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GimpEval 64-bit (VirtualBox) - N-Point deformation tool

Sun Oct 20, 2013 6:57 pm


64-bit virtual machine GimpEval 20131020 version of Xubuntu ( for VirtualBox )

    * Password : roottoor
    * Language O.S. : English
    * Keyboard : French Canada

Installed programs are:
    * VirtualBox Guest Additions
    * Gimp 2.9.1 French and English with the "n- point deformation " option (see "N-Point deformation tool")
    * Gimp 2.9.1 French and English
    * Babl 0.1.11
    * Gegl 0.3.0
    * Gegl 0.3.0 with the "n- point deformation " option

Volume: 1.72 GB ( 1,849,809,636 bytes ) / MD5: a005670c90745e8822222c45d66cf48b


    * Archive GimpEVAL - 20130720 - 64bits.7z Volume: 1.72 GB ( 1,849,809,636 bytes ) / MD5: a005670c90745e8822222c45d66cf48b
    * Qwerty Keyboard CA- EN (changed from menu by : Settings Manager > Keyboard > Layout tab > Add button).
    * Username = gimpeval
    * Password = roottoor
    * Tested on VirtualBox 4.2.18 (Windows 8.1 Pro. 64bit) .
    * New versions of Gimp, babl , gegl are installed in /ajouts/samj/ and /ajouts/n-point-deformation/
    * The sources are in /ajouts/sources/
    * Starting gimp- 2.9.1 using the shortcut on the desktop by language : "FR Gimp 2.9.1" or "EN Gimp 2.9.1"
    * Starting gimp- 2.9.1 with the "n- point deformation" option using the shortcut on the desktop by language : "FR n-point-deformation" or "EN n-point-deformation"
    * Installation: Unzip the archive GimpEVAL-20131020-64bits.7z then activate GimpEVAL-20131020-64bits.vdi (volume ~ 8 GB) from VirtualBox .
    * All libraries are installed to compile.
    * Volume ~ 8 GB uncompressed.

N-Point deformation tool
http://www.gimp.org/ - Topic : GOOGLE SUMMER OF CODE 2013 RESULTS2013-10-04
Marek Dvorožnák implemented a new N-Point deformation tool that makes it possible to deform objects while preserve shapes consistency.
You can watch a video demonstration of the tool on YouTube : http://youtu.be/OmOyQyuiO_E
The work is based on a "As-Rigid-As-Possible Image Registration for Hand-drawn Cartoon Animations" paper by Daniel Sykora et al : http://dcgi.felk.cvut.cz/home/sykorad/Sykora09-NPAR.pdf

Re: GimpEval 64-bit (VirtualBox) - N-Point deformation tool

Sun Oct 20, 2013 9:56 pm

Samj is this a new plugin for gimp or a new tool in a 2.8 release

Re: GimpEval 64-bit (VirtualBox) - N-Point deformation tool

Sun Oct 20, 2013 10:16 pm

That video demostration of N-Point deformation tool is amazing!
Thanks to all GSoC 2013 GIMP developers!

Thanks samj, downloading the virtual machine ...

Re: GimpEval 64-bit (VirtualBox) - N-Point deformation tool

Sun Oct 20, 2013 10:52 pm

Samj is this for windows?

Re: GimpEval 64-bit (VirtualBox) - N-Point deformation tool

Mon Oct 21, 2013 1:20 am

Thanks for drive image, Samj. It works fine in Fedora wth VB, a little slow but that`s expected.

This is a nice tool. It wll be very handy for animations, among other thngs. :hehe

A quick test...


I`ll play more tomorrow and hopefully do something better. :roll:

Re: GimpEval 64-bit (VirtualBox) - N-Point deformation tool

Mon Oct 21, 2013 6:58 am


:tyspin GnuTux.



You need to install VirtualBox on a 64-bit micro computer to use this virtual machine : https://www.virtualbox.org/

1- Download and install for Windows : http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualb ... 60-Win.exe

2- Unzip the archive GimpEVAL-20131020-64bits.7z

3- You need to create a new virtual machine in VirtualBox. Type : Ubuntu 64-bit type and use the disk image GimpEVAL-20131020-64bits.vdi

4- Start the virtual machine, wait for the launch and click on the desktop shortcut "EN n-point-deformation" to test the future functionality.

Notes :
You can change the keyboard type by language : Settings Manager > Keyboard > Layout tab > Add button
This version is provided (in part) for cross-compiling for Windows, I can write a small notice if people are interested.

