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Gimp 2.10.15 AppImage for Linux is a preview of 2.10.16

Sun Feb 16, 2020 8:15 am

Testing the latest Gimp 2.10.15 AppImage for Linux. It's based on the upcoming Gimp 2.10.16 and the bumpmap is now fixed, yay!

As you can see, some of the tools are abbreviated into groups. It also has some new button options in the layers window and the opacity slider is narrower. I like the update.

gimp.jpg (191.8 KiB) Viewed 10737 times

Re: Gimp 2.10.15 AppImage for Linux is a preview of 2.10.16

Sun Feb 16, 2020 8:26 am

Sometimes worth going to https://github.com/GNOME/gimp/commits to see what is going on.

Missed the date already https://github.com/GNOME/gimp/commit/8b ... a0b8feef50 but will not be far away ;)

Re: Gimp 2.10.15 AppImage for Linux is a preview of 2.10.16

Sun Feb 16, 2020 6:04 pm

Thanks racer, I will be using this appimage. I clicked on 'Assets' and found a long list with the latest ones somewhere in the middle.
This one seems the best on version number, date and plugins:

Re: Gimp 2.10.15 AppImage for Linux is a preview of 2.10.16

Sun Feb 16, 2020 7:53 pm

No, the latest version with plugins is: GIMP_AppImage-git-2.10.15-20200213-withplugins-x86_64.AppImage.

I actually run the one without plugins and install the latest G'mic using this link: https://github.com/aferrero2707/gimp-pl ... continuous

Re: Gimp 2.10.15 AppImage for Linux is a preview of 2.10.16

Mon Feb 17, 2020 11:34 pm

Thanks for the tip racer. This version works nicely. I find appimages are better than flatpacks which I no longer use. I'll be giving this a good testing. :bigthup

Re: Gimp 2.10.15 AppImage for Linux is a preview of 2.10.16

Tue Feb 18, 2020 10:02 am

Latest date for Gimp 2.10.16 is....tomorrow

https://github.com/GNOME/gimp/commit/41 ... a008cbd041

although they say tomorrow never comes.

Re: Gimp 2.10.15 AppImage for Linux is a preview of 2.10.16

Tue Feb 18, 2020 4:03 pm

However, it has come today :lol
18-Feb-2020 20:21

Re: Gimp 2.10.15 AppImage for Linux is a preview of 2.10.16

Wed Feb 19, 2020 10:15 am

Could anyone tell me if Optimize for Gif has been fixed.
I think it was a reported bug.
Here is a example of the problem.

Re: Gimp 2.10.15 AppImage for Linux is a preview of 2.10.16

Wed Feb 19, 2020 11:24 am

I downloaded you xcf file, here it is "optimized for gif".

Gimp_gif_optimized.gif (17.7 KiB) Viewed 10549 times

Re: Gimp 2.10.15 AppImage for Linux is a preview of 2.10.16

Wed Feb 19, 2020 11:29 am

I thought I'd ask you how quickly the images are updated? For instance, MareroQ just stated that 2.10.16 was now out. How long does it usually take, ballpark, for it to show up on the App Image site?

Gimp 2.10.16 isn't out yet, unless you want to compile yourself. The AppImages are updated every two weeks or so, I imagine a 2.10.16 version will be out in a couple of weeks or so. The current 2.10.15 AppImarge it already based on the 2.10.16 code, so in essence you're already there.

Re: Gimp 2.10.15 AppImage for Linux is a preview of 2.10.16

Wed Feb 19, 2020 12:37 pm

Thanks racer, it looks like it's fixed.

Re: Gimp 2.10.15 AppImage for Linux is a preview of 2.10.16

Thu Mar 05, 2020 7:46 pm

I notice there is a Gimp 20.10.19 version made yesterday on the appimage release page.

It asks to integrate to your system when running for the first time. I say yes and it's good to go.
I like it but I find its slower than an integrated Gimp version supplied by the OS. I test with large files of over 1000 layers. G'MIC will crash when doing a job of that size. There must be extra overheads or resources used by an appimage but that would be expected.

Re: Gimp 2.10.15 AppImage for Linux is a preview of 2.10.16

Thu Mar 05, 2020 9:21 pm

The latest release 2.10.19 has the 2.10.20 fix and works great. Essentially it's Gimp 2.10.20 for all intents and purposes.

AppImages use a little more resources because it runs in a virtual drive that contains all needed dependencies. I like Appimages and run quite a few myself. They are very easy to manage, just delete them when you want to uninstall or upgrade. I never allow it to setup in the menu, I do it manually same with all other Appimages I use. I don't have any issues with large files yet.

