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Re: GimpEval 64-bit (VirtualBox) - N-Point deformation tool

Tue Oct 29, 2013 4:51 am



This is the "standard" version I compiled for Win-64. I get compile errors with GEGL "N point deformation". The errors are the same in direct compilation under Windows or cross-compile from Linux. I'm sorry but I have not been able to correct these errors. :(

Re: GimpEval 64-bit (VirtualBox) - N-Point deformation tool

Tue Oct 29, 2013 6:23 pm

Samj I hope you can fix as the tool is very interesting and a lot of fun to use

Re: GimpEval 64-bit (VirtualBox) - N-Point deformation tool

Thu Oct 31, 2013 10:07 am

I'd really like to get this on my 64bit win 8 computer but am not confident that I could get it to work.

First of all I wonder if the virtual box program has an installer for installing it because I don't know anything about binaries and what not.

Secondly I can unzip the umbutu using my 7zip, but where would I unzip it too. And after unzipping would I just run the virtual box program and then find the disc image and be able to start it up by clicking the green button?

I'm afraid to try because I don't know if I could do it.


Re: GimpEval 64-bit (VirtualBox) - N-Point deformation tool

Thu Oct 31, 2013 3:18 pm



I'm sorry but I do not have English version of VirtualBox. I will describe the installation in French and maybe someone can translate.

Firstly you can unzip the archive in your user directory by identifying the location.

- Start VirtualBox

Creating the virtual machine in French.

- Cliquer sur "Nouvelle" (Symbole en haut à gauche)

- Dans la fenêtre "Créer une machine virtuelle", remplir comme suit :
Nom = Xubuntu 64
Type = Linux
Version = Ubuntu (64bit)
- Cliquer sur le bouton "Suivant"

- Taille mémoire 1024 Mo ou plus (Maximum pour tester = mémoire totale que vous avez /2)
- Cliquer sur le bouton "Suivant"

- Valider "Utiliser un fichier de disque dur virtuel existant"
- Avec le sélecteur de fichiers choisir l'emplacement de décompression et sélectionner "GimpEVAL-20131020-64bits.vdi" . Cliquer sur le bouton "Ouvrir".
- Cliquer sur le bouton "Créer"

- L'installation est terminée.

- Pour démarrer cette machine virtuelle sélectionner "Xubuntu 64" et cliquer sur le bouton "Démarrer". Attendre le lancement complet, vous êtes sous Linux

Re: GimpEval 64-bit (VirtualBox) - N-Point deformation tool

Fri Nov 01, 2013 3:05 pm

Bonjour samj,
Thanks for bringing this up.
After seeing the youtube movie I wanted to try it too.
I do have a VB with Win7 installed,but installing a binary Linux in it didn't appeal to me.
So I searched and found the sources.
Anyone interested in compiling it in Linux you can find gegl and gimp here:
https://git.gnome.org/browse/gegl/commi ... eformation
https://git.gnome.org/browse/gimp/commi ... ation-tool
Where it says "download" you have a choice of zip or tar.gz files,they are identical.
You'll also need babl which you can get from git.gnome.org the usual way.
Having 2 versions of Gimp on your machine gives trouble so I installed Gentoo on a separate partition.
I don't need to start Gimp with "n-point-deformation",matter of fact Gimp throws an error.
I made something simple to test it.
Merci encore,
deformtest.png (23.67 KiB) Viewed 2906 times

Re: GimpEval 64-bit (VirtualBox) - N-Point deformation tool

Fri Nov 01, 2013 3:34 pm

Thanks gerard. I hope someone with Linux does make it so we can use it. I am not a compiler and never will be... :teeth

Re: GimpEval 64-bit (VirtualBox) - N-Point deformation tool

Fri Nov 01, 2013 5:15 pm

That's the problem molly.
I could put my compiled version on a site but I guarantee it won't work in another Linux distro.
What samj did was quite clever because it includes ubuntu Linux with all the "dependencies".

