Location of scripts in filter lists
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Author:  Oregonian [ Wed Jul 06, 2011 12:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Location of scripts in filter lists

What determines the location of scripts in the filter lists?

For example, the list in my Filters > Animation is a hodge podge. Few are alphabetical. The list is very long and it's easy to miss finding a script. :puzzled

Author:  nixnine [ Wed Jul 06, 2011 12:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Location of scripts in filter lists

Good question. Some type of order would be very helpful. I've even noticed scripts changing location in the list. I am already confused enough, haha. If there was some way to order them it would make using them much easier -- well, finding them anyway.

Author:  Rod [ Wed Jul 06, 2011 12:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Location of scripts in filter lists

That is a great question. :)
One of many Gimysteries in life. ;)

Author:  Oregonian [ Wed Jul 06, 2011 1:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Location of scripts in filter lists

nixnine wrote:
I've even noticed scripts changing location in the list. I am already confused enough, haha.
Yes, I've noticed that too. A script is down in the list, use it, and it may be at the top of the list when you look for it again. ;)

Author:  saulgoode [ Wed Jul 06, 2011 1:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Location of scripts in filter lists

Oregonian wrote:
What determines the location of scripts in the filter lists?

For example, the list in my Filters > Animation is a hodge podge. Few are alphabetical. The list is very long and it's easy to miss finding a script. :puzzled

They should be alphabetical except for those entries which 1) have been assigned to a particular menu group, or 2) have been added after starting GIMP (these will be sorted alphabetically after restarting GIMP).

Can you post a screenshot of your Animation menu?

Author:  PhotoComix [ Wed Jul 06, 2011 1:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Location of scripts in filter lists

:ninja well Saulgoode was faster anyway


It is the alphabetic order but may confuse because it is a alphabetic order that include numbers and simbols,and even blanc spaces (number get before then letters,

as example i wished a script be on top of its submenu, and i got that simply adding a blanc space before the filter name as from
<Image> /Filters/ Light and Shadows/Contrast Mask to <Image> /Filters/ Light and Shadows/ Contrast Mask

the blank space before Contrast make that filter the topmost but i believe would be the same using * or even -

But about fiters jumping i have no clue never happened to me, in theory should not happen except when filters pushed down or up by new additions, but list should remain in alphabetic order

Except AS SOON you add a new scripts and refresh, but once reloaded gimp everything will be again in alphabetical order

Author:  GnuTux [ Wed Jul 06, 2011 1:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Location of scripts in filter lists

It would be nice to have a script/plug-in organizer. Maybe we will see something like that in future releases.

Author:  ofnuts [ Wed Jul 06, 2011 1:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Location of scripts in filter lists

I suspect (but never tried to prove it) that location of menu item may also depend on installation type (public vs private).

Author:  saulgoode [ Wed Jul 06, 2011 2:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Location of scripts in filter lists

GnuTux wrote:
It would be nice to have a script/plug-in organizer. Maybe we will see something like that in future releases.

Doing so would not be trivial. In fact, figuring out a way of doing so would not be trivial.

The difficulty is that GIMP's plug-in system is dynamic and as plug-ins are added to the menus, there is no way of knowing what other plug-ins will be added to the menus (as subsequent plug-ins get registered). Or even to make any assumptions about which plug-ins have already been added to menus.

There is an internal mechanism for grouping menu commands which allows, for example, Select->Grow to appear directly after Select->Shrink in the menus; but I don't believe that mechanism has been made available to plug-ins yet. At least not the ability to define new groups -- one can register plug-ins to existing groups as demonstrated in my Edit->Isolate Script-fu (which registers itself as part of the "<Image>/Edit/Cut" menu group).

Author:  Oregonian [ Wed Jul 06, 2011 2:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Location of scripts in filter lists

saulgoode wrote:
Can you post a screenshot of your Animation menu?
Here's my list. Actually, it's alphabetical sections. I only have to look in two places. I guess I'm just impatient to find what I'm looking for.


