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Gimp 2.99's master branch broke all color presets for my plugins

Tue Feb 13, 2024 8:22 pm


Read about this bug here. I don't know if it will be fixed but I am begging them to fix it.

In a nutshell my GEGL filters ability to do presets are partially corrupted, because colors are forgotten. Everything else will load proper in Gimp 2.99.17+ but colors
of presets.

I wrote

My main layer effects filter "GEGL Effects continual" is a mega filter that has 8 or more saved colors for the color of the text, outline, inner glow, shadow, extra outline/shadow, gradient, shine ect... Users can save a preset or import/export a preset from a text file. But in the most recent update dubbed "the color space invasion" all color presets are forgotten and replaced with the default color. After looking at the preset files in Gimp 2.10 and Gimp 2.99 I found this.

Color preset saved in this build of Gimp 2.99

(GimpGegl-gegl-layereffectscontinual-config "2024-02-13 17:34:19"
        (color "HSV double" 24 "\306\237H\70\45\66\331\77\262\76\64\326\207O\357\77r\5\61\271\302\314\357\77" 0))

Now here is a line of a GEGL preset from Gimp 2.10 that manages color presets.

Color preset saved in 2.10 and previous build of 2.99**
`   (GimpGegl-gegl-layereffectscontinual-config "2024-02-13 12:12:37"
    (optioncolor (color-rgba 0.26851274013444448 0.11709208933876114 0.40573770491803274 1))

image_showing _problem.png
image_showing _problem.png (551.04 KiB) Viewed 359 times

Native filters are effected too.
native_filter_effected_too.png (160.69 KiB) Viewed 359 times

Cross compatibility for 2.99 and 2.10 presets may be ruined if Jehan or someone else doesn't fix this.

Re: Gimp 2.99's master branch broke all color presets for my plugins

Tue Feb 13, 2024 11:12 pm

This gimp build doesn't even remember new preset colors from its own version. I hope to God this gets fixed.

I can tolerate 2.10 presets not working but not being able to make new color presets is PAINFUL.

Re: Gimp 2.99's master branch broke all color presets for my plugins

Thu Feb 15, 2024 9:23 am

Confirmed by Jehan that there will be a fix for this.
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