Re: GimpEval 64-bit (VirtualBox) - N-Point deformation tool

Sat Nov 02, 2013 3:28 pm

Tried it out again.
This is definitely alpha software.
My box contains a 4 core AMD cpu and 8 GB Ram.
As soon as I click on a photo with n-point-deformation cpu use rises to 80/90 %.
Everything becomes very slow and even if I stop after the first click cpu usage remains skyhigh.
Guess I'll wait until there's an official Gimp-2.9.1.

Re: GimpEval 64-bit (VirtualBox) - N-Point deformation tool

Sat Nov 02, 2013 3:37 pm

Just guess I will be waiting right along side of you Gerard, along with lots of others. I don't trust any of these things that come out early, I can get myself in enough trouble with the real thang.

Re: GimpEval 64-bit (VirtualBox) - N-Point deformation tool

Thu Nov 07, 2013 2:24 pm

Noticed that Marek Dvoroznak committed a patch to his n-point-deformation thingy 20 hrs ago.
So I d/led the new gegl and recompiled it and gimp.
Alas the same high cpu use.

Re: GimpEval 64-bit (VirtualBox) - N-Point deformation tool

Sun May 18, 2014 8:53 pm

:bump by Graechan to explain virtual box to Molly

Re: GimpEval 64-bit (VirtualBox) - N-Point deformation tool

Sun May 18, 2014 9:01 pm

Do I need that? Or is it something we think we need, then find out we don't.

Re: GimpEval 64-bit (VirtualBox) - N-Point deformation tool

Sun May 18, 2014 9:12 pm

Some may install just to play with the N-Point deformation tool I's fun to use

Watch Utube demo http://youtu.be/OmOyQyuiO_E

Re: GimpEval 64-bit (VirtualBox) - N-Point deformation tool

Sun May 18, 2014 10:06 pm

I was asked about Samj's virtual box by some members and it is now back Gimp eval 2-9-1 64bits

I actually think I was asked by GnuTux or Rod if I still had the files in my back pocket

Re: GimpEval 64-bit (VirtualBox) - N-Point deformation tool

Mon May 19, 2014 7:08 am

The n-point deformation tool seems to work far better than the cage transform tool. May the best of the two tools survive.

It's just unfortunate for me - win 32 bit user - i have not been able to test the tool. The gimp nightly releases don't contain it yet, not even Partha.

I would love to taste it.

Re: GimpEval 64-bit (VirtualBox) - N-Point deformation tool

Mon May 19, 2014 7:12 am

Me too.

Re: GimpEval 64-bit (VirtualBox) - N-Point deformation tool

Mon May 19, 2014 7:26 am

I am now d/ling samj's file.
I'll try and extract the sources and compile it myself in my Gentoo Linux.
My previous post showed the results from Gnome git and were too RAM hungry.
Maybe this one is better.

I do have Virtualbox installed to run Win7,don't want to mess it up.


Re: GimpEval 64-bit (VirtualBox) - N-Point deformation tool

Mon May 19, 2014 10:22 am

Graechan wrote:
I was asked about Samj's virtual box by some members and it is now back Gimp eval 2-9-1 64bits

I actually think I was asked by GnuTux or Rod if I still had the files in my back pocket

Here is the link to the VirtualBox Eval page. :)

Direct link to deform tool zip file-
http://www.aljacom.com/~gimp/GimpEVAL-2 ... -64bits.7z
Should look like this after installing VirtualBox and running the vdi file.


Very cool. Thanks Sam. :bigthup

Re: GimpEval 64-bit (VirtualBox) - N-Point deformation tool

Wed May 21, 2014 2:42 pm

Never knew this before:It doesn't matter what host OS you run VirtualBox in.
Pop in a .vdi file and it will run!
I had the impression you'd have to install VB in Win8 to run samj's 7z file.
I have a separate partition with Gentoo Linux on which I installed VB and now I'll try to extract the sources
from the "ajouts" folder to Gentoo and compile them in Gentoo.
I'll be back.

Re: GimpEval 64-bit (VirtualBox) - N-Point deformation tool

Fri May 23, 2014 12:14 am

Hi Rod,

How are you running Gimp without the "you can drop dockable dialogs here" text that normally appear under the tools?

Just being curious here though.
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