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Importing photos from camera

Fri Apr 16, 2021 5:01 am


How can I import an image into GIMP, please, from a digital camera? I connect my camera to my PC tower, and what would I do then?


Re: Importing photos from camera

Fri Apr 16, 2021 6:24 am

You would browse for it as normal. Like for any other photo editor.

Look for your camera through file, open. Assuming you are using the OS Windows, you should be able to look in your pc's drives & devices and it will show you what devices are connected. Click on your camera when you find it. Then look for the folder in your camera that has the images in it.

Re: Importing photos from camera

Fri Apr 16, 2021 7:36 am

SteveH wrote:Hello

How can I import an image into GIMP, please, from a digital camera? I connect my camera to my PC tower, and what would I do then?


Seriouslty, don't. The camera connection is outrageously slow. It is much faster to stick the SD card in a card reader (very often built-in the PC these days, otherwise a few dollars) and copy all the images to disk (you should also avoid to work directly off the card), and then load the picture in Gimp from the disk. Gimp may also be forbidden by Windows security to look at files on removable media, be it the camera or the SD card in a reader. And on modern systems, when connected to the PC the camera doesn't appear as a regular file system but as an image device and Gimp can't do anything with that.

If you need an instant display on the PC, some cameras can work in "tethered" mode with a USB cable between PC and camera (or over wifi) but this requires an application from the camera's manufacturer.

Re: Importing photos from camera

Fri Apr 16, 2021 8:06 am

Stick the SD in the card reader. If you don't have a card reader, you can use USB.
Browse to the DCIM folder on the card, copy the images to your Hard Disk. You should always work on a copy file, not the original.
I usually open the SD Card image folder straight from phone/camera in Image Viewer, and copy only wanted images using a key-combo while going through them.
On Windows, IrfanView is good for this because it allows to do it without displaying a dialog.

Re: Importing photos from camera

Fri Apr 16, 2021 4:44 pm

What photo management software are you using? I'd start with that first.

I did like how google's picasa worked on windows, digikam on linux or rapid photo downloader too.

Re: Importing photos from camera

Sat Apr 17, 2021 4:55 am

Wow! Many thanks to you all for your suggestions. I will try them out this afternoon. Much appreciated!


Re: Importing photos from camera

Thu Jun 24, 2021 1:49 am

Step 1: Connect the camera and computer via the cable that came with the camera.
Step 2: View the camera's DCIM folder on your computer.
Step 3: Select the photos you want to transfer.
Step 4: Create the folder on your computer where you want to copy your photos.
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