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Re: Python Troubleshooting Guide

Wed Jul 06, 2011 2:49 pm

@ mavhin

One of the very first things I did with my first computer was jump into BASIC with DOS, I believe the first version was QBASIC (I could be wrong), that's the beauty of computing, exploring it's potential.

yes, indeed the later MS DOS came with QBasic which was the interpreter-only version of MS QuickBasic.

The great thing about these forums are their diversity and not everyone can be an expert on everything or indeed anything.

Photocomix has a good point on using Python 2.5, that is where I originally got my installation working.

but on a lighter note

100 rem follow your own advice
110 for n = 1 to 5
120 print "read the latest read-me"
130 next n
140 print "install python"

Re: Python Troubleshooting Guide

Wed Jul 06, 2011 4:08 pm

well also Python 2.6 should be supported but i believe (to lazy to check now ) only from 2.6.6

The basic point for me is that there are not advantages to have the very last Python , if python is used only or mainly to support gimp python plugin

Of course would be different for who uses Python also for other reasons , but in that case should be know that is possible have more then 1 version of python installed

Re: Python Troubleshooting Guide

Wed Jul 06, 2011 7:59 pm

The packages work.Folks just need to take their time and install Python-Fu correctly.
That and take into consideration many people never upgrade.
Some folks are still using Gimp-2.2 WOW!
People have a hard time adjusting to change and it's just easier to keep the version you have.It works why fix it.What many people do not realize is that Gimp changes and so does it's dependencies.Even those dependencies to run outside scripts and filters.

Does anyone know which version of Gimp used Python files first?
Was it 2.0, or earlier?
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