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Gimp 2.10.25 Appimage

Sat Apr 03, 2021 12:20 am


Just tried the last Gimp appimage. Works OK. I've done an experiment and found it's faster to run an appimage from the app file rather than '--appimage-extract' and './AppRun' which is what I was doing before.

Reason? When you extract an appimage it runs from your normal filesystem rather than the faster squashfs filesystem built-in to the appimage.
The squashfs is used by a lot of linux Live DVDs.

Gimp appimages get your plugins and scripts from /$HOME/.config/GIMP-AppImage/2.10/ and that stays the same so you can update them whenever you want.

Re: Gimp 2.10.25 Appimage

Sun Apr 04, 2021 3:18 am

Nice to know. I need to get one myself. Was waiting for the app image to be available.

Re: Gimp 2.10.25 Appimage

Sun Apr 04, 2021 6:16 pm

I found aferrero's G'MIC appimage is just using the appimage format as an installer.
(not a criticism aferrero is way in front)

G'MIC is not actually running from an appimage but installs to:

I think a Gimp appimage should be able to call a G'MIC appimage from a symlink. That would be cool.
I like the way Gimp appimages retain preferences, so G'MIC should be able to hold updates etc.

Re: Gimp 2.10.25 Appimage

Mon Apr 05, 2021 4:41 am

At one time I made a pre-gimp 2.10 appimage using the ubuntu PPA, so I have utmost respect for aferrero's Gimp appimage which is a tremendous piece of work.

Pro's & Con's for unpacking.
When the Gimp appimage is run it is unpacked to the root directory /tmp Lots of files - 10,000 - occupying 505 MB All deleted when Gimp is closed. If you only run Gimp occasionally, use it that way, If you use Gimp several times a day, unpack and run from disk ( or alternatively never close Gimp)
Up to the user.

tmpgimp.jpg (103.55 KiB) Viewed 6752 times

gimp_gmic_qt The clue is in the name. The appimage-with-plugins or the plain version with the gmic appimage installation contains the necessary QT5 library files. The appimage uses an older QT5 version 5.9.7 whereas a 'buntu 20.04 is now up to ver. 5.12.8 You need a compatible plugin, which is probably why the appimage version is still on gmic 2.9.2 . It is worth trying a plugin that is build using that older QT5. I keep some here: https://www.gimp-forum.net/Thread-gmic- ... untu-18-04 Put the plugin in the appimage profile ~/.config/GIMP-AppImage/2.10/plug-ins/ Works here but as usual no guarantees.

gmic.jpg (161.59 KiB) Viewed 6752 times

Just a note about appimage version, the development versions (odd numbers) ie. 2.10.25 are auto generated weekly on a Thursday. (Unless the Gimp developers throw a spanner in the works with updated dependencies) That 2.10.25 (2021-04-01 ) is so close to the stable release it is 'defacto' the same as 2.10.24 AFAIK the stable versions (even numbers) ie. 2.10.22 are hand assembled by aferrero, so you need to be patient. ;)

Re: Gimp 2.10.25 Appimage

Tue Apr 06, 2021 12:11 am

Hi rich on my system the folder size of the Gimp appimage methods is the same:
squashfs_root = 438Mb
/tmp/mount_GIMP_xxxx = 438Mb
I suspect load times are the same also. This machine has 32Gb of ram so it loads pretty fast.

I can see advantages in running software locally in user space rather than everything having to be installed globally.
With the constant upgrade churn of Linux, it lets users get on with using their systems rather than being test pilots in the endless development cycle of libraries.

I've been using Linux for 20+ years. I have made RPMs and DEBs but I have to say making DEBs is easier. There are less rules and regulations. Fedora is working towards RPM repositories auto-updating which is great in theory but in practice it means they have to meet tight packaging rules.

I discovered a command line app last week called patchelf. It can change the search path of a Linux binary (exe) so it will find libs wherever you want. It works OK.
Cheers from Tas where it's still Summertime.
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