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GIMP Handbook

Mon Jan 18, 2021 5:09 pm

I got my hands on an electronic version of this book. If anyone is interested it came with a bunch of other arty type mags in a zip file
about 400mb but in itself is about 100MB. I have put it in my dropbox and here is a link if anyone is interested.
https://www.dropbox.com/sh/fqrlzlkhsuhj ... oKbKa?dl=0

Re: GIMP Handbook

Tue Jan 19, 2021 1:48 am

Thank you akky :)

Re: GIMP Handbook

Tue Jan 19, 2021 5:35 pm


Re: GIMP Handbook

Wed Jan 20, 2021 6:48 pm

That is very helpful. Thanks. :bigthup

Re: GIMP Handbook

Thu Apr 01, 2021 3:28 am

That is useful..

Thanks :tyspin

Re: GIMP Handbook

Wed Apr 13, 2022 8:07 am

Glad some found this useful...might refer to it again myself since its been such along while since I could even think about GiMPing.

Re: GIMP Handbook

Wed Apr 20, 2022 9:01 am

Thanks for sharing.
Is there perhaps someone who can translate it into Dutch through a program?
Or does anyone know where I can translate it?
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