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Old Guy - Newbie!

Mon Oct 31, 2011 1:29 pm

Hi all!

My main purpose here is to discover best-method solutions to creating and maintaining an art workstation for my son, who is managing a miracle life against all odds of his even being alive. He is 100% disabled, living on state money, and determined to better himself, and his situation by applying his fly-fishing and art skills.

From surviving a head-on collision and many family tragedies, and a desperate attempt to end his living with an arrow in his left chest, I am so proud to now help with his new discovery of living!

But - even with two computering degrees, and years of experience with systems and applications, building his art station is proving to be taxing!

I discovered 'PhotoComix'' build for GIMP 2.7.4 Portable with included apps, that seems like a good fit for my son's art, so I'm here, attempting make connection, and see if that port is available to me.

Anyone else with commercial-grade and just plain common-sense solutions for creating an art workstation with Open source apps is most welcome to connect with me.



Re: Old Guy - Newbie!

Mon Oct 31, 2011 2:07 pm

Welcome to Gimp Chat.! If you are looking for a place full of friendly folks ready to help you learn how to use Gimp, you've come to the right place. Best wishes on your journey of discovery with your son.

Re: Old Guy - Newbie!

Mon Oct 31, 2011 4:10 pm

:welcome Claude to Gimpchat. Like Drac had said there are some experts with art on here that will help you and your son. In the meanwhile have fun in creating stuff with your son.

Re: Old Guy - Newbie!

Mon Oct 31, 2011 6:46 pm

Welcome, I'm sure you'll get a lot of help here for all you need.

Is there a particular reason for going with GIMP 2.7.x (the unstable version) for your son's workstation? Depending on your/his familiarity with the program I would suggest starting with the normal stable version. Once things are set up for that, then you could expand from that.

I don't know what kind of art your son wants to do, but at least in the case of digital painting, (which is what I do), I would recommend a setup using MyPaint and GIMP in the first run. Both are open-source, free programs although with different focii. You found GIMP already, MyPaint is over at http://mypaint.intilinux.com/.

If your son is, as you say,"100% disabled" I imagine he would need some sort of special input methods in order to use his workstation? What operating system are you using, which platform? I unfortunately have little knowledge of what input hardware is used and how these programs support them.

Re: Old Guy - Newbie!

Mon Oct 31, 2011 8:57 pm

Welcome to GimpChat bro!
Got questions we got answers, don't be afraid to ask, as questions are meant to me answered.

Hopefully you'll find GimpChat to be a big family as I have :)

Re: Old Guy - Newbie!

Mon Oct 31, 2011 11:21 pm

:welcome aboard!!

Re: Old Guy - Newbie!

Tue Nov 01, 2011 9:07 am

Welcome to you and your Son claudius2u. :)
Creativity is a fantastic way to re discover life.

Re: Old Guy - Newbie!

Tue Nov 01, 2011 10:19 am

Hy i don't have a special version of gimp...oh well maybe i have
i removed from Partha gimp 2.7.4 portable 3 buggy plugin .(2 of them were also popping disturbing error message when loading), added support for PDF, swf, and several other format, added Mathmap, GAP as manyl other plugin for animation , batch

I may well share but maybe is better for your son start from the basic ( a good viewer/converter as Xnview, MyPaint, if your son is interested to paint to, and gimp...) and use a stable version

then if your son use a graphic tablet, and Windows he could prefer install GimPainter instead then standard gimp, add GPS (a collection of brush pattern and presets ) , and stick to the Gimp 2.6 core because with 2.7 something bad happened to the support of graphic tablet (only in Windows) ...

BTW your son use Windows , Linux or Mac ?
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