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Reset GIMP?

Mon Feb 24, 2020 2:26 pm


I'm an occasional GIMP user, or rather I have used it alot in the past but it's been a while. I downloaded a new (for me) version GIMP 2.10 recently, but it seems like I have managed to change the settings some how and now i can't do anything.. When i click entire areas just blink purple. Is there a way to completely reset all settings?

Grateful for any help!

Re: Reset GIMP?

Mon Feb 24, 2020 2:46 pm

Welieu wrote:Hey,

I'm an occasional GIMP user, or rather I have used it alot in the past but it's been a while. I downloaded a new (for me) version GIMP 2.10 recently, but it seems like I have managed to change the settings some how and now i can't do anything.. When i click entire areas just blink purple. Is there a way to completely reset all settings?

Grateful for any help!

You can reset gimp to it's default values within Preferences.
Go to: Edit > Preferences.


If this doesn't help.
You my need to have Gimp create a new user profile.

Re: Reset GIMP?

Mon Feb 24, 2020 3:53 pm

I didn't work :( How do I create a new users profile?

Re: Reset GIMP?

Mon Feb 24, 2020 5:19 pm

Hi Welieu.

Re: Reset GIMP?

Mon Feb 24, 2020 7:43 pm

Welieu wrote:I didn't work :( How do I create a new users profile?

Rename your current profile to something like .gimp-2.10.old. and restart GIMP.
GIMP will recreate a new profile once launched,
which may fix the issue.

Re: Reset GIMP?

Mon Jun 29, 2020 3:51 am

I guess that trick blew up his computer. ;)
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