Re: GimpEval 64-bit (VirtualBox) - N-Point deformation tool

Mon Oct 21, 2013 7:54 pm

I have the vdi file, and virtual box is installed but following the directions I'm not getting anything to happen
can someone advise please

Re: GimpEval 64-bit (VirtualBox) - N-Point deformation tool

Mon Oct 21, 2013 7:59 pm

Click the green start arrow and it should boot up Ubuntu (LX Desktop) from the virtual machine. Then you should be able to run GIMP 2.9.x. There is a shortcut to the new filter on the desktop.

Re: GimpEval 64-bit (VirtualBox) - N-Point deformation tool

Mon Oct 21, 2013 8:15 pm

Thanks for being around GnuTux, I,ve done that and this is what I got back

Re: GimpEval 64-bit (VirtualBox) - N-Point deformation tool

Mon Oct 21, 2013 8:24 pm

The system should boot Ubuntu automatically from that screen. if not, just hit enter and it should boot to Ubuntu

Re: GimpEval 64-bit (VirtualBox) - N-Point deformation tool

Mon Oct 21, 2013 8:36 pm

Gnutux enter brings up this screen just blank

Re: GimpEval 64-bit (VirtualBox) - N-Point deformation tool

Mon Oct 21, 2013 8:46 pm

It takes several minutes for Ubuntu to boot, depending on how powerful your PC is.

Do you see any text scrolling by and does it look like Ubuntu is trying to boot?

It's possible there could be a video driver issue or some other issue preventing you from booting.

I'm not an Ubuntu user. I'm from the Red Hat (Fedora) side of the track so my Ubuntu troubleshooting skills are limited.

Re: GimpEval 64-bit (VirtualBox) - N-Point deformation tool

Mon Oct 21, 2013 10:27 pm

GnuTux still no go where should the 'GimpEVAL-20131020-64bits.vdi' file be installed?

Re: GimpEval 64-bit (VirtualBox) - N-Point deformation tool

Mon Oct 21, 2013 10:57 pm

But Tux I'm not the sort to be defeated easily 'Whalla' :hehe :yes :tyspin

Re: GimpEval 64-bit (VirtualBox) - N-Point deformation tool

Mon Oct 21, 2013 11:02 pm

Excellent, you're In. :bigthup

Re: GimpEval 64-bit (VirtualBox) - N-Point deformation tool

Mon Oct 21, 2013 11:20 pm

And I've had a little play thanks for all the help :hi5

Re: GimpEval 64-bit (VirtualBox) - N-Point deformation tool

Tue Oct 22, 2013 7:55 am


With the new version of VirtualBox 4.3.0 it is necessary to reinstall the "guest additions".
There is no package to install in Xubuntu "GimpEVAL-20131020-64bits.vdi", is already done.

On Windows
- Start "GimpEVAL-20131020-64bits.vdi"
- Périphériques > Installer les additions invité... (in French, in English ???)

On Linux Xubuntu virtual machine
- Accessories > Terminal Emulator
- With the terminal : sudo thunar
- With Thunar go to : /media/gimpeval/VBOXADDITIONS_4.3.0_89960/
- Right Clic on "autorun.sh" > Execute
- Do you wish to continue ? : y
- .........
- Enter
- Log Out > Shut Down


Shared Clipboard : http://www.virtualbox.org/manual/ch03.h ... l-advanced

Shared folders : http://www.virtualbox.org/manual/ch04.h ... redfolders
drive C:\
sudo mount -t vboxsf C_DRIVE /mnt/partage

Re: GimpEval 64-bit (VirtualBox) - N-Point deformation tool

Mon Oct 28, 2013 6:07 pm


If you want to do some tests, here is a version of GimpEVAL compiled for 64-bit Windows.
Download link:
http://www.aljacom.com/~gmic/GimpEVAL-2 ... 0131027.7z
(92 090 350 bytes) / MD5 9ff02f8c26dab113fcfe73836a07ab5c
(95 135 065 bytes) / MD5 73ac9be77053fe74f10f7bc256d0f84d

Unzip the archive in C:\ or in the root of a USB key.

I think GEGL filters are faster.
I installed the plug-in G'MIC with modification : curl.exe is located in the subdirectory \bin . This avoids an error message.

This version is compiled under Windows 8.1 Pro. 64-bit.
It is identical to the normal version of Gimp EVAL (Gimp 2.9.1) compiled into the virtual machine.

Re: GimpEval 64-bit (VirtualBox) - N-Point deformation tool

Mon Oct 28, 2013 11:59 pm

Samj it didn't have the N-point deformation tool

Re: GimpEval 64-bit (VirtualBox) - N-Point deformation tool

Tue Oct 29, 2013 4:49 am

Wow, love the new Avatar Graechan.
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