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How to speed up some activities in Gimp in Windows10.

Sat Feb 29, 2020 4:33 am

I recently read a very good tip about disabling floppy disk drives:

As for me, operations like:

File -> Open
File -> Exsport as
Edit -> Preferences

after switching off the floppy disk drive in "Control Panel" -> "Device Manager" these operations are performed even 10 times faster.
Turning off the floppy disk drive does not require a Gimp or Windows restart and works after the system reboots.

Re: How to speed up some activities in Gimp in Windows10.

Sat Feb 29, 2020 10:13 am

Reducing the number of brushes will also speed up GIMP launch. Not sure why, but the user filter (an optional but cool filter) takes an inordinate amount of time to load as well, but I tolerate that since I do, more often then no, use this filter. Just wish I can get my hands on an AMD 3950 16 core. lol


Re: How to speed up some activities in Gimp in Windows10.

Sun Mar 01, 2020 3:54 am

Use to be that fonts would make the start up time slow. (I don't have the font folder either) I don't even see them loading so they must load quick. I find that pallettes, scripts and plugins take the longest
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