Author:  fencepost [ Wed Jul 06, 2011 2:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Location of scripts in filter lists

O, it's actually not that difficult to set up your own menu locations. I had a friend ask me to write all my scripts so that they would appear in a "fencepost" menu. I declined because not everyone wants a fencepost menu (hell, most people don't want a fencepost -- but I digress!) :hehe At any rate, I showed him how to do it himself and he liked being able to organize things to fit his needs. There are minor downsides to doing this, but if you're interested, let me know.

Author:  saulgoode [ Wed Jul 06, 2011 2:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Location of scripts in filter lists

saulgoode wrote:
... or 2) have been added after starting GIMP (these will be sorted alphabetically after restarting GIMP).

To be a little more precise, the menus will also be re-sorted alphabetically if a new view is created (by opening/creating a second image or by creating a new view for the current one).

Author:  Oregonian [ Wed Jul 06, 2011 2:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Location of scripts in filter lists

fencepost wrote:
O, it's actually not that difficult to set up your own menu locations.

Thank you, I do believe I know how to do that. Put a folder name between the menu name and the name of the script in the script.
This: <Image>/Filters/Decor/Grungy Photo...
Could become this: <Image>/Filters/Decor/fencepost/Grungy Photo...

Author:  fencepost [ Wed Jul 06, 2011 2:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Location of scripts in filter lists

Yeppers, that's it!

Author:  GnuTux [ Wed Jul 06, 2011 2:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Location of scripts in filter lists

saulgoode wrote:
Doing so would not be trivial. In fact, figuring out a way of doing so would not be trivial.

Yes, but usually nothing worthwhile ever is.

saulgoode wrote:
The difficulty is that GIMP's plug-in system is dynamic and as plug-ins are added to the menus, there is no way of knowing what other plug-ins will be added to the menus (as subsequent plug-ins get registered). Or even to make any assumptions about which plug-ins have already been added to menus.

I am aware of GIMP's current approach to registering plug-ins. I chose to place my logo scripts under the File/Create/Logos (, just under the default logos menu in That just seemed to be the logical place for them, plus it gives this site a little free advertising.

The concept I envision would be a GUI that displays all the addon scripts with the ability to drag and drop them to menus other than the default. Would it mean a rewrite of the menu handling system? Yep, but C'est la vie. The way it stands now, there is no telling where the scripts will end up, as it's at the discretion of the author. I always end up having to mod scripts to place them in the menu locations I want. Certainly, there should be much more convenient way of doing that, especially for non-coders.

Author:  Rod [ Wed Jul 06, 2011 3:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Location of scripts in filter lists

I almost always move mine somewhere else.
This was the exact reason i added the script name to my scm and python scripts.So when i open them i know which script does what and where i want them to be located. :)

Author:  PhotoComix [ Wed Jul 06, 2011 3:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Location of scripts in filter lists

@ O, ROD
if you want modify the position of your scripts ( could be done for plugin too but is not pratical because will require recompile )
the most simple way may be add a numeric prefix before their name... as "00-animation setting"

Use of number bigger of 9 may be confusing , because in alphabetic order 10 come just after 1 and BEFORE 2 (since 10 "first letter" is 1 .and 1 came before 2 ) but to avoid confusion you may use progressive numbers starting from 00

Author:  Rod [ Wed Jul 06, 2011 8:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Location of scripts in filter lists

I like to locate my scripts according to use not alphabetical or numerical order.For instance if its a logo or text script it gets placed there in create/logos. :)

Author:  nixnine [ Wed Jul 06, 2011 8:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Location of scripts in filter lists

Well, mine are not alphabetically arranged.

screen1.png [ 545.77 KiB | Viewed 1278 times ]

Author:  PhotoComix [ Wed Jul 06, 2011 9:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Location of scripts in filter lists

They ARE in alphabetic order BUT divided in 3 groups by 2 divisory lines:
the first line is the most visible, is between Urban Acid and Android Icon, the second is between
Water Reflection and 3D screenshoot.

But no idea of what created that divisory lines

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