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GEGL Effects lite is officially in Gimp 2.99.19 latest.

Sat Apr 15, 2023 5:57 pm

GEGL Effects CE is getting a special build baked into Gimp 2.99 by a associate Gimp dev. It will be transformed into a "GEGL Gimp Operation" and will be a candidate to be put in Gimp 3 officially.

The build doesn't exist yet but I am excited and will keep everyone updated


If you want this to happen show support here.

Re: GEGL Effects has a chance of getting into Gimp 3 officially

Sun Apr 16, 2023 2:10 am

Congrats @_contrast :coolthup

Re: GEGL Effects has a chance of getting into Gimp 3 officially

Sun Apr 16, 2023 2:42 am

:bigthup Fingers crossed for you.

Re: GEGL Effects has a chance of getting into Gimp 3 officially

Sun Apr 16, 2023 3:47 pm

I just built a special version of GEGL Effects CE designated for Gimp 3. It is only in Private DM's with a Gimp dev.

Changes made are trivial but operations were renamed

gegl effects continual edition is now "gegl effects" gegl:gegleffects
bevel is now called "bevel and emboss" gegl:bevelemboss
innerglow is now called "inner glow shadow" gegl:innerglowshadow
zzstrokebevelimage got an extra z.

It is still exactly the same as the latest April 4th build.

Now a Gimp Dev will convert this version of GEGL Effects into a "Gimp GEGL Plugin" and bake it into a custom build of 2.99. The special build is needed so users can run the plugin version alongside the official version in Gimp.

Re: GEGL Effects has a chance of getting into Gimp 3 officially

Sun Apr 16, 2023 6:56 pm

I am also trying to get Custom Bevel into Gimp officially. It will be renamed "Designer Bevel" and will be a watered down version. GEGL Effects will NOT be watered down. Custom Bevel had too many sliders and it had to be neutered for its own good.

Ft36wwNX0AEfcRj.jpg (135.5 KiB) Viewed 3528 times

Re: GEGL Effects has a chance of getting into Gimp 3 officially

Fri Apr 21, 2023 8:10 am

The candidate Inner Glow and Bevel GEGL Plugins I am trying to get into Gimp 2.99 officially will be renamed again.

"Bevel to blend" and "Inner Glow to blend"

to indicate they require use of blend modes. No changes to features just a different titled name. This is because Gimp does
not allow descriptions for official GEGL filters in it.

Re: GEGL Effects has a chance of getting into Gimp 3 officially

Fri Apr 28, 2023 7:59 am

Today is the first that day a Gimp dev started serious work on the port from plug-in to Gimp 3 main menu. I will keep everyone updated on the progress or difficulties.

Re: GEGL Effects has a chance of getting into Gimp 3 officially

Sun Apr 30, 2023 10:09 pm

Custom Bevel's candidate for 2.99 and Custom Bevel normal version are going to be updated to solve this bug.


Re: GEGL Effects has a chance of getting into Gimp 3 officially

Sun Jun 11, 2023 8:18 pm

Custom Bevel's 2.99 candidate is getting ready to be baked into the latest version of GEGL.

Re: GEGL Effects has a chance of getting into Gimp 3 officially

Mon Jun 12, 2023 2:31 pm

Congrats @contrast_ :clap
You deserve it after all that work.

Re: GEGL Effects has a chance of getting into Gimp 3 officially

Wed Jun 14, 2023 6:52 pm

Custom Bevel's fork was accepted into GEGL officially. It will be in the next build of Gimp 2.99.
:yes :gimp :yes
It is in the process of becoming an official GEGL operation and currently is in the "workshop" section of GEGL operations.

Re: GEGL Effects has a chance of getting into Gimp 3 officially

Wed Jun 14, 2023 11:38 pm

contrast_ wrote:Custom Bevel's fork was accepted into GEGL officially. It will be in the next build of Gimp 2.99.
:yes :gimp :yes
[ Image ]
It is in the process of becoming an official GEGL operation and currently is in the "workshop" section of GEGL operations.


Re: GEGL Effects has a chance of getting into Gimp 3 officially

Thu Jun 15, 2023 4:45 pm

Here is the code of it. GEGL's lead dev Pippin has modified already it in ways I don't entirely understand.

https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gegl/-/b ... /chamfer.c

He seems to be giving it new operations and parameters.

