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GIMP on Android

Sun Apr 10, 2022 10:03 am

Hi! I wanted to let everyone know about our app, UserLAnd, which gives you an easy way to run different Linux distros and Linux apps on your Android. Within our app, we have an option to run GIMP so I wanted everyone to know that there was a nice option to run the GIMP that we know and love on an Android device. Trying my best to not seems spammy as this is a free app. Thanks.

go to userland.tech and there is a link to the play store!

Re: GIMP on Android

Sun Apr 10, 2022 3:58 pm

Hi userlandtech, Android is already the linux kernel.
A galaxy with 12gb of ram has enough memory for Gimp graphics but I worry about the screen size and what it's doing to people's neck and eyes.
If my android TV is a long as a small car, why would I do graphics on something that fits in my pocket?

Re: GIMP on Android

Sun Apr 10, 2022 7:31 pm

@tas_mania - thanks for the feedback. Our goal was just to provide a better option for people who have tried to use GIMP on Android. There is one other app that is available that attempts to offer GIMP, but it is apparent from the reviews that it has done a poor job. Its nothing more than that.

I also modified my message to note that we are offering different Linux distros on Android and not just "Linux". Thanks for that point!
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