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Problem with exporting gif images

Thu Aug 29, 2013 2:51 pm

Hi. So currently i'm trying to export some gif images however whenever i try to export them i get this message:
"Cannot save RGB color images. Convert to indexed color or grayscale first."
I went to image > mode but i could only choose grayscale. Gimp wouldn't allow me to click on indexed.
I would really like to save these gif images in color not gray. I would really appreciate it if anyone can help me solve this issue.

Re: Problem with exporting gif images

Thu Aug 29, 2013 2:58 pm

Welcome to GC. I can't see any reason why conversion to indexed isn't allowed. Have you tried rebooting Gimp and seeing if anything has changed? Which version of Gimp are you using?

Re: Problem with exporting gif images

Thu Aug 29, 2013 3:03 pm

Erisian wrote:Welcome to GC. I can't see any reason why conversion to indexed isn't allowed. Have you tried rebooting Gimp and seeing if anything has changed? Which version of Gimp are you using?

Yeah i did try rebooting Gimp but it didn't change anything.
The version i'm using is 2.8

Re: Problem with exporting gif images

Thu Aug 29, 2013 3:11 pm

I'm confused but there are plenty of users here who might know the answer. Sorry I can't help.

Re: Problem with exporting gif images

Thu Aug 29, 2013 3:17 pm

Someone on a different GIMP forum was reporting a very similar problem, and they found that the problem was that their image had layer-groups - without the layer groups they could convert to indexed and successfully export.


Re: Problem with exporting gif images

Fri Jan 31, 2014 4:15 pm

Is there any future plans to support group layers?

Re: Problem with exporting gif images

Fri Jan 31, 2014 4:50 pm

Elrinth wrote:Is there any future plans to support group layers?
Gimp already supports Layer Groups.

Re: Problem with exporting gif images

Fri Jan 31, 2014 6:23 pm

Elrinth wrote:Is there any future plans to support group layers?

None that I know of and there is I think a good reason for this. When you use layer groups you are using blend modes and compositing doesn't mix well with indexed colors. When going indexed you limit your image to 256 colors. With layer groups you would need colors for the layers plus colors for the group (that behaves like a layer) which may not be in the sub-layers colors if these sub-layers have a partial opacity. So after you have converted the sub-layers to approximate colors you blend these, giving you an absolute color which is already not quite what it should be, and then you approximate this one again with a color in the color map. And of course you can't use dithering because the compositing of dithered layers will give unpredictable results. And then you would do compositing between the groups. Not a pretty sight.

Re: Problem with exporting gif images

Wed Aug 06, 2014 5:28 pm

Unsure if this was solved...but! You can do this! c:

go under Image > Flatten Layer Groups. That should fix your problems?

Re: Problem with exporting gif images

Sat Oct 03, 2020 5:25 pm

I had the same problem in version 2.10, with no layer groups. The solution I found was to change the color precision to 8-bit.
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