NOTE: STRONG RECOMMENDATION TO NOT USE OR COMPILE, AS THE BINARY WILL CONFLICT WITH THE PLUGIN VERSION OR FUTURE VERSION OF GIMP 3. You can wait till the next version of 2.99 to use this. Only compile if you know what you are doing and know to remove it on the next 2.99 release)

Here are a list of changes Pippin made that I do understand.

The Plugin has been renamed to Chamfer which is apparently another name of bevel.

2. Pippin apparently made a new GEGL operation called Alpha-Clip which substitutes for median-blur radius=0 to repair a GEGL graph. It is not as good as my method and I argue for why here

3. Changing the way I hide advance sliders.

I may provide binaries of said novel filter (alpha-clip) soon as I find it useful for GEGL development.

Re: GEGL Effects has a chance of getting into Gimp 3 officially

Fri Jun 16, 2023 1:44 am

Congratulations C - you really have deserved this recognition of all your hard work and determination. :bowdown :geekon

Re: GEGL Effects has a chance of getting into Gimp 3 officially

Sat Jun 17, 2023 2:32 pm

A special build of GEGL Effects named GEGL:Styles was made based on the April 4th stable. This build is 100% GEGL and does not use Gimp operations. and is intended to be in Gimp 3. To sadly put it it had to be downgraded to be 100% GEGL compatible. List of changes below.

Differences from current release GEGL Effects and GEGL Styles

1. Solid color fill and color overlay blend modes, Glass on Text, Shiny Text, Knock Out Text, Extra Outline are not there because this happened after April 4th stable.

2. Gradient was entirely removed and Outline Bevel is where Gradient once was.

3.Bevel inside GEGL Styles lost a ton of its blend mode options because they were Gimp only. It was severely downgraded in a sense.

4. Inner Glow inside GEGL Styles lost a bunch of blend mode options but was given a bunch of new GEGL only blend modes that do unique things that the plugin version can't do.

5. In attempt to make the bevel in GEGL Styles better it was given two gegl:levels sliders.

GEGL Styles has three parts

1. Color, Outline and Shadow

2. Bevel and Inner Glow

3. Image File Overlay and Special Options for Outline.

GEGL Styles cannot be released in the wild because it is only meant for Gimp's team and I don't want conflicting binaries floating around.

Images of GEGL Styles


Re: GEGL Effects has a chance of getting into Gimp 3 officially

Sat Jun 17, 2023 2:41 pm

The only thing preventing me from submitting GEGL Styles to Gimp's team is me waiting for a Gimp Dev (barefootliam) to get rid of its one hidden operation.

btw Gimp team is expecting it and they talked about WANTING my plugins at their conference. I can say with strong confidence it will get in.

Re: GEGL Effects has a chance of getting into Gimp 3 officially

Fri Jun 30, 2023 10:55 pm

For now on I will be referring to the build of GEGL Effects that is intended for Gimp 3 as GEGL Styles (gegl:styles) it has no yet been accepted into Gimp but Gimp's team is aware that it is coming.

I have attached screenshots of GEGL Styles and stuff I sent Gimp's team about it for GEGL's website all in this zip. Check it out here it contains neat documentation.
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/ ... mation.zip

GEGL Styles is very similar to the April 4th 2023 Build of GEGL Effects but without a Gradient. Gradient was completely removed

Re: GEGL Effects has a chance of getting into Gimp 3 officially

Fri Jul 14, 2023 3:45 pm

Here is Custom Bevel officialy in Gimp 3. I had to disable two checkboxes to make it look like Custom Bevel.

I don't like what Oyvind did to it but it is what it is.

custom_bevel.png (89.55 KiB) Viewed 3350 times

Re: GEGL Effects has a chance of getting into Gimp 3 officially

Fri Jul 14, 2023 3:46 pm

It may end it being that chamfer replaces normal Bevel entirely in GEGL Styles.

Re: GEGL Effects has a chance of getting into Gimp 3 officially

Sat Jul 15, 2023 2:22 am

I'm both pleased for you :) and sad :( that your original version has been changed. I guess that there is little chance of this being different as Gimp 3 progresses!
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