Re: Gimp 2.10.15 AppImage for Linux is a preview of 2.10.16

Fri Mar 06, 2020 3:54 am

I am still using Gimp 2.10.14 95% of the time, I do have a portable (sort of ) Gimp 2.8 that comes out occasionally and I do like to try out the development appimage as well. The new compact toolbox is a great improvement.

For those of us who are inveterate dabblers ;)

If usage was the other way around, using the appimage all the time, then I am not happy with unpacking 9000 files (500 MB) into /tmp folder every time I run it.

I might consider this. These appimages can be unpacked into a local folder, basically a permanent installation run from that folder. Might save a bit of wear and tear on your computer SSD drive but these are quite robust these days. Up to you. I might unpack that appimage on my storage partition like this, in a folder gimp-app (can be any name)

/media/rich/Data/gimp-app$ ./GIMP_AppImage-git-2.10.19-20200305-withplugins-x86_64.AppImage --appimage-extract

Gimp is then run from the folder squashfs-root/ ./AppRun There are still writes to /tmp but only 500 small symbolic links (90 kB)
The appimage still uses the Gimp appimage profile for your personal resources (can be changed but do not advise mixing an older Gimp with Gimp 2.10.16/18/20...)

There it is in action with an old Gimp 2.8 script:

01-appimage.jpg (138.52 KiB) Viewed 6100 times

Any snags with that version?
Same as any Gimp 2.10 The nuFraw plugin interferes with loading a SVG (unsupported file format) Disable plug-ins/NUFraw/plug-ins/nufraw-gimp until required.
Liquid-Rescale, totally broken. So far I do not know a fix. G'mic has a seam-carving filter that can be used.
Not at all sure that the bump-map plugin is completely backward compatible. Keep an old plugin handy ;)

Re: Gimp 2.10.15 AppImage for Linux is a preview of 2.10.16

Fri Mar 06, 2020 4:35 am

Thanks for the post rich2005.
Never knew you could 'install' an appimage :)

Maybe I'm an 'inveterate dabbler' because I just figured how to get MathMap working in a Gimp 2.10 appimage under linux.
Cheers from down under.

Re: Gimp 2.10.15 AppImage for Linux is a preview of 2.10.16

Fri Mar 06, 2020 5:05 am

liquid-rescale problem.

This for CtrlAltDel who wanted a replacement liquid-rescale.

This compiled with a fix. Linux, 64 bit, unpack (check permissions) put in the Gimp-appimage user plugins folder.

(190.61 KiB) Downloaded 261 times

Re: Gimp 2.10.15 AppImage for Linux is a preview of 2.10.16

Fri Mar 06, 2020 6:33 am

Thank you rich2005 for the tip on extracting the AppImage, I didn't know you could do that. It works perfectly and is now faster taking less than 3 seconds to load Gimp. I may even try this on other AppImages like Blender.

FYI: The bump-map has been fixed since 2.10.16. I also use the smaller AppImage without plugins and then add just the plugins I want, like G'mic via this link: https://github.com/aferrero2707/gimp-pl ... continuous

Re: Gimp 2.10.15 AppImage for Linux is a preview of 2.10.16

Sun Mar 08, 2020 4:30 am

It works perfectly and is now faster taking less than 3 seconds to load Gimp.

Yes, I'm running Gimp 2.10.19 from an installed appimage with MathMap as a plugin currently rendering 720 frames.
This is a very cool outcome IMHO because you can easily go to a later or an earlier Gimp version.
Thanks racer and rich for putting this out there.

BTW rich I use the clearalpha script you wrote often.
I also use offnuts export all PNG's script although don't know how to make shorter filenames like frame001, frame002, etc.
A lot of video editors don't like long filenames.

Re: Gimp 2.10.15 AppImage for Linux is a preview of 2.10.16

Sun Mar 08, 2020 5:12 am

Tas_mania wrote:I also use offnuts export all PNG's script although don't know how to make shorter filenames like frame001, frame002, etc.
A lot of video editors don't like long filenames.

It's explained in the readme.
For example typing this: layername{numDown1:03d}.png in the layer name field would yield 3 numbered consecutive png images named layername001.png, layername002png and so on.


Re: Gimp 2.10.15 AppImage for Linux is a preview of 2.10.16

Sun Mar 08, 2020 5:16 am


For batch renaming (any files) I use gprename simple enough, even for me. It is in the 'buntu repo.

A script I sometimes use for exporting multiple layers, I have it down as Saul Goode but is with Lauchlin Wilkinson so not on the SG site. Best thing about a script, keep it in ofnuts resource manager for when required. zipped, attached.

rename.jpg (143.73 KiB) Viewed 6078 times

(1.06 KiB) Downloaded 231 times
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