 am

I have Photoshop,
however I'm primarily a GIMP user.
I like GIMP's interface and have become familiar,
with seeing and using it.

Appearances don't matter much to me,
as long as it's functional.

Some may have found GIMP,
after a long stint with PS.
Even so,
changing GIMP's interface to look like that of PS.
Isn't really something that a "new" GIMP user would start out with.

Redesigning the facade of a building.
Does nothing to change what remains inside.

Re: What is the point of making Gimp look and act like photoshop?

Mon May 13, 2019 4:37 pm

Call me idiot, but I started using gimp because I could not use PS, it was too difficult :gaah and with gimp I felt it more "intuitive" :yes . Now, I find the multiple windows very useful though I have had to use the "one window mode" a couple of times.

Re: What is the point of making Gimp look and act like photoshop?

Thu May 16, 2019 7:14 am

Wallace wrote:
I have Photoshop,
however I'm primarily a GIMP user.
I like GIMP's interface and have become familiar,
with seeing and using it.

Appearances don't matter much to me,
as long as it's functional.

Some may have found GIMP,
after a long stint with PS.
Even so,
changing GIMP's interface to look like that of PS.
Isn't really something that a "new" GIMP user would start out with.

Redesigning the facade of a building.
Does nothing to change what remains inside.

I have PS as well Wallace. I do not set my GIMP up to look like adobe photoshop either :) .

Re: What is the point of making Gimp look and act like photoshop?

Thu May 16, 2019 10:44 am

Rod wrote:I have PS as well Wallace.
I do not set my GIMP up to look like adobe photoshop either :) .

I'm with ya on that brother.

I may just set up my PS to look like Gimp.


Re: What is the point of making Gimp look and act like photoshop?

Thu May 16, 2019 10:44 pm

Wallace wrote:
Rod wrote:I have PS as well Wallace.
I do not set my GIMP up to look like adobe photoshop either :) .

I'm with ya on that brother.

I may just set up my PS to look like Gimp.


I have just finished setting up Gimp on my new Lenovo Windows 10 machine after my old Lenovo running Linux Ubuntu Studio started showing signs of age. Have never used Photoshop and a Subscription is too expensive in Aussie Dollars anyway.

Re: What is the point of making Gimp look and act like photoshop?

Thu May 16, 2019 11:19 pm

Kimba wrote:
I have just finished setting up Gimp on my new Lenovo Windows 10 machine after my old Lenovo running Linux Ubuntu Studio started showing signs of age. Have never used Photoshop and a Subscription is too expensive in Aussie Dollars anyway.

I don't have a PS subscription.
;) ;)
Good luck with the new Lenova.

By the by,
have you heard of Tech YES City?
I watch him on youtube.
Love his content.

Re: What is the point of making Gimp look and act like photoshop?

Thu May 16, 2019 11:51 pm

Hi Wallace, I will check out Tech YES City, thank you. I have just installed Gimp 2.10.10. Now I have too find my collected brushes from my backup drive.

Re: What is the point of making Gimp look and act like photoshop?

Fri May 17, 2019 12:13 am

Kimba wrote:Hi Wallace, I will check out Tech YES City, thank you.
I have just installed Gimp 2.10.10.
Now I have too find my collected brushes from my backup drive.

Then make your Gimp look like photoshop.


Re: What is the point of making Gimp look and act like photoshop?

Sat May 18, 2019 7:33 pm

I used an early version of PhotoShop (5.0 maybe?) but didn't use it extensively enough to get comfortable with it. When Adobe went to a subscription model, I ditched PS permanently. I've toyed with the idea of making my GIMP look more like PS only in order to make it easier to work out GIMP versions of various PS tutorials.

Re: What is the point of making Gimp look and act like photoshop?

Sat May 18, 2019 7:44 pm

I've never had Photoshop... ever. Two reasons: One it's too expensive (all of Adobe's products are through the roof with their prices) and two, I think open source is better and not just because it's free but you can do just about anything with their products, as if they were ones you'd pay through the nose for.

Re: What is the point of making Gimp look and act like photoshop?

Sat May 18, 2019 7:47 pm

enxio27 wrote:I used an early version of PhotoShop (5.0 maybe?) but didn't use it extensively enough to get comfortable with it.
When Adobe went to a subscription model, I ditched PS permanently.
I've toyed with the idea of making my GIMP look more like PS
only in order to make it easier to work out GIMP versions of various PS tutorials.

I had not thought about doing this for that reason.
it makes a lot of sense why you would do this.
More of a functionality and work flow thing,
than an aesthetics thing.


Re: What is the point of making Gimp look and act like photoshop?

Sun May 19, 2019 1:15 am

enxio27 wrote:I used an early version of PhotoShop (5.0 maybe?) but didn't use it extensively enough to get comfortable with it. When Adobe went to a subscription model, I ditched PS permanently. I've toyed with the idea of making my GIMP look more like PS only in order to make it easier to work out GIMP versions of various PS tutorials.

I can see your point,enxio27. Maybe I will try that when I have worked out how to enlarge Gimp 2.10.10 so I can see what I am doing better. :gaah We don't all have 20/20 